Story 02 Skill and Sling
Next day night, when I look again at the window more closely, on the Ability Score Area at the Status Screen, I realize that there are Up and Down b.u.t.ton on it.
When I press the STR Up b.u.t.ton, its parameter value became 2 → 3.
Simultaneously, Skill Bonus value decreased 2 → 1.
T/N: huh? how come it the skill bonus back to 2? is MC lvl up? - Arahetta~
Apparently, Skill Bonus is also able to increase and decrease a Status value.
Thus, I try to do some experiment.
First of all, I reset the numerical value, I try to do some push up on top of the bed.
It’s 3 times.
I wanna die.
How Shameful.
I’m unable to do push up more than 3 times.
And then, when the STR parameter was increased from 2, what a surprise, I’m able to do push up 10 times.
It goes up from 3 times to 10 times.
In short, if I allotting the bonus value, it will be easy for me to improve my ability.
It’s just that, because of my pride as a man, I decide in my heart that every day from now on I’ll do push up, sit up, back, squat, and running training.
Incidentally, the result of my muscular training after a month has pa.s.sed is I was able to increase doing push up to 10 times.
And my status has increased 2 → 4.
In short, if I train it, though it’s just little by little, but I understood that my status is increased.
Again, there was something that I find out once I went to a place with a lot of traffic.
When I try to look at another person status by turning ON my skill
, I understand that just like a person, status can also have a large difference from person to person.
Jason-san 24 y.o. a member of the dispatch knight which have duties as a policeman of the village is LV 5 and his Skill Bonus 10.
The same knight member, Cain-san 19 y.o. is LV 2 and his Skill Bonus 4.
When I roughly calculated it in average, somehow, when your LV got up, your Skill Bonus will rise at the range of 1~3.
However, I understand that even when someone finally have a Skill Bonus, they are unable to use it.
Rather, to begin with, they are unable to display the window screen itself in the same way as me.
T/N: Welcome to The Gamer - Arahetta~
Even when I ask the Sister,
“You, what is it?, why are you saying such unknown thing?”
Saying that while giving me a face.
In other words, a normal person unable to see my ability in numerical value, somehow it seems that the power to see others power in numerical value is my my own unique ability.
Honestly, “What a waste!” was what my inner thought.
When I try to roughly saw who is the person that have the highest LV in this town, it was Father-sama.
He is LV 10 with 33 Skill Bonus.
With that many of Skill Bonus, someone could use a various ability. But if they are unable to come in contact with it, it’s the same as they have no Skill Bonus.
It’s a condition of a useless treasure*.
T/N: You can change that j.a.panese saying to “A waste of talent” - arahetta~
Well, because normally ability is raised by effort, will power, and talent, if I were to say that it can’t be helped then it can’t be helped.
Honestly, I thought that if you were not gonna use it then give it to me please.
Thus, for the sake of raising my Skill Bonus, I thought on how I should rise my LV.
So, I try to enquire a talk about LV to Father-sama just like that.
The answer from Father-sama is,
“I wonder what is that thing called LV?”
Like that.
In short, he doesn’t even know the existence of something called LV.
Thus, because he will just turn into a foolish child state if I talk to him any further regarding things like LV or thing that he doesn’t understand about, for now I try to enquire Father-sama on his career rough history.
Roughly saying, in the olden days, originally Father-sama as adventurer doing a journey and doing a living by defeating monster here and there.
In other words, The Sword and Magic World Theory was not removed, to raise your LV as expected you need to brace the danger by defeating a monster.
I try to ask Villager A (Carl-san) regarding Monster near the Village.
It seems that mainly there are 3 type of monster, 1. Slime 2. Horn Rabbit 3. Goblin
T/N: Hey, indra, you are here! - arahetta~
tlc: Duh, I’m everywhere, that’s because slime is a man romance and the girls nightmares - indra13
Slime is an extremely weak monster as one would expect, and it will die if it got stepped by an adult.
T/N: Yowa! - Arahetta~
tlc: What you would expect from a slime anyway? - indra13
T/N: don’t you guys should be impervious to physical attack? - Arahetta~
tlc: depend on the author that is - indra13
T/N: Heee~ - Arahetta~
Horn Rabbit is a rabbit with a small horn on its forehead, it seems that when Horn Rabbit saw a human, it will jump and ramming itself to them.
Its horn is short but, because the horn is sharp, it’s bad if you got hit and it can become a fatal wound.
However, it appears that the meat soft and tasty, and the fur can be sold at a nice price.
The problem is Goblin.
Its characteristic is its have a rugged body and ugly face with height around 120 cm.
On its hands, dunno where it gots it but, it have Short Sword, Hatchet, or a bow. It seems that for clothes the Goblin is clad with crude cloths.
When it see human, it comes to attack them immediately.
Because the Goblin is carrying a weapon, when someone taking easy on them even if that person is an adult they can seriously got injured by the Goblin.
I heard that every year, some villager is death because they got attacked by the Goblin.
It’s just, I don’t know how I should do the Goblin Extermination better, when I decide to went around the village for the time being to think for it, there were a fist size of leather and hempen string dumped in the village dumpster.
T/N: Yoji search the trash bin…… Yoji found 1 Leather & String - Arahetta~
tlc: now THIS what an RPG novel should be, so what next? breaking some vast? or intruding a villager house? - Indra13
For now, I picked that up and returned to the Church, using a kitchen knife I cut the leather into a suitable size, I make a hole on both ends, pa.s.s the string through it, and coil one side of the string on the wrist.
I insert some pebble in the middle of the string that I arrange on the leather, I grip the other side of the string with my hands, I twirl it round and around using a centrifugal force and then I throw it to the stone wall.
As expected, the stone hit the wall and then scattered away.
The Sling is complete.
Though this arms is very simple, this arms has existed since ancient times, and because it use centrifugal force, it’s power by far is more powerful than if a person throwing it.
If the pebble hits a head, it’s certain for the skull to have bone fracture.
All that left is whether it were able to hit the opponent or not.
Unfortunately, myself has a weak reflexes.
It’s not for show that I’m able to do 3 times push up (now is 10 times).
For now, I climb the slope behind the Village, I decide to train on the place where the first time I came to this world.
I make a target at a size of a head, first, I aim to hit from a distance of 1 m from the target.
After doing for 10 times, finally I’m able to hit the target.
The error margin is around 5 cm
2m, 3m, and then 4m, I gradually distanced myself from the target.
When the distance became 5m, I’m unable to hit the target anymore.
No, to be precise, from 3 attempts only 1 times I’m able to hit the target, it won’t improve no matter how many times I practice it.
Therefore, I allocate 2 Skill Bonus on SKL on the Status Screen.
As soon as I do that, the unskillfulness that I show just now disappear like it was just a lie, *bang bang* the stone hit the center of the target again and again.
The almighty Skill Bonus.
The result is I became to be able to hit the target even when the distance is 10m.
The reason I didn’t practice beyond 10m was because the power will fall down too much if the distance is further than this.
For the time being, I stuff a suitable stone on my left and right pocket, for emergency, I carry a log of stick as a club, and went to the outside of the Village.
Now, into the Goblin Hunt!