I Am A Boss Mommy That Wants To Slack - Chapter 741

Chapter 741

When Ye Xie said this, Daisy was slightly taken aback.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ye Xie made a swift move and snatched Daisy's dagger directly. At this time, Carl also heaved a sigh of relief, but at the same time felt that Ye Xie was so stupid that it was ridiculous!

When he was about to say something, Ye Xie looked at him: "Do you think that I came to Country Y alone without a guard of honor?"

Carl was taken aback.

Ye Xie suddenly smiled: "Mr. King knows, is this how you treat the royal family?"

Carlton became nervous for a while, the reason why he wanted to silence it was because he didn't want this matter to reach King's ears.

Listening to the meaning of Ye Xie's words, could it be that Ye Xie and king knew each other?

While he hesitated, Ye Xie took the initiative to speak: "Before I came, I reported to the king. If I die here, then the king will understand what happened here, and will definitely send someone to investigate. not to mention"

Ye Xie suddenly sneered, and with a wave of his hand, a large number of mercenaries rushed in from outside.

There are about forty or fifty of those mercenaries, all of them are extremely sturdy, and the faces of some mercenaries are obviously the most famous ones in the world...

Everyone's face is a representative!

Ye Xie looked at Carl relaxedly: "...If I want to leave, I'm afraid you can't stop me!"

Carlton was stunned.

Ye Xie glanced at Daisy again, he lowered his eyes, he didn't want to have a gun battle in the palace and cause chaos, Daisy is the princess of Country Y, if King Y's palace is in chaos, Daisy might be in trouble.

Thinking of this, Ye Xie suppressed the desire to kill Karl on the spot, looked at Karl again, and said directly: "So, do you want to fight me here?"

Carl swallowed.

He originally planned to kill Ye Xie silently.

But I didn't expect Ye Xie to prepare a backhand, which is troublesome.

There are so many mercenaries, and each of them is a person who can stand up to a hundred. He is sure that these idiots of his are not opponents of others. Just when Karl was struggling, someone ran in from outside the door and approached Karl directly. He said in his ear: "Sir, people from the Y security group, for some reason, surrounded our Karl family..."

Carl was slightly taken aback.

Y Security Group, formerly known as the League of Assassins. They have a super-class killer black cat, who can take your head out of thousands of horses! There are also various top-ranking figures in the world. The important thing is that their leader, Mukhkar, was once a Chinese!

It seems that they are related to Ye Xie!

The power of this person cannot be underestimated.

Only then did Carl realize that he had hit the iron plate.

He took a deep breath, and then smiled slowly: "Mr. Ye Xie, this was all a joke I played with you just now, it was really a joke, everyone put away your guns, put them away..."

Following Karl's words, Ye Xie squinted his eyes, then waved his hand, and the mercenaries immediately put away their guns, but they still stood in front of Ye Xie.

Karl looked at him and could only turn and leave.

Princess Daisy looked at everything in front of her, and once again realized how helpless and incompetent she was without power in her hands!

She secretly made up her mind that she must help the royal family and truly take back the rights! -

After Carl led the people and left the palace aggrieved, he looked back at Ye Xie again, with a fierce expression on his face: "The Y security group actually helps Ye Xie, what is the origin of this kid?"

The person next to him asked directly: "What should I do now?"

Carl lowered his eyes, "It doesn't matter, let's go to Mr. King first and explain what's going on here."

He took out his mobile phone, opened a specific website, and sent a private message to King:

[Dear Mr. King, hello, I'm Karl, I wonder if you know a young man named Ye Xie, who actually used your name to act recklessly in King Y's Palace, and even wanted to bully Princess Daisy, Today I brought someone to drive him out of the palace, but he said your friend, so I came here to inquire.

This is when the villain files a complaint first.

Anyway, Mr. King is not here, and he doesn't understand what's going on here. If he sends someone to investigate, he can only know that they had a confrontation, and he won't be able to figure out what happened at all.

Carl thought so, and quit his chat software contentedly.

He didn't believe it, the Karl family, in King's eyes, was not as good as a brat!

In this world, there is no eternal right and wrong, many things are unclear, as long as you greet the king first, then the subsequent king will definitely not only listen to Ye Xie's one-sided words!

Carl returned home contentedly.

As soon as I entered the house, I heard someone say: "A royal family and Huaxia's Loong consortium are here to sabotage our business deal again! Mr. Carl, what should we do?"

Carl sneered: "What are you afraid of? Mr. King will help us!"

A royal family, loong consortium, want to suppress them quickly, just throw money, whoever spends more money with him!

The Karl family is definitely not as good as those two families, but recently, every time the Karl family reached a critical point, Mr. King would always intervene to make them even and continue a new round of business battles.

Carl thought it was the same this time...

After all, the king will not watch their Karl family go bankrupt.

Unfortunately, Carl was wrong this time.

The Karl family is about to end... The main text is also ending! See you tomorrow.