How To Survive As The Wife Of The Monster Duke - Chapter 172

Chapter 172

Published at 21st of June 2023 08:01:02 AM

Ilyin, he breathed again as the feel of her teeth in his skin made him buck harder, bouncing her against him, driving his c*ck into her harder. She gripped him tighter, unintelligible noises leaking out of her clenched teeth.

He sat her upon the edge of the desk, moving his hands under her thighs once her weight was supported. Ilyin leaned back slightly to meet his eyes, their hot breath mingling as they stayed face to face, mouths grazing each other.

Then Aden lifted her thighs higher, and Ilyin leaned further back in response, reclining to lay on the desk as he brought her legs up against his chest. She reached her arms back over her head, grabbing the other edge of the desk to hold herself steady.

I always told you, she gasped, meeting his eyes, You dont have to hold back.

Her legs against his shoulders, Aden gripped her by the hips and thrusted, at first returning to the gentle motion but quickly escalating into hard, quick movements that shook the desk.

Aaaah! she cried, a long, quivering moan that filled the office. She released the desk with one hand and brought it back down to cover her mouth shed been louder than shed expected. She smothered more moans as Aden continued his thrusts, seemingly deeper each time.

The report Aden had been initially reading was still on the desk, now pinned beneath Ilyins bottom. She was flowing more than ever, a river of arousal, and her juices leaked down onto the paper. Aden, from his position, saw it clearly.

Ha! he said with a smile, Youre making a mess.

Her mind pulled back from the white blankness of her arousal and she realized what must be under her. Her eyes grew wide.

Oh! she said, trying suddenly to shift herself off the desk. The

Leave it, he said. He gripped her tighter and held her firmly in place, her struggles helpless against his strong arms.

But Idith she protested though she made no more attempt to escape their coupling.

Aden slowed into an easy rhythm again.

Then let me do what I can, before more damage is done, he said mischievously. He disengaged suddenly, making her spasm at his sudden absence, then dropped to his knees. He roughly kissed the back of her thigh, then the inside just a bit higher, then finally his lips reached her wetness. Ilyin gasped and spasmed again at the feel of his mouth, her hands now both reaching down to grip his hair as he slowly lapped at the wine of her passion. Her legs, now free, wrapped around his neck.

Oh! . . . oh, Aden! she said as he licked, sucked, drank from her fountain. Ilyin vibrated with arousal as his mouth danced upon her, bucked with the beginnings of her org*sm.

Then Aden pulled away. Her hands fell from his hair, instinctively reaching back to hold the desk again as he kissed along her thigh, coming back to standing and repositioning her legs at his shoulders

There, he breathed, then brought his hips forward, entering her hungrily. She jerked again, stifled another gasp as he moved swiftly back into their rhythm. Ilyin began climbing again towards the org*sm his mouth had started.

Adens thrusts were steady, hard, deep. He took hold of her knees and moved her legs slightly away from his body, bending them back toward her to open her up even more. He leaned forward, his thrusts now penetrating her even more deeply as his pace moved slightly faster.

Ilyin, his voice was ragged, his breathing labored as he moved. My love, Ilyin . . .

Aden, she answered, her voice equally ragged now. A whiteness rose in her again, and the office seemed to fall away around them. She could see only his face, only his chest, his strong arms. Her body seemed numb save for the part wrapped around his surging c*ck, and that single sensation seemed to spread like fire through all of her.

Adens own vision was narrowing now, everything but the sight and feel of her eclipsed as he moved faster, rougher. They were galloping now, riding harder and harder toward a shared light.

Their voices broke into moans, half-formed sounds like a secret language of passion. Ilyins neck arched, her head leaning back as her voice left her entirely, her mouth agape in a silent cry as they moved faster, faster until . . .

The wave broke. Aden exploded inside her, filling her with his org*sm as his body shook and a roar escaped him. Ilyins silent cry suddenly found its voice again and she screamed, her entire body convulsing with her own climax.

They spasmed again, and again, slowly tumbling down from their org*sm until they were left completely spent. Aden fell forward, laying himself gently on top of her, wrapping his arms tightly around her as hers encircled his neck. They lay there, holding each other close, until the last of their aftershocks faded away.