I Am Invincible From The End Of The World - Chapter 366

Chapter 366

"I am invincible from the end of the world ( Find the latest chapter!

Lin Xinghai didn't take action, but silently watched a few people fight.

At this time, the three people, even if the outbreak is not the strongest combat power, it is estimated that they are almost the same. He can also judge the combat power of several people.

It goes without saying that Liu Miaomiao here, Lin Xinghai of course knows the bottom line, and even the other party's practice of using supernatural powers to temporarily extract the opponent's vitality and weakening them instantly was proposed by him.

If you directly drain all the life force of a zombie, in that case, the power consumption will be more than 10 times more.

And this kind of only draws out part of the life force, although it can't let the other party die, but the loss of life force is actually no different from making the other party severely injured.

As long as you seize this opportunity, it is not difficult to kill the enemy in an instant, especially the enemy weaker than yourself.

As for Jin Tong and Little Fatty, to be honest, it was a bit beyond Lin Xinghai's expectations.

Jin Tong's side is still in the middle of the standard. His flame ability should have the characteristics of continuous burning. It is good to be able to use this to attack with weapons, but it is not enough for Lin Xinghai. A bright spot.

As for the little fat man, Lin Xinghai felt a little surprised by the application of supernatural powers.

Although Little Fatty seems to attack very boldly, in fact, every time he slaps, the hurricane ability needs at least two conversions, from supporting the steel giant shield to accelerating the next shot, and the connection in the middle is just right.

This control over powers is terrifying.

The three of them were quickly harvesting zombies. In just a few tens of seconds, this group of 53 corpses was all killed.

And after the last ordinary zombie was shot dead, the little fat man didn't care about other things at all. He hurriedly came to a high-level zombie and squatted down to check it.

Now, what he wants to know most is how Lin Xinghai used ordinary bullets to kill these high-level zombies.

Following the investigation of the corpse, he soon showed a look of astonishment on his face, and then checked several other high-level zombies. Now he finally knew how Lin Xinghai did it.

The reason why they can't kill high-level zombies with ordinary bullets is because the skulls of high-level zombies are extremely hard and cannot be penetrated by ordinary bullets.

However, there are also some places that cannot be covered by the skull, such as the eyes and mouth, which are absolutely critical. As long as the bullet follows these places, it can be shot directly into the head.

But at the same time, the difficulty of hitting these fatal points is unimaginable.

You must know that high-level zombies have a very high degree of danger to perception. Coupled with that agile speed, it is extremely difficult for ordinary mercenaries to hit its head, not to mention the need to hit the eyes or Mouth, these deadly parts.

This difficulty is comparable to that of an ordinary person using a firearm to hit a fly 20 meters away.

Of course, if this is the only case, a sharpshooter can do it.

But what shocked the little fat man was that Lin Xinghai used the strafing mode to kill these high-level zombies.

This subverted his understanding of marksmanship a bit. He really couldn't imagine how terrible Lin Xinghai's marksmanship was.

And such advanced marksmanship zombies can't hide, so other candidates can't hide.

Thinking of this, he was not only shocked, but also very pleasantly surprised, and his eyes were shining when he looked at Lin Xinghai.

At this moment, he finally believed that Lin Xinghai was indeed capable and helped him win the special-class student quota.

The little fat man is excited, and there is another person who is more excited than him, that is of course Jin Tong.

From when Lin Xinghai boarded the plane, he showed his skills for the first time, and Jin Tong's views on Lin Xinghai changed greatly.

From the other party only bragging, to maybe really no weaker than those geniuses.

Then when Lin Xinghai led them to avoid the zombies, he gradually realized the ability of the other party, which seemed to be much bigger than he imagined.

But now, this first real shot made him shocked, and he no longer doubted what his second uncle said.

Following Lin Xinghai, it was a sure thing to get admitted to Donghai Academy.

Of course, now it may not just be admitted to Donghai Academy, with the marksmanship shown by Lin Xinghai, when competing for the energy ball later, it will definitely play a role in determining the cauldron.

At that time, as long as you help him get an energy ball, he can even become a first-class student, which is something he never dared to think about before.

"Okay, there are zombies coming, let's get out of here!" Lin Xinghai said.

Although he intends to kill all the way to the city center, it does not mean that he is willing to wait here and be besieged by a steady stream of corpses.

When the others heard it, they immediately put away their happy expressions, and hurriedly followed Lin Xinghai into the side alley.

They walked all the way, and they were used to following Lin Xinghai to drill the alleys. After circling around, they could always avoid the group of corpses and then return to the main road.

However, when the little fat man was on his way, he inadvertently saw Lin Xinghai frown slightly.

This suddenly made him vigilant. First, he looked around, and there were no zombies nearby!

And in the battle just now, they fought perfectly~www.mtlnovel.com~ They killed more than 50 zombies in dozens of seconds. It is estimated that no one will believe it.

Then why did Lin Xinghai frown?

Soon the little fat man thought of a reason, which was also a very serious problem, "Brother Lin, are you worried about the number of bullets? You can use all our bullets!"

Jin Tong, who was following him, froze for a moment. He certainly understood the seriousness of this problem. If Lin Xinghai had no bullets, then the horror of his marksmanship would be useless!

"Yes, let's focus the bullets on you! Although it's not much, it should be able to last for a while." Jin Tong also said quickly at this time. He even took out bullets from his combat backpack while talking.

However, unlike the two, Liu Miaomiao glanced at Lin Xinghai with some doubts. The lack of bullets was indeed a big problem, but such a problem could not have occurred to Lin Xinghai before.

"No, no, you keep the bullets." Lin Xinghai waved his hands quickly.

"Brother Lin, now is not the time to be polite, these bullets can only play their best role if they are in your hands." The fat man quickly advised.

"No, I'm not being polite. What I mean is that you keep the bullets in your hands, so that you can help me load the bullets. For your Ripper Rifle, you must ensure that the magazines are full, and I can use them at any time." Lin Xinghai explained.

The little fat man opened his mouth, not knowing how to answer for a while.

Jin Tong also fortunately closed his mouth.

At this time, Liu Miaomiao said, "Ah Xing, what's the matter?"

She was almost certain that Lin Xinghai's frown was definitely not because of the bullet.

"It's nothing, I'm just thinking about my own abilities." Lin Xinghai shook his head and retracted his thoughts.