I Am Invincible From The End Of The World - Chapter 777

Chapter 777

After just over an hour in the military transport plane, everyone returned to Donghai Academy.

After returning, the school also officially held a celebration for them.

In the whole school, the first class of freshmen is undoubtedly the most eye-catching. There is no way, the total number of points obtained by a Xinghai team is almost comparable to the rest of the entire grade.

Under such circumstances, the first class of course has become the focus of the whole school.

As the head teacher, Jian Hua has come to the highlight of his life. If nothing else, he may be promoted to the deputy director this year, and before Lin Xinghai graduates, the possibility of being promoted to the full director is also very high.

Lin Xinghai also celebrated with everyone for a morning, and then went back to practice on the grounds of preparing for a breakthrough.

Back in his dormitory, Lin Xinghai also felt a sense of relaxation. During the 7 days outside, especially after experiencing a life-and-death crisis, his spirit was actually tense.

So after coming back, Lin Xinghai rarely started to practice. Instead, he watched a movie to relax his mind before starting to practice again.

Lin Xinghai opened the panel and took a look.

Forging magic (perfect) proficiency: 1%+

Lin Xinghai took a deep breath and clicked the + sign.

"Ding! Do you spend 10,000 blood energy points to improve your proficiency?"

Seeing the prompt that popped up, Lin Xinghai couldn't help but twitch at the corner of his mouth, which was terrifying enough.

If it was before, even before participating in the college league this time, he would probably feel distressed, but now he glanced at the total amount of blood energy on the system panel, which was as high as 10 million, and he clicked OK without hesitation.

In an instant, there was a huge pain in my mind.

He could feel that with the improvement of his proficiency, the huge perception in his mind was further compressed.

As perception is compressed and space is vacated, new perceptions are born, causing the total amount to become larger and larger.

The pain lasted for 12 minutes.

After the end, Lin Xinghai glanced at the system panel, and the total amount of perception increased by 40 points.

Such a total increase is not small. After all, an increase of 1% will increase by 40 points, and if it is increased to 100%, that is 4000 points.

But Lin Xinghai's brows could not help but wrinkle.

Because Fang Lao said before, if you cultivate the Divine Forging Technique to a perfect state, you can double the total amount of perception.

But now, in the consummation stage, he only increased his perception by 4,000 points, so his total perception will only be 18,000 in the end, which is only equivalent to an increase of about 80%.

"Forget it, I'll talk about it after I've reached Consummation, and I should be satisfied with the 80% increase in total." Lin Xinghai whispered to himself, and then continued to practice.

There is no doubt that the improvement time is longer this time. It takes 12 minutes to increase the proficiency by 1%, that is, it takes two hours to increase the proficiency by 10%.

To increase to 100%, it takes 20 hours, nearly a day.

Of course, if you practice according to normal conditions, it will probably take four or five years.

Therefore, Lin Xinghai is not dissatisfied with this.

Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, it was 8 o'clock in the morning.

At this time, Lin Xinghai's proficiency in Forging God has reached 99%.

When he habitually clicked the + sign again, the system prompt that popped up made him feel slightly.

"Ding! Do you spend 200,000 blood energy points to improve your proficiency?"

Lin Xinghai rubbed his eyes, making sure that he was not mistaken, the blood energy spent really turned from 10,000 points to 200,000 points.

However, when Lin Xinghai came back to his senses, the expression on his face was a slight joy.

Because he knows very well that the power of blood energy consumed by the system to improve proficiency will not increase out of thin air, but depends on the difficulty of the improvement.

It takes 200,000 blood energy to increase the proficiency by 1%. There is no doubt that the last 1% of the proficiency will be extremely difficult if you rely on normal improvement, and even the difficulty can be comparable to the improvement. 20% proficiency.

But the harder it is, there is no doubt that the greater the reward after success.

So he clicked the OK button without hesitation.


There was a roar in his mind again, even though Lin Xinghai was quite used to the pain, his brows were tightly wrinkled at this time, and cold sweat dripped down his forehead.

Because it was so painful, the pain was twice as high as normal, and even more painful than the last time he had broken through from the Dacheng realm to the perfect realm.

And not only the pain, but the duration is also exceptionally long, it lasted for an hour before it ended.

After the pain news, Lin Xinghai couldn't wait to open the system panel.

Host: Lin Xinghai

Constitution: 1430 points

Strength: 1430 points

Speed: 1430 points

Perception range: 20,000 meters

The power of blood (self): 25583 points

Realm: Peak of Quenching Bowel Realm

The power of blood (system): 8.8 million points

Thunder Divine Body (Quenching Bodies Realm): Progress 100%

Ability: Time acceleration (can speed up time by 10 times)

Special physique: Thunder control physique (100% increase in thunder energy attack, 100% increase in thunder energy control)

Thunder Spear (Xiaocheng): Proficiency 100%

Leibu (Dacheng): proficiency 100%

Wind and Thunder Spear (Dacheng): 100% proficiency

Phantom Movement (Perfect): Proficiency 100%

Advanced Shooting Skills (Successful): 100% proficiency

Forging God Method (Perfect): Proficiency 100%

Looking at the 20,000-point perception strength~www.mtlnovel.com~ Lin Xinghai showed such an expression on his face.

In the end, this 1% proficiency actually provided him with a total of more than 2,000 points of perception.

Obviously, Fang Lao's previous prediction was correct. The cultivation of the divine forging method to the perfect state can indeed double the total amount of perception.

And not only the total amount of perception, but the intensity of perception also has great changes.

If it is said that his perception strength was 1 before cultivating the Divine Exercise, then now it has been directly increased to 2, which is also doubled.

With a thought, he immediately controlled the two tearer rifles in the room and floated at the same time.

Then, under his control, he went to the training room next door, aiming at the fast-moving handle and shooting.

"Sure enough, there has been a significant improvement in fine control." Lin Xinghai smiled even more as he watched the gun hit the bull's-eye.

If it is said that he was confident of killing abyss creatures within 30 meters before, then now he is confident of hitting abyss creatures within 100 meters based on the control of perception alone.

If you fight ordinary high-level zombies, this distance can even be increased to more than 300 meters.

There is no doubt that such marksmanship also exceeds the normal sharpshooter.

Moreover, he can completely use his perception to control 20 firearms at the same time. If he bursts out with all his strength, even now, the firepower he bursts out can be equivalent to a strengthening company.