The 16th Story: Blacksmith Gafi
I woke up at 4 in the morning just like yesterday.
I thought of playing around in the night as I had a lot of money but I stopped.
From my point of view, someone who became rich because of lottery can easily become broke.
Only when I am certain that I can win the same amount it should be okay.
By the way, the money I possess actually is around 170,000 Zen, which in j.a.panese yen would be around 1.7 million.
Considering the inn stay and meals, per day it would be 400 Zen, so I can afford a year.
However, because I can't carry a lot of money on myself I talked with Celine yesterday and ended up depositing 160,000 Zen at the bank, which is a service of the adventurer guild.
The adventurer guild offers a variety of services to the adventurers.
Bank is one of them.
When you go to the field, where everything can happen.
In order to not be targeted by doubtful people, it is safer not to carry a lot of money.
And the money is safe as the adventurer guild guarantees it.
The adventurer guild has developed a huge network throughout the entire continent, so even royalty and n.o.bility can't easily interfere with it.
Well, there are various other services, but I think I will use them gradually.
Besides, I was tired so I just went to sleep yesterday.
I killed some time in my room and came to the first floor's dining room around 7 in the morning.
"Good morning, old man, I want to have breakfast" [Yoji]
"Coming, wait a moment. I will bring it immediately" [Elban]
I was sitting where I could watch the street, where the merchants were starting their business, and the craftsmen were working on the other district.
"Ou, Elban, I want the usual breakfast"
Meanwhile, a man with a short mustache came in.
If I had to guess, I would say that he is from the dwarf race.
Oh? Didn't this dining room open only at noon and night?
I was thinking about that while looking at the man from a distance.
"Ou, Gafi, good morning. It will be done soon" [Elban]
The inn owner gave an answer like usual.
As he did that, the man saw me and approaches me.
"Oh, what a strange adventurer!" [Gafi]
"Who are you?" [Yoji]
"Oh, I am Gafi, I specialize in weapons and armors" [Gafi]
"haa, oh, I am Yoji and I am using this inn" [Yoji]
I got a somewhat familiar feeling, but it is not bad and I return a greeting.
"What a strange guy, staying in such an inconvenient and cheap inn" [Gafi]
"Oi! I will drive you out if you say anything more!" [Elban]
Elban said as he was bringing the breakfast.
"Oh, I am sorry… I wasn't my intention. I give up, I give up" [Gafi]
I wonder if those are his real feelings.
"This guy is a companion from when I was an adventurer, when I started the inn; he stopped being an adventurer and became a craftsman" [Elban]
"Hee, was Elban-san a former adventurer" [Yoji]
"Oh yeah, this guy and his wife made a group with me, but as soon as they married they started the inn, so I became a craftsman" [Gafi]
"Yeah, Gafi is still single despite his appearance. His house is nearby so he comes so he comes every morning, noon and night to eat" [Elban]
Both of them take a seat on the same table and began to explain to me.
"But recently he was depressed because there wasn't anyone staying in the inn; he finally became happy because of some customer that decided to stay a long time" [Gafi]
"What do you mean valued customer! I am seriously going to drive you out!" [Elban]
"It is okay. I decided to stay for 3 months" [Yoji]
"O-ou, thank you very much!" [Elban]
"Liking such an inconvenient and cheap inn… You are strange" [Gafi]
As I said so, the dwarf Gafi was watching me with a pitying look.
After that I had breakfast while talking with the two of them.
"So Gafi-san is a craftsman, isn't he?" [Yoji]
"I am, why?" [Gafi]
"Can I ask you for repairs and adjustment of weapons and armors?" [Yoji]
"Oh, I would like to say that there is no problem, but I am employed. So you can't just ask me directly" [Gafi]
"Oh, I see" [Yoji]
"What are you talking about? This person is my good client, please consider" [Elban]
"I understand, I understand. But don't tell anyone else, if the store knows that I am doing work privately it will become a problem" [Gafi]
"It is such a problem? Somehow I am sorry" [Yoji]
"Well, it is Elban's request, so I will do it, well, for the time being give it to me" [Gafi]
"Okay. Please wait a moment" [Yoji]
I say so and return to the room and brought all the weapons and armor.
"You have a lot of weapons; do you use all of this?" [Gafi]
"Yes, I go alone generally, so I have to change the weapon depending on the enemy" [Yoji]
"You are an interesting person, like this you are a jack-of-all-trades" [Gafi]
"Well, you should suit yourself" [Elban]
Like that Gafi cheked the knife, short sword and short spear with a steep face.
What? Why is he looking at it like that?
"Are you really using this?" [Gafi]
"Yes, I do" [Yoji]
"Umm…" [Gafi]
"What is wrong Gafi?" [Elban]
"These are all cheap weapons; it doesn't look like an amateur used it" [Gafi]
"What is wrong?" [Yoji]
"When you look at this, it is hard to think that you have defeated 100 to 200 monsters with it, with how it looks you would think that he is a new adventurer" [Gafi]
Hey, do I look that weak?
I feel like I was told the same thing before.
Oh, no.
I listened to Gafi's story, and I was surprised at the number of monsters defeated.
Indeed, In Thales Village I killed around 500 goblins on my own, and when I was escorting it would be up to 600.
"Hee, it is amazing that you can know the number of the monsters killed simply looking at it. Well, it has been only weak monsters, so it doesn't sum up to much" [Yoji]
"Well, I understand. The price is around 3000 Zen" [Gafi]
"Oh? Is it so cheap?" [Yoji]
"Well, it is just readjustment so it is easy" [Gafi]
To be honest, I thought it would be three times that price.
"Well, then thank you" [Yoji]
"Okay. There are other jobs, so I would have to keep it for three days" [Gafi]
"I don't mind, I just thought of taking a day off" [Yoji]
"Then it is decided" [Gafi]
I hand the 3000 Zen to Gafi-san and have all the equipment fully repaired.
Translator: Leoito