I Am Invincible From The End Of The World - Chapter 726

Chapter 726

Chapter 727 Methods (Part 1)

Lin Xinghai's words spread quickly at the entrance of the military base camp.

Not only the students of Donghai College knew about it, but also the students of the other two colleges and universities.

This time, they, who had just regained a little self-confidence, began to worry again.

In the beginning, the other two colleges didn't really dare to take Lin Xinghai's so-called first genius. Who can't be called a genius outside?

But soon, Lin Xinghai showed the value of his first genius. With the cultivation of the quenching body realm, his points quickly surpassed many body-shaping realms, and his rampage in the personal standings took only one day. The time, not only caught up later, but also reached the top.

Only then did everyone truly understand that there was a real gap between geniuses and geniuses.

However, at that time, they still felt that no matter how talented the other party was, only one person could not affect the overall situation.

However, in just one night, Lin Xinghai gave them another slap, making these people sober in an instant. Even one person can change the pattern of colleges and universities.

And this time Lin Xinghai acted in such a high-profile manner, there are really not many people who can keep calm after combining with the other party's previous behavior.

Many people even began to inquire about what Lin Xinghai's plan was.

But obviously this is destined to be just useless work. After all, Lin Xinghai's thoughts are only known to him.

And as time went by, some of the tutors at Capital University and Modu University could not sit still, especially those class teachers, some came out to appease the students, and some gave them advice.

As for the tutor of Donghai Academy, how could he be indifferent at such a moment, like Jian Hua, the head teacher, who came to Lin Xinghai's residence immediately after hearing the news.

However, he ate a closed door. To be precise, he didn't see Lin Xinghai, only the little fat man.

From Little Fatty, Jian Hua knew that Lin Xinghai had already gone to rest. Not only him, but the other members of Xinghai Squad also had to rest for half an hour. Only Little Fatty did not go to the first time because he had to arrange logistics. rest

After getting such an answer, Jian Huafei did not get angry. Instead, he intercepted the other mentors who had rushed over and informed others about the matter.

And the fact that everyone in the Xinghai team was resting was quickly spread.

At the beginning, many students of Xinghai Academy were a little puzzled, but there were always some who responded quickly, such as Shi Anzhi, who immediately let his team members go to rest.

With his leading other teams, they also reacted at this time, and they all began to rest after finishing the preparations.

After all, Lin Xinghai didn't say anything, so they didn't know how long the next action would last, nor how intense the battle would be.

In this case, of course, take a break if you can.

When such news reached Capital University and Modu University, they felt speechless and felt more urgency.

After finding out more information, many teams began to continue their missions.

This even includes Wan Feiyang and Yihao who just got the news and rushed back. After all, they know very well that in this situation, getting angry can't solve any problems. Instead, it is better to perform one more task.

With the leadership of these two people, the morale of Capital University was quickly reorganized, and then they began to carry out their tasks, and even that effort was even stronger than before.

As for the Magic Capital University, Xu Wencheng, who also broke through to the realm of gods and demons, undoubtedly made the same choice.

However, Xu Wencheng was more thorough. He directly imitated Lin Xinghai and held a mobilization meeting.

"Everyone, I know what you are worried about, but in fact, the power of a person is very small in front of the whole. Even if I break through to the realm of gods and demons, I still have this feeling."

"Don't look at how I can earn one or two million credits when I perform a task now, but a team that can perform a level-3 task will also earn two or three million credits in one trip. As long as seven or eight teams join together, It can surpass my astronomy team."

"So a person's strength is limited, including Lin Xinghai. Of course, some people may worry that the other party has really come up with a good idea, which can improve the overall efficiency of Donghai College in obtaining points."

"But you don't have to worry about this kind of thing. If their method doesn't work, we'll treat it as a joke."

"And if their method works, then we will directly imitate it, and then everyone's efficiency will improve together, and they will not improve."

"So what's more important now is that we should take advantage of the other party's rest time to hurry up and do the task." Xu Chengwen stood on the high platform and said in a loud voice.

At the beginning, the students at Magic Capital University were really uneasy, but after listening to Xu Chengwen's remarks, their confidence suddenly came back~www.mtlnovel.com~ In fact, to sum up, Xu Chengwen The words written in the text have a meaning. No matter what plan or method is implemented at the East China Sea Academy, they will just copy it and follow it.

Although this method is not very glorious, it is very effective, and more importantly, as long as they are stronger than the other party, they will definitely be able to do better.

At this time, a teacher from Magic City University nodded secretly after seeing this scene below.

And Xu Chengwen's speech quickly spread from the students of Modu University to Capital University and Donghai College.

In this case, of course, some people are happy and some are sad.

However, all these disturbances could not disturb Lin Xinghai, and he slept soundly this time.

Didn't wake up until half an hour later.

"It's a pity that I can't use the time acceleration ability when I'm sleeping. Otherwise, I can really sleep a long time." Lin Xinghai rubbed his eyes, and sighed with emotion.

Of course, with his current physique and his incomparably powerful perception, half an hour is enough to return to his best state, but he just wants to sleep a little longer.

After turning over and getting up, Lin Xinghai immediately released his perception and swept away, and soon found Guan An outside the dormitory.

Of course, the other party did not stand directly outside the door, but found a place to sit not far away, which was not very conspicuous.

After all, at this time, a lot of people had gathered near Lin Xinghai's dormitory, intentionally or unintentionally, but not all of them had gathered.

Of course, apart from these people, the members of Xinghai Squad have already rested and are waiting outside the door.

Seeing this scene, Lin Xinghai didn't wait any longer. He opened the door and let the people from the Xinghai team come in. At the same time, he asked the little fat man to call Guan An over.

(End of this chapter)