I Am Invincible From The End Of The World - Chapter 318

Chapter 318

"I am invincible from the end of the world ( Find the latest chapter!

The speed mecha that burst out with all its strength is really galloping.

There will inevitably be corpses on the way forward, but those ordinary zombies are still intermediate zombies, and they can't even see the appearance of the mecha.

Only those high-level zombies, with their impressive dynamic capture capabilities, can barely see the figure of the mecha.

But seeing it clearly doesn't mean they can do anything. They didn't have time to react, and the mecha jumped over their heads.

Of course, it is also possible to step on it with one foot and trample the zombies below into mud.

Lin Xinghai didn't have the heart to pay attention to these corpses passing by. Now that he was on his way, all his thoughts had been put on the news that the information team had passed on to him.

The five "hunters", after the shelling action on Zhang Yue's side, had a certain reaction and retreated a little distance, but they quickly stopped and continued to wait and see.

Lin Xinghai estimated that the current focus of these five "hunters" should be completely attracted by the firepower of the sub-base.

And his speed mecha is also rapidly approaching.

Although the straight-line distance between him and the five "hunters" is less than 6 kilometers, if he moves forward according to the established route, he needs to detour at least 30 kilometers.

Because according to the plan, it will directly detour to the rear of the five "hunters", that is, it will kill from the direction of the city center.

In this case, even if they are discovered by those "hunters", if the other party wants to escape, they can only run to both sides, and the probability of him being able to catch up is higher.

After all, as long as these "hunters" haven't run into the city center, Lin Xinghai doesn't plan to let them go.

A distance of 30 kilometers is definitely not close to ordinary people, but at the speed of the extreme speed mecha, it is like that.

30 kilometers, 15 kilometers, 10 kilometers, 5 kilometers, in just over two minutes, he had already circled behind these "hunters".

Now we have entered the most critical 5 kilometers distance. Of course, this distance is also the most troublesome.

Because he doesn't know how big the perception range of these "hunters" is, he can't make too much noise from now on.

Even if there are corpses in front of him, in order not to cause riots, he can't rampage, he can only try to find opportunities to go around.

But even if it was necessary to take a detour, the distance between the Speed Mecha and the "Hunter" was still approaching rapidly.

5 kilometers, 4 kilometers, 3 kilometers, Lin Xinghai couldn't help being a little excited when he entered the range of 3 kilometers.

At this distance, even if they were discovered by these "hunters", and they all fled separately, he could kill at least one of them.

Of course, Lin Xinghai was not satisfied with killing just one "hunter", so he moved forward more and more carefully.

In order to reduce the sound of the mecha as much as possible when moving forward, he not only slowed down the speed, but even expended his senses to perform precise micro-control on each hydraulic valve and unloading device.

Coupled with Zhang Yue's side, at this time, the massive artillery bombardment, even if the mecha made some noises, will be completely covered up.

3km, 2km, 1km...

When Lin Xinghai entered the 1-kilometer range of these "hunters", the "hunter" headed was not only extremely strong, but the other party's perception seemed to be particularly keen. Look behind you.

But the streets were empty and there was nothing, and even the zombies who were originally wandering, under their orders, all went to attack the sub-base.

At this time, Lin Xinghai was actually on the street next door, but there was a house to block his sight, so that this "hunter" could not detect anything abnormal for the time being.

At this time, Lin Xinghai became more and more careful, and the speed of the mecha slowed down again. Under Lin Xinghai's powerful control, the movement of the dozen-ton mecha running was no better than that of an ordinary person. How much bigger when in action.

This sound, the sound of artillery fire in the distance, can easily be covered.

The mecha continued to approach, 1000 meters, 800 meters, 600 meters, 500 meters...

At this time, the "Hunter" at the head turned his head again and looked in the direction of Lin Xinghai.

Not only it, even the other 4 "Hunters" felt something was wrong and sensed the approaching danger.

However, with the shelter of the house, they still did not find any situation.

But this time, even if the five "hunters" didn't find any abnormality, after they glanced at each other, they ran away directly.

"Damn it!" Lin Xinghai couldn't help but let out a foul language. These "hunters" were not only sharp, but also timid.

But at almost the same time, the power of the mecha instantly increased to its maximum state under his control.


The speed mecha directly smashed through the house and rushed to the street here.

Looking at the five "hunters" fleeing, Lin Xinghai raised the electromagnetic railgun while chasing without any hesitation.


A blue light flashed from the electromagnetic railgun, and one of the "hunters" was hit in the body, and then under the strong tearing force, it was directly broken into two sections, even if it did not die on the spot, but this way It is impossible for him to survive his injuries~www.mtlnovel.com~ During the shooting process, the speed mecha did not stop at all, and kept chasing the slowest "Hunter".

You must know that the current speed of the speed mecha is 5200 points, and these "hunters" generally have a speed of about 2000 points when they are not in a violent state.

The speed of the speed mecha was 3,200 points faster than the opponent's, and it caught up with the "hunter" almost in the blink of an eye. Lin Xinghai controlled the mecha and stepped on it without any delay.


The second "hunter" was also instantly trampled into mud.

Although Lin Xinghai's series of actions were done in one go without wasting any time, the speed of the "hunters" was no joke. When they scattered and escaped, the farthest zombie was already 1,000 meters away from Lin Xinghai. More meters.

However, in such a situation, Lin Xinghai was already prepared in his heart. The outer armor of the mecha's legs was opened, and the 30 miniature missiles placed here were shot out by him in one breath.

Every 10 micro-missiles lock on a "hunter", of course, it is best to kill them, and it can delay a little time if they are not killed.

While launching the miniature missile, he was already chasing the "Hunter" who had escaped furthest.

With such a good opportunity, he didn't intend to let go of any "hunter", of course, he would kill the fastest one first.

Lin Xinghai also recognized that the "hunter" who escaped the furthest was the leader of the five "hunters".

He has always thought that the strength of mutant zombies of the same type should be almost the same.

But the leader of the "Hunter" in front of him is obviously different. The other party's crisis sensing ability is not only far superior to that of its peers, but it is also terrifyingly fast, reaching the level of 3000 points.