I Am Invincible From The End Of The World - Chapter 148

Chapter 148

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Looking at Gao Shan's recruitment arrangements, Lin Xinghai was idle and did not leave, but sat and watched.

Soon, Ling Xiu and the others arrived. Under the arrangement of Gao Shan, everyone divided their labor and cooperated. After applying to the Mercenary Guild, a recruiting point was established soon.

Gaoshan can be said to be rich and powerful now, and the recruitment conditions have been adjusted, especially the salary, which is directly increased by 50% compared to the treatment of other first-level mercenary groups.

This kind of treatment immediately attracted many mercenaries.

Of course, many mercenaries are old fritters, and will not join simply because of high wages.

They began to search for the information of the Alpine mercenary group, to find out what the confidence of this mercenary group had to offer such a salary.

And soon, these people were surprised to find that this was just a newly established mercenary group, and now there is only one mecha and one armored vehicle.

Such a configuration, even in a first-level mercenary group, is relatively poor.

However, some shrewd mercenaries found something wrong, that is, on the position of deputy head, it was shown that someone was there, but the information was hidden.

This situation is worth pondering, and even some mercenaries are instantly associated with the affiliated mercenary group.

This makes them more interested.

If so, what is the best mercenary group to join? Everyone knows that, of course, the higher the level, the better.

But the problem is that the third-level mercenary group is not generally difficult to enter, and even many third-level mercenary groups are not openly recruited.

Even the second-level mercenary group, there are very few recruits, and the recruitment requirements are very high, and if they can hang out here, if they are really strong, they will not worry about finding a mercenary group.

Therefore, after excluding the third-level and second-level mercenary groups, the third-ranked mercenary group in everyone's heart is not the top first-level mercenary group, but the affiliated mercenary group.

Everyone knows that behind the affiliated mercenary group, there are third-level mercenary groups supported.

The speed of development is not comparable to that of ordinary mercenary groups, and even many affiliated mercenary groups can be promoted to second-level mercenary groups at a rocket-like speed.

If the Alpine mercenary group is a supported affiliated mercenary group, then for these mercenaries, it is definitely incense pot.

Soon there were mercenaries, and they began to attack sideways. Whenever someone asked if this was an affiliated mercenary group, Gao Shan would smile and nod.

After all, this was also deliberately created by him, but as for whose affiliated mercenary group, Gao Shan said: "It is kept secret for the time being, and we can only know after entering the mercenary group."

Such an answer made many mercenaries have doubts, but there were still many willing to join.

Because Gao Shankai's conditions are very loose, as long as you stay for a week, you can apply for leaving the mercenary group.

Seeing such conditions, the vast majority of mercenaries are willing to try it. Even if they are deceived, they will only stay for a week at most, not to mention that the treatment is really good.

Looking at the application reports handed over, Gao Shan couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

If it wasn't for worrying that the Morgan consortium would turn their attention to them and play Lin Xinghai's card directly and aboveboard, why would it be so troublesome.

With Lin Xinghai's current influence, it is not much worse than those third-level mercenary groups.

For everything that Gao Shan arranged, Lin Xinghai just watched quietly, watching more and more people at the recruitment site, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

According to this recruitment progress, it is estimated that at most 50 people will be recruited in three days.

This is also the reason for his high requirements, otherwise, he might be able to get it done in a day.

In this way, Lin Xinghai watched movies, played games, and occasionally paid attention to the recruitment situation. Soon, the morning passed.

At noon, Gao Shan came with a dozen selected resumes.

Lin Xinghai took a random look and found that they all met his requirements, so he passed them all.

At noon, he invited five core members, including Gao Shan and Ling Xiu. After a meal, he left the mercenary guild and returned to the base camp of the Split Sky Mercenary Group.

"Old Fang, when are you leaving?" Lin Xinghai asked directly after pushing the door into the office.

Hearing this title, Fang Tianhe's mouth wriggled, but he didn't say anything in the end, but nodded and said, "Let's go then!"

After half an hour, the two came to the upper area, and then went straight to the central municipal building.

It can be said that it is the highest authority in the Star Shield Refuge, and the security measures are also the best. It is completely three steps and one post, and five steps and one post.

In this case, combined with the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft that can be seen everywhere, it can really be done, and a mosquito can be detected by flying.

Lin Xinghai, Fang Tian and the other two were able to enter after going through triple security checks.

Following the soldiers who led the way, the two went straight to a huge office on the third floor.

The door opened, and Lin Xinghai saw a hunched figure. He stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window and quietly looked into the distance.

This is an old man in his 80s, with dry skin and a thin body ~www.mtlnovel.com~ with gray hair.

But he stood very steady, the hunched back, in Lin Xinghai's perception, was as majestic as a mountain, that feeling even made him a little suffocated.

The old man in front of him is definitely the kind of uncompromising powerhouse, and he still has a feeling that the strength of the other party is likely to be one level higher than that of the blood energy realm.

Obviously, the old man in front of him is the top leader of the Star Shield Refuge, Wei Tianxing.

The old man turned around, a kind smile appeared on his wrinkled face, looked at Lin Xinghai for a while, and then waved, "Come here, come and see how the scenery is?"

Lin Xinghai calmed down and walked over. Standing here through the floor-to-ceiling windows, he could see the blue sky and white clouds, as well as the green mountains and green waters in the distance.

"The scenery is beautiful." Lin Xinghai said.

"Unfortunately, it's all fake." Wei Tianxing sighed.

After being silent for a while, Lin Xinghai said, "Mr. Wei, I believe this will come true one day."

"Haha! Well said."

Wei Tianxing laughed for a while before he said, "Xiao Lin! Do you know why I want to see you?"

"About the Seed Project?"

"That's right!" Wei Tianxing nodded, then pointed to the sofa, "Let's not stand, just sit and chat."

After a few people sat down, he said, "Do you know what the seed plan is?"

"Isn't it a plan to cultivate strong people?" Lin Xinghai was a little curious.

"It looks like that."

After Wei Tianxing paused for a moment, he continued to speak leisurely. "But in fact, the original intention of this plan is that when our human civilization can't support it and is about to collapse, the selected person is the last seed of human beings, and escapes the earth in a spaceship to continue human civilization."