I Am Invincible From The End Of The World - Chapter 806

Chapter 806

Facing the cheers and praises from Fatty and the others, Lin Xinghai just smiled lightly, but he wasn't too excited. After all, he had already anticipated the outcome before he took action.

So after Little Fatty and the others were excited, he said, "Okay, the corpse tide isn't over yet, so hurry up and go back to work."

Soon everyone went back to their respective positions, and Lin Xinghai also re-entered the armored vehicle and used the power amplifier to make Little Fatty and others enter the time acceleration state.

Everything seemed to be back on track, and they continued to slaughter the corpses.

But in fact, such an important thing, how can it be so lightly in the past.

After Wei Tianxing and others recovered, they quickly called up the surveillance, edited it into a video, and sent it out to boost morale.

Although after Lin Xinghai and others arrived, the high-level people were completely relieved, but not necessarily for the soldiers at the bottom.

After all, how terrifying those third-level mutant zombies were last night, they had seen it with their own eyes, so since nightfall, many people have felt a little uneasy in their hearts.

And this battle is undoubtedly the best proof.

Let them witness with their own eyes how terrifying the combat power of the gods and demons is.

As for the fact that Lin Xinghai was not in the realm of gods and demons, they were directly ignored by them.

With the spread of the video, cheers quickly came from the other city walls, including the military camp. At this moment, everyone felt at ease.

Yesterday, the mutant zombies who were bombarded indiscriminately with howitzers were hard to be injured. Today, Lin Xinghai just casually pointed out a terrifying thunderbolt and seriously injured him. How could they not feel at ease.

Of course, compared to ordinary soldiers, Lin Xinghai's brothers and sisters were more complicated.

They are senior students!

The enrollment time was three years longer than that of Lin Xinghai, but now the comparison of combat power has directly silenced them.

This also includes Shi Anzhi and others who have broken through to the realm of gods and demons.

"Shi Anzhi, Zhu Jian, do you think Lin Xinghai already has the combat power of the gods and demons?" Jiang Hao suddenly asked in the internal communication channel.

Among these students, of course, they were the three gods and demons who were most shocked after seeing this video.

In the past, Lin Xinghai was powerful, and it was more reflected in the terrifying combat power that erupted after the opponent used firearms and drove the legendary mecha.

But the other party's own strength, they still did not pay attention to it.

But at this time, Lin Xinghai was able to easily kill the third-level "Dead Claw". Although they judged that it was only a middle-level "Death Claw", can they do it?

Maybe it can be done with full force, but it can't be so lightly.

Faced with this question, Shi Anzhi was silent for a while, but did not answer directly, but analyzed: "We are definitely not as good as Lin Xinghai in terms of speed, so to judge whether he has the combat power of the gods and demons, the most important thing is to look at him. attack power."

"If my observation is correct, the other party used in the video, it should be the lightning strike of the wind and thunder spear in the prefecture-level martial arts."

"And this move is actually a long-range containment move. The most terrifying attack ability in the wind and thunder spear is the thunderstorm, whose power is more than 10 times that of the sky lightning strike."

Shi Anzhi did not continue to speak after that.

On the other end of the communication, Jiang Hao and Zhu Jian instantly understood what the other meant.

If the power of the lightning strike is 10 times stronger, it can completely reach the level of the gods and demons.

At least someone like them who has just broken through to the realm of gods and demons may be hard to resist such an attack.

This time, the other two were also silent. Although they all knew that Lin Xinghai was a monster, could the gap between people be so big.

The other party has only just broken through to the body-shaping realm! Valley

So after Lin Xinghai becomes a **** and devil, will it still be worth it? Wouldn't these gods and demons be casually kneaded in front of each other?

At this time, they really felt that they lived in the same era as Lin Xinghai, and they didn't know if they were lucky or sad.

Time does not move by anyone's will.

No matter how many people were shocked by this video sent by Wei Tianxing, as the corpse tide continued to attack, they all had to put their energy back on the corpse tide.

And the next thing is a little bit old-fashioned.

Lin Xinghai and the Xinghai Squad were stationed on the east city wall for another hour. They didn't retreat until the original troops had rested and came up here.

It is worth mentioning that in this hour, the number of zombies they killed dropped sharply from 3 million to 2 million.

Of course, this is not because their killing efficiency has decreased, but the momentum of the corpse tide attack has been significantly weakened.

"How is your condition? If there is no problem, let's move to another city wall, so that the soldiers there can also rest." Lin Xinghai asked in the team's communication channel.

"Don't worry, boss, we'll be fine here, we just shoot for the past 2 hours. Compared with the real fight, the consumption is much smaller." The little fat man replied immediately.

Yan Feijie and others also spoke up, saying that there was no problem.

In fact, they were in Lin Xinghai's time-accelerating state in the past 2 hours, which was equivalent to 20 hours elapsed.

In the past 20 hours, they were shooting practice marksmanship almost all the time. In this case, everyone's marksmanship was improving at a rocket-like speed.

At this time, they were feeling hot, and they all wanted to continue practicing.

Seeing this, Lin Xinghai quickly took them to the southern side of the city wall, and switched defenses with Shi Anzhi and others who were guarding here.

"Let's go to the east city wall to help! Let's switch to this side and let the soldiers here take a rest." Lin Xinghai said.

Of course, Shi Anzhi would not have any problem with this~www.mtlnovel.com~ and Lin Xinghai immediately asked the members of Xinghai Squad to take over the heavy machine gun and then fire.

Soon the soldiers on the south wall were just as stunned as those on the east wall.

Even Shi Anzhi and others were shocked after seeing this scene with their own eyes.

If it is said that Lin Xinghai is good at marksmanship by himself, he can control 30 heavy machine guns by himself, and he also recognizes it.

But it can turn all the other people in the team into sharpshooters, which is outrageous.

And he also found that Lin Xinghai did it directly in the armored car, and he could only do this after using the power amplifier, which means that Lin Xinghai used power at this time?

But doesn't the opponent's ability make him speed up?

One by one doubts emerged in Shi Anzhi's heart.

But he was quite knowledgeable, he didn't ask anything, just greeted Lin Xinghai and quickly switched to the east wall.

As for the soldiers here on the southern city wall, of course, they retreated immediately, and they also had a two-hour rest period.

In this way, Lin Xinghai switched defenses with the next city wall almost every two hours. When the four walls were all switched, the efficiency of killing zombies in one hour dropped sharply to below 1 million.

At this time, looking out from the city wall, the corpse tide was far less dense than before, but appeared sparse and sparse, and even appeared in some places, a clearing without zombies standing.

"It seems that it's impossible to solve it overnight. Let's go! Let's take a rest too, and come back after the corpse swarms." Lin Xinghai couldn't help shaking his head when he saw this scene.

The little fat man and the others on the side listened, and they didn't know what to say for a while. No one expected the corpse tide to be dense, but the reality was like this.