I Am Invincible From The End Of The World - Chapter 156

Chapter 156

"I am invincible from the end of the world ( Find the latest chapter!

Hearing Lin Xinghai calling to stop, all the mercenaries breathed a sigh of relief.

If they were recruited, all they had to do every day was to pick up Yuanjing. Such days were easy, but boring and monotonous was not what they wanted.

Hearing now, waiting for the free practice of marksmanship, everyone breathed a sigh of relief and wanted to show their best state in front of Lin Xinghai. Couldn't be better.

At this time, the nearby zombies had been emptied, and everyone sat on the ground at will, taking out compressed biscuits and the like to fill their stomachs.

Soon half an hour passed, the team rested, changed a route, and began to return.

Lin Xinghai did not continue to take action, but let the mercenaries play by themselves.

As for him, of course he wants to... drive a mech.

He has long wanted to use the mecha to fight, but he had never had the chance due to various reasons, and now he is finally free to try it out.

After getting on the mecha and entering the key obtained from Takayama, the program to control the helmet was started and began to match the brain waves.

With Lin Xinghai deliberately exuding his perception, the matching degree quickly reached 100%.

The feeling that the mecha was like itself came again, giving Lin Xinghai an incomparably powerful illusion.

After taking a look at the status of the mecha, it showed that everything was normal, and the mecha jumped slightly and jumped out of the armored car.

This seemingly ordinary action, but Gao Shan was taken aback for a moment.

A mecha plus weapons and the like weighs at least 7 tons. How difficult is it for such a behemoth to make such a "light" movement, how can Gaoshan not know.

Not only must the output power of each part of the mecha be carefully controlled, but the balance system, control system, injection system, and anti-shock system must also cooperate with each other, and there can be no mistakes.

With his perception, that is absolutely impossible. Only by breaking the third genetic lock and controlling the mecha to 100% can he make this seemingly "light" action.

"How did he do it?" This question instantly appeared in Gao Shan's mind.

What happened later made him even more puzzled, because Lin Xinghai driving the mecha didn't look like a novice at all, and he could do all kinds of difficult movements at his fingertips.

Gaoshan's mecha has been modified with power, and the weapon is a large knife more than 5 meters long.

If he uses a weapon to attack a zombie, he can only guarantee a hit at most, and in order to ensure the hit rate, attacking a zombie will generally choose to intercept it.

But Lin Xinghai wielded a 5-meter-long broadsword, but it was like wielding a dexterous dagger. Each slash attacked the weak point of the zombie, cutting off the head from the neck, or inserting the tip from the temple.

In the former case, Gao Shan thought to himself that he might be able to do it after trying a few more times. But carrying a 5-meter-long broadsword and stabbing it from the temple is a bit too much. This is simply a naked show of skill!

Lin Xinghai didn't know what Gao Shan was thinking. At this time, he was controlling the mecha, killing zombies one by one, which was quite enjoyable.

Speaking of which, this was the first time he used a mecha to fight. Although he had tested it before, it was all such a simple action. How could he really feel the power of the mecha.

Now he is really getting more and more fun, constantly experimenting with the ideas in his mind, and becoming more and more proficient in this mecha.

Of course, although the matching degree of the mecha reaches 100%, it is almost equivalent to manipulating the body, but in fact there are many differences in subtleties. The most basic point is that the phantom magic cannot be displayed in the mecha. .

Moreover, many subtle manipulations cannot be done. Piercing the temple with the tip of the knife is almost the limit of what he can do. If he wants to control the force and depth of the big knife's penetration, it is really heavenly. Night Tan.

However, choosing to drive the mecha is equivalent to using force to break the skill, so there is no need for too fine control.

Of course, this means that in the case of using weapons for melee combat, if you use electromagnetic railguns for long-range attacks, it will be different, and shooting requires fine control.

It's a pity that Gaoshan's mecha is not equipped with an electromagnetic railgun, which makes Lin Xinghai, the gun god, unable to use his strengths, which is a little regrettable.

After an hour passed, Lin Xinghai felt a hearty feeling. He glanced at the mecha with only 30% of the energy remaining. This was even without a fierce battle.

"The energy storage device of this mecha is not good! It can't carry out a protracted battle at all." Lin Xinghai, driving the mecha, returned to the armored vehicle, and couldn't help but mutter.

Standing on the armored vehicle, Gaoshan was already shocked to the point of numbness. If he heard this sentence, he would definitely complain, "Normal people can't drive for so long."

Because driving a mecha is very perceptual, even someone who breaks the third genetic lock, unless he is desperate, or if he continues to fight for half an hour, he will definitely have to rest.

And Lin Xinghai had been playing for a full hour now, and when he jumped off the mecha, he still looked refreshed. No matter how sluggish Gao Shan is, he still understands that Lin Xinghai's perception is definitely different from ordinary people.

Of course, he didn't say anything, didn't ask anything, just pretended he didn't know anything, and then looked at Lin Xinghai with expectant eyes.

How could Lin Xinghai not know what he wanted to say, and immediately said, "Go and gather all the members, and I will point out 10 people today!"

"Okay!" Gao Shan agreed, and hurriedly went to make arrangements.

Among the 10 people selected by Lin Xinghai, in addition to Gao Shan, Ling Xiu, Zhang Meiling, Huang Nuo and Yao Cheng, they also selected the 5 most diligent people who had just collected Yuanjing.

The key members like Xiang Lingxiu and Zhang Meiling were given marksmanship instructions, and the members did not find it strange, but the five selected newcomers made the rest of the mercenaries envious and jealous.

Lin Xinghai sees everyone's emotions, but this is exactly what he wants. Only proper competition can promote development.

"Lord Gao, let's start with you! Your marksmanship is not very good~www.mtlnovel.com~ But it's not difficult to improve, you can start with these three aspects, first..." Lin Xinghai began to speak.

Having had the experience of guiding the members of the Splitting Sky Mercenary Group, now that he is doing this kind of thing, it is simply at his fingertips.

When everyone was practicing marksmanship just now, he only had to look at it to know what was wrong with the other party and how to correct and improve it.

Following Lin Xinghai's remarks, Gao Shan suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment.

And when Lin Xinghai pointed others, he didn't shy away from others, so the rest of the members could also hear it.

Many marksmanship problems are common, not only in one person, but other members will gain a little when they listen to it.

It took nearly an hour for Lin Xinghai to guide the 10 selected members.

At this time, all the members had fascinated expressions on their faces, and it was obvious that they had gained a lot.

Looking at everyone's expressions, Lin Xinghai knew that he had successfully completed his mission by appearing on the "platform" today.

It is estimated that these newly joined members are reluctant to leave. After they have a sense of belonging and see the potential of the Shanhai Mercenary Group, they will not leave even if they are not there.

"Okay, that's all for today's guidance. From now on, I will take you on a mission every other day and guide 10 people. As for the quota of these 10 people, it will be decided by Gao Shan." Lin Xinghai said, helping High mountains establish prestige.

The Shanhai Mercenary Group has handled it properly, and the Splitting Sky Mercenary Group must be more relaxed.

But what really troubled him was not these trivial matters, but what preparations he should make against the behemoth of the Morgan consortium a week later.