How To Get Cute Girls After Transmigrating - 7 Dinner With Rio

7 Dinner With Rio

"That smells really good Rio!" Rio jumped as she was startled by my sudden greeting. I didn't mean to scare her she probably just was not used to having someone else around. She did say she was alone for 60 years."Sorry Rio, I didn't mean to scare you."

"That's ok, I was lost in my own little world there for a minute. How do your wounds feel?" Rio gaze fell onto the bandages on my arms and my legs concern was written all over her face.

"Oh, they feel a lot better, no more stinging. The ointment worked really well. I'm sure this ointment would have gone for a lot of money on my world." It was really amazing how well this stuff worked. I had completely forgotten I even had burns until Rio said something.

"That's good then. When we finish eating I will take your bandages off for you. I was worried that since you were from another world that it might not work or be as effective as it is for the people of this world." Rio turned down the heat to the big pot she had going on the weird-looking stove.

The kitchen itself was more of a country-style kitchen with there being a countertop island set within it. The stove that the pot was sitting on had a hole in it. Rio explained that there was an engraving at the bottom, that would make a flame come out of it when you waved your hand in front of the black panels. There were two black panels one for starting the fire and controlling the size of the flame. While the other one was to adjust how hot the flame was. There was only one burner though so you could only cook one thing at a time. but there was also an oven compartment under it that allowed for baking foods as well. The oven was rather efficient in that it had an engraving on top and bottom of the oven to cook things evenly. Panels for this worked the same as the stovetop did except there was no fire here and the engravings just glowed and got hotter as if you were using a big toaster. So instead of controlling the size of the flame you basically controlled how much of the engraving heated itself.

There was also a big box that worked in the same fas.h.i.+on as a refrigerator would. When you lifted the cover there was one side that was just cold enough to keep things from going bad and then the other side which was more of a freezer. Each side had its own panel to control the temperature inside. When I asked if all homes where like this one in this world, Rio told me that they were not. That this place used to be a ruin that she had found and was able to get access to and had been here ever since. She said that it took a while to even break the code to enter the place. But once she did figure it out she was able to progressively learn what each and every panel did. She originally did not plan on staying here but once she got everything working and that it had a large room she could use as a work area she decided to just make this her home. Not to mention that the convince the ancient technology provided her was, way to good to pa.s.s up. It seemed that the things her home did was not the standard of this world. The main city was in a state of lower technology compared to what she had here. But this place really was amazing everything was basically made out of marble from the tables to the chairs. Even the utensils were made out of marble as well. The chairs did have cus.h.i.+ons embedded into them though. So it was very comfortable to sit on.

"Rio, this is really good what is this?" I said as I was shoving the soup from my bowl into my mouth. Everything in the dish was something I had never tasted before but it all tasted better than anything I have ever had. Every bite of what looked to be vegetables, noodles, and chunks of meat melted in your mouth and exuded a ma.s.sive burst of flavor every time you chewed. It was like eating at a five-star restaurant that had the world's greatest chef making the food.

"Well the vegetables are grown in the work area and I also made the noodles there as well. The meat, on the other hand, is from a new species that has sprung up in the past three hundred years. They live out in the sand and seem to feed off other small creatures. Since they breed rather rapidly they have become the main source of food for the people of Cora. Luckily they do taste ok." Rio had a look of disdain on her face. I was guessing the taste was not to her liking or maybe it was just an old taste for her since she has eaten so much of it. Eat too much of a good thing and its good taste will slowly fade away.

"Well to me this is the best meal I have ever eaten. I truly mean that." I said with a huge smile on my face. Rio's cheeks flushed red and she shyly looked down at her bowl.

After eating, I helped Rio with the dishes and then we went into the living room area. Rio took my bandages off and sure enough, all my burns had disappeared.

"Mmm looks good. I'm glad the ointment worked for you. You should bath again and wash off the rest of the ointment before sleeping. Otherwise, you will feel sticky."

"Okay, I will. Rio, thank you so much for everything. You have no idea how grateful I am to you." I reached over and gave Rio a big hug.

"It-It-It's fi-fi-fine. I just couldn't leave you out there. Not to mention after we started talking you seemed like a good person. It was also the longest conversation I have had with someone in years." Fl.u.s.tered at first by me hugging her out of nowhere Rio stuttered on her words but soon relaxed and hugged me back. I found the warmth of Rio's body very relaxing!

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