The 8th Story: Valles Castle
“Welcome to Valles Castle” [Mare]
Mare-san said from the coachman seat in a loud voice to me who was doing watch duty on the carriage’s roof.
“Amazing, it is huge” [Yoji]
We are currently at the top of the mountain, and from here we can see the entire Valles Castle.
“Right, right. It is because Valles Castle is the largest city in Garren’s domain” [Mare]
Mare-san explains happily.
According to history records Valles Castle has more than 500 years of history, its governors have changed many times, but the Garren family has governed for more than 60 years.
From the time Garren started to govern the city it has been very stable and developing.
As the name implies, the city is surrounded by three stages of walls 4m high. [1]
The center of the city is a small hill where Count Garren’s garrison is. [2]
Vast wheat fields spread outside the city, and there are small settlements.
There is 1 huge gate in the north, south, east and west, and even from here I can see carriages entering and leaving continuously.
(If you are reading this in a page that is not , this is a stolen translation, you should support the original translator)
“The people look like ants. Ha ha ha ha” [Yoji]
While I am enjoying myself with words no one understands. [3]
“The first layer of those walls surrounds the merchants and the commoners; the second layer surrounds the aristocrats; and inside the third layer is where the Count lives” [Gal]
Gal explained the city’s division.
“And that commoner area is divided in four areas, the resident’s residential area, the craftsmen’s area, the entertainment district and the commercial area, the adventurer guild is in the commercial area” [Naria]
Naria explained in detail.
“Okay, this caravan is almost there. Good job until here, we are almost safe but keep up your guard until we arrive. We can rest when we arrive” [Mare]
Mare-san explained as the carriage advanced.
We have arrived at the south gate.
I looked up at the gate’s top like a country pumpkin.
As we approached the Castle’s wall and I saw the amazing buildings I felt strongly that I have arrived at another world.
On the other side I realized how poor Thales village is.
I now have 1 thing that is worrying me.
The carriage is in the line for confirmation to enter by the south gate.
All the merchants and guards prepare something like ident.i.ty cards and are waiting.
(If you are reading this in a page that is not , this is a stolen translation, you should support the original translator)
“Isn’t this a bit bad?” [Yoji]
“You are right. It is bad. If you don’t have any identification you may be caught and put to slavery” [Mare]
“Eeeeh!? Really!? Wait, Mare-san please do something. While travelling I think I did a good job. Please do something” [Yoji]
“Yes, you are right. But you exceedingly ate dinner and you were p
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eeping on Carna, Naria and the others when they were bathing while pretending to sleep on the carriage’s roof” [Mare]
“Eeeh? You knew?” [Yoji]
“Did you think you were not discovered?” [Mare]
“I’m sorry, I am sorry. I apologize; I apologize so please do something” [Yoji]
I beg Mare-san for help, and go down on my knees and head on the ground in a dogeza, while watching him and about to cry. [4]
Gal and the others are looking at me with a pitying face.
The dignity and respect I got from the battle against the Trolls blew away.
No, the skills I can be proud of are my ability to sell and my ability to do the dogeza which I trained in my previous work.
Follow the strong
Abandon pride and sell your horn
Don’t worry about the surrounding eyes
Don’t make enemies.
This is what I learned from my time as a salary man.
“You, you don’t have any pride. Well, it is a joke, a joke. Your ident.i.ty is okay, since the village mayor wrote a letter, and I have a certificate here. Don’t worry” [Mare]
“Well, your way of apologizing is wonderful. Slaves also are quick to apologize. Come on, raise your head” [Mare]
“Is it true? Did the village mayor really make such preparations?” [Yoji]
“It is true, it is true. Father spoke to the village mayor, and handed it to me” [Mare]
I joined both hands, looked up at the sky and thanked father sincerely. [5]
What a great person.
I really thank you!
G.o.d, Father, thank you very much.
I am really thankful for your grace and compa.s.sion for accepting and helping me, a person who didn’t know your language and only had sweat s.h.i.+rt and sweat pants.
So I set in my heart that I will pay this back, for the moment I get up and get off the dirt that got on my clothes when I kneeled down in dogeza.