We now have four hatchlings!
Now it's only Li Xia, Li Yin Yue and Li Aizen!
What do you think of their names?
Cool, right?!
Finally, I am really excited! Little Aizen egg's been getting bigger and now you can clearly see his silhouette through his sh.e.l.ls which is pretty cool, I was getting worried since he was so much smaller than the others but now they are all on par!
Our girls look exactly like you but they have my dark hair and our little boys are as handsome as their father was before they were born.
Seriously, fatherhood has taken its toll on me, I'm now thinking of growing a beard, not sure what I'll do about the Dark circles since I'm barely getting any sleep.
Weizhi clearly has insomnia but Xie long sleeps a solid ninety per cent of the time and he loves cuddling like a Koala he has grown fond of sitting on my shoulders and just pa.s.sing out, After a while, you barely notice him, it's very cute.
If you wake up soon he'll probably latch on to you too.
Sleep wise our girls are pretty normal, the only thing I am very concerned for is their personalities. Li Liàng is now a confirmed a s.a.d.i.s.t and her influence is spreading, the stuffed bunny I got her was beheaded and its headless body set on fire by Li Límíng who is most definitely an arsonist, so far we've lost a couch, their bed, some unfortunate Teddybears and a large portion of Li Weizhi's toys... I am now rethinking the pet thing, who knows what tragedy would befall the poor animal at the hands of our little girls.
Maybe they'll have mellowed down by the time you read this.
I'm growing concerned at how much Xie long sleeps, he's awake for about four hours and even then he's drowsy he's eating well and doesn't seem sick still I think a visit to the doctor is in order...wait do I need to vaccinate them?
Are there demon doctors?
Can they even get sick?
Well, they are half mortal... this is a lot to think about, I will consult Nurse Chu maybe they'll shed some light on some other issues, like the ingrained hate between Límíng and Weizhi.
I still don't understand why Weizhi does not like her and all my efforts to get them to get along have been fruitless and have actually lead to more problems.
It's like watching a mini-war; clear lines have been drawn, anything that Límíng touches Weizhi despises and vice versa, I've tried to be the mediator but it's like trying to get a cat and a dog to be friends!
It's ridiculous!
Honestly, I don't know what to do besides getting them to actually sign a truce because it's getting out of hand; especially with their abilities, now Weizhi won't even touch the floor if Límíng is on it.
He just crawls up the wall and sits there, glaring at everyone.
They are really coming into their powers, Liang and Límíng have similar abilities: light and fire!
So adorable!
And Xie long seems to be a plant master. I've not seen it in action yet but I'm pretty sure the sudden flowers and vines covering his share of their room is because of him, heaven knows it's not the others.
Okay, what else....oh yeah, it's been a full twenty-four hours and not once have I almost died!
Sure, we had an explosive hatching but that doesn't count; the kids seem to have noticed a human body can only take so much abuse, limiting their experiments and practice to just other household items.
Weizhi enjoys levitation the most, I'm trying to get him to walk more so that he can learn, He has feet so he should know how to use them.
It's a very important life skill.
Xie Long tried it once...he doesn't seem to like it, only made it a few feet in the air before he burst into tears wanting to get down. Liming doesn't seem to have that ability but she is pretty fast, like a bunny, Liang can hover a little but she's adamant about sticking to her twin, so she stays grounded.
Speaking of which I have been thinking of demon lord t.i.tles:
-Weizhi shall be known as the Red Tempest. (Weather-based abilities)
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-Liang and Límíng shall be the twin flames. (Light and fire, so cute!!!!)
-Little Long, though the least intimidating, can be the Terror Of terra!
Get it?
Because he has earth based abilities?... Well, I think they stick, especially since in future they will probably be joining the family business which is apparently ruling the demon realm, which I now consider my summer home,
It actually isn't half bad once you get used to it.
I'll say it now but if they want to try out the human world jobs I'll fully support them, sure its like eighteen years too early to worry about that but its good to be prepared.
Anyway, sleep well Spider mom,
sweet dreams.
Li Jun.
P.S The old goat said he got a nanny so at last, I might finally get some sleep myself!
And moms coming next week! right after Aizens hatching to meet her inlaws I am both nervous and thrilled!