I Am Invincible From The End Of The World - Chapter 539

Chapter 539

Chapter 540 Race against time (for subscription)

"Pass my order, start the highest-level preparation plan, open the authority of the weapon warehouse, pull out all the heavy weapons for me, and delay the opponent for at least 10 minutes."

"In addition, remove the hard drive that stores the data in the laboratory, and I will immediately come down to get it. All the data in the rest of the equipment will be destroyed immediately." Raphael issued two orders in a row.

He could no longer care about cleaning up the special operations team that had infiltrated, and immediately returned to the laboratory below, planning to evacuate immediately after taking the data.

As for resistance, he never thought about the possibility.

After all, this is in the territory of China, even if he can really withstand this wave of attacks, the other party can instantly mobilize dozens of times of troops.

What's more, the experimental data in his hands is more important than this underground base.

At this time, Lin Xinghai did not know that the East China Sea Base had already launched a general attack in advance.

At this time, he was leading the rest of the team and quickly climbed from the ventilation duct.

Soon from the third underground floor, climbed to the second underground floor.

Originally, he thought that he would be able to climb to the exit on the ground without a hitch.

But suddenly, he found that the ventilation duct in front was blocked, and a blue electric light quickly lit up.

Almost in an instant, this section of the ventilation duct was filled with high-voltage current, and almost half of the wolf hunter team had no time to use the power of blood to protect their bodies, and their bodies were stunned by the electricity.

"There is something!" Fu Yuan was shocked and angry.

His reaction was still fast, and he used the power of blood to protect his body at the first time, so that he would not lose his ability to move.

However, Lin Xinghai's reaction was quicker. The moment he saw the blue light lit up, he immediately activated the time acceleration ability and displayed the thunder **** body.

With a Thunder-type affinity physique, he is actually extremely resistant to electric currents, and coupled with the display of the Thunder God Body, the impact of these high-voltage currents on him is close to nothing.

However, it was different for other people, especially the few members who failed to react and used the power of blood to protect their bodies.

If it goes on like this for less than 10 seconds, it is estimated that he will be stunned, especially his internal organs will be severely damaged.

He acted decisively with Leibu, but not to move, but to attack, and immediately kicked towards the wall of the ventilation duct.

Although these ventilation pipes, the material is quite good, they are made of some kind of alloy.

But after Lin Xinghai displayed the Thunder Divine Body, the attack power of his legs was comparable to that of the Body Shaper, not to mention that under the time acceleration ability, he kicked out more than a dozen legs in the blink of an eye.


Almost instantly, the ventilation pipe was smashed into a big hole by Juli. Lin Xinghai threw everyone out in just one second with his super-fast speed.

He had just used his perception to investigate. The place where the ventilation pipe was broken was located on the side of a small conference room. There was just no one in it, and it was safe for the time being.

It was not until they were thrown out of danger by Lin Xinghai that a feeling of fear filled their hearts.

This time, if it wasn't for Lin Xinghai, even if their team could escape smoothly, it is estimated that two or three people would die.

"Okay, don't be stunned, we've already been exposed, you blast out a passage immediately, and I'll go to block the armed men coming from outside." Lin Xinghai pointed to the top of his head and said.

Now that it has been exposed, there is nothing to worry about.

Since the other party can block the road, of course they can blow up one by themselves.

The rest of the people also came to their senses at this time. After hearing Lin Xinghai's order, Fu Yuan immediately took out a high-energy bomb.

The rest of the people also took out tools to prepare for installation, and carried out fixed-point blasting.

As for Lin Xinghai, he pushed open the door of this conference room and walked out.

Just triggered the opponent's trap, then their squad position must be locked by the opponent.

As Lin Xinghai had guessed, as soon as he opened the door and went out, he saw two teams appearing from the other end of the corridor.

As soon as they appeared, they immediately raised the firearms in their hands and rushed towards here while firing.

"Using a gun in front of me?" Lin Xinghai's mouth curled into a mocking smile, his figure flickered, and none of the countless bullets could touch him.

At the same time, he somehow held a Ripper rifle in his hand and pulled the trigger.

Chu Chu Chu!

In the blink of an eye, all the members of the two teams fell to the ground and died.

"It's still faster and easier to kill with firearms. Unfortunately, I was afraid of being exposed, so I could only use cold weapons all the time." Lin Xinghai muttered as he removed the magazine and refilled it with bullets.

Then he raised the gun again and pulled the trigger.

Chu Chu Chu!

At this time, a team that had just rushed over from the corner was shot and fell to the ground almost as soon as it appeared.

The members of this team didn't even see Lin Xinghai's appearance.

At the same time, there was a loud noise in the conference room behind him.

Lin Xinghai immediately turned back and saw that Fu Yuan and the others had exploded a large hole on the ceiling in the corner of the conference room, leading to the first floor.

"Let's go!" Lin Xinghai swept over with his senses. After confirming that it was safe, he jumped up, and the others quickly followed.

The above is also a small conference room, and everyone rushed out without any pause.

The map here on the basement floor, Lin Xinghai had already memorized it in his mind before, and now there is no need for others to lead the way.

That speed was much faster than before.

The members of the Wolf Hunting Squad couldn't help but secretly clicked their tongues when they saw Lin Xinghai shoot for the first time, and at the same time felt quite incredible.

In their opinion, for a genius like Lin Xinghai, most of the time, UU reading www.uukanshu.com should be used for cultivation or martial arts.

In terms of firearms, at most we have to try it out, after all, people's energy is limited.

But now, seeing that Lin Xinghai doesn't need to aim at all, he just pulls the trigger and shoots. In this case, he can still shoot his head.

Where is this not good at! This marksmanship is even more terrifying than their well-trained special forces.

"Huang Tianyu, you should open the door of the emergency entrance now." Lin Xinghai said as he rushed forward quickly.

Huang Tianyu, who was in the middle of the team, was a little puzzled when he heard such an order, but he did not ask anything, and immediately did it.

Of course, he wouldn't know that Lin Xinghai gave such an order because the time bomb installed in the arsenal was about to detonate.

He is racing against time.

Moreover, as long as the alloy door is opened, he can leave first even if there is no way to rush out with everyone.

Otherwise, that kind of high-strength alloy door, even if he casts the **** and demon body, he can't kick it open in a short time.

(End of this chapter)