I Am Invincible From The End Of The World - Chapter 212

Chapter 212

"I am invincible from the end of the world ( Find the latest chapter!

"Each team is ready and ready to act at any time." Fang Tianhe said to Lin Xinghai after listening to the reports of the team leaders.

"Okay! Then proceed as originally planned. The second and third teams are responsible for the left wing, the fourth and fifth teams are responsible for the right wing, and the first team is in the center and moves forward." Lin Xinghai ordered.

With the issuance of the order, the team soon became a triangular formation.

At the same time, a member of the Sky Splitting Mercenary Group jumped off the armored car, added to the interior of the triangular formation, and followed the armored car.

Of course, there are 10 members left in each armored vehicle. In this case, each armored vehicle is equivalent to a mobile firepower.

At the same time, the members of the triangular formation can rely on the 5 armored vehicles on the periphery for defense.

Of course, in addition to the armored vehicles, several mechas were also dispatched. Fang Tianhe drove the mecha to the left wing to give command and prepare for emergencies.

As for the right wing, Shen Han and Roger are responsible for driving the mecha.

Of course, Lin Xinghai was at the forefront of the team, and he was hit the hardest here. Only by taking charge himself could he ensure that the formation would not be overwhelmed by the corpses.

"Ah Xing, we won't have a problem here! There are only so many people." Seeing the change in the formation, Liu Miaomiao said with a worried face.

A team was full of 40 people, but some were injured and did not come, so there are only 35 people here.

The number of people is only half of the left and right wings, but they have to deal with the greatest pressure. Liu Miaomiao said that she is not nervous, that is absolutely false.

"Don't worry, although the number of people in the first team is a little small, those who can enter the first team are the most elite members. Whether it is marksmanship or close combat, they must be one level above others."

"Moreover, we are the main team, and we don't need to be responsible for collecting Yuanjing, so we can free up more manpower. In general, there will be not too many people who can attack."

"What's more, don't forget, I'm still here!" Lin Xinghai smiled and comforted.

At this time, as the convoy approached, the group of corpses wandering around Guanghan City finally found them.


hoo hoo hoo!

As a zombie roared excitedly, the attention of the zombies wandering nearby was immediately attracted.

Then a large group of zombies rushed towards the splitting mercenary group while roaring excitedly.

Any human being is food in the eyes of these zombies, and now a large group of food is coming, how can they not be excited.

Bang bang bang!

The people of the Split Sky Mercenary Group, of course, were not polite, and pulled the trigger quickly and decisively.

Then Liu Miaomiao saw that the first wave of hundreds of zombies that rushed over fell in pieces and could not get close to the convoy within 20 meters at all.

"Yeah! Is our mercenary group so powerful?" Liu Miaomiao's face was full of surprise.

Although it was her first mission, she came to the Split Sky Mercenary Group a week ago and was exposed to logistics.

Due to the coordination of supplies and other issues, I also dealt with other mercenary groups, of course, I can understand what the level of a normal second-level mercenary group should be.

Although facing hundreds of zombies, the second-level mercenary group will not be afraid, but it will definitely not be so easy.

At least it's impossible to be strong enough that even the armored vehicles can't get close to the corpse group, especially those high-level zombies. If there are not a few good marksmanship in the second-level mercenary group, it will definitely be quite troublesome.

Seeing the surprise on Liu Miaomiao's face, Lin Xinghai also felt a little smug in his heart.

It can be said that the splitting mercenary group can have such combat power, and it can be said that he has cultivated it.

In particular, the marksmanship of these members, just pull out one of them, and put them in other mercenary groups, they can be regarded as absolute elites.

It is precisely because they possess such marksmanship that the combat effectiveness of these 150 people is absolutely no less than that of any third-level mercenary group.

After quickly eliminating this wave of zombies, a group of mercenaries quickly collected Yuanjing, but they did not clean up all Yuanjing as usual.

Because of the need to maintain the triangular formation, all members collect the crystals around them, and they can only give up those outside the formation.

Everyone's movements were quick and swift. Of course, they were all forced by Lin Xinghai. Some time ago, he hunted and killed zombies frantically, and everyone had practiced a good skill in collecting Yuanjing.

hoo hoo hoo!

Perhaps the movement caused by the first batch of zombies attracted more zombies, and the corpses outside the city rushed out one after another.

The Splitting Sky Mercenary Group was not at all cowardly, and went up to them directly, and started the fight again.

But this time, the zombies that rushed out were not just a group.

They rushed in wave after wave, and it seemed that the zombies around were all attracted, just like an ultrsmall corpse wave formed.

In the face of such an impact, the Sky Splitting Mercenary Group is definitely not easy. They can no longer kill all the zombies at a distance of 20 meters.

Under the impact of the zombies one after another, the zombies finally rushed in front of the armored vehicle where Lin Xinghai was, and then began to bite and attack.

But these zombies also quickly realized that the iron lump in front of them could not be shaken for the time being, so their attention quickly shifted to these soldiers in the triangular formation.

All of a sudden, the formation became a little shaky. Many mercenaries took out hand cannons and used terrifying explosions and shock waves to temporarily contain the impact of the corpse group~www.mtlnovel.com~ Seeing this In the situation, Liu Miaomiao also rushed to help, but soon she found that her half-hearted marksmanship had no effect on the whole situation.

When she killed one zombie, three zombies had already been added.

Liu Miaomiao raised her head and looked into the distance. The rushing zombies were so dense that they could not see the end at a glance.

This scene made her face pale.

But at this moment, a familiar and steady voice sounded beside her ear.

"Come on two people, follow me." Lin Xinghai said.

"Yes!" Immediately, two mercenaries stood up excitedly.

And while they answered, they brought over the extra firearms beside them. Each of them held at least three tearer rifles and two square iron boxes. Liu Miaomiao knew that they were self-loading bullets. device.

An armor plate above the armored car opened, and Lin Xinghai and others jumped up immediately.

Through the open armor plate, Liu Miaomiao could see that a semi-circular shooting platform was slowly rising from the roof.

This shooting platform was specially transformed by Fang Tianhe, and only this armored vehicle has it. Of course, its purpose is to facilitate Lin Xinghai.

Lin Xinghai came to the shooting platform, and the two mercenaries who followed him immediately put down the firearms full of ammunition in their hands to the most convenient place beside him.

And the two also quickly checked whether the other firearms magazines in their hands were filled with bullets, and if not, they were replenished immediately.

"These two people went up just to help load ammunition!" Liu Miaomiao's eyes widened.

Even though she knew that Lin Xinghai's marksmanship was very good, she felt that it was a bit exaggerated. This was obviously a waste of manpower!