How To Survive As The Wife Of The Monster Duke - Chapter 168

Chapter 168

Published at 21st of June 2023 08:01:02 AM

The Delrose maids exchanged glances among themselves. The Duke of Winter . . . loving? Those that worked on the 7th floor and saw him up close couldnt quite imagine that.

Only Etra and Ilyin understood and suppressed their laughter with a shared wink. Theyd seen Adens child-like complaint when hed met Bertha for the first time at the funeral back in the warm region.

This part came out again.

The study was lively, but they didnt let the festive air distract them. They continued to investigate the history of the winter region and the Miltons, and the investigation was bearing fruit.

There is no mention of light after this, Etra said solemnly, indicating a point in the timeline gleaned from the many diaries and journals theyd gathered. Well have to look into it further, it seems certain at this point.

In Biflten where only dark nights and lighter nights exist. . .

Ilyin looked again at the book that made that mention, flipping the page back to just before it noted the Miltons extinction. Here she found a clear reference to light.

In Elos territory, where bright light shines, there was a nameless flower. . .

After the extinction of the Milton, something changed in Biflten, Etra said. Ilyin nodded absently in response, still focusing on finding the precise point when the winter region became nothing but winter.

There was light in the winter region, thousands of years ago.

It was a common old wives tale in the winter region. But everyone had a different story about when, and why, and none of them seems to have real truth in them.

But from their research, when the Miltons went extinct some 500 years ago, all talk about light in the winter region vanished with them. It was not remarked on by the authors specifically, but the change was consistent in every book theyd perused.

The ruin, Ilyin said thoughtfully. Etra looked at her quizzically but said nothing as Ilyin seemed to work out something in her mind.

Etra, she said finally.

Yes, maam, Etra said.

I want to see Den, Ilyin said, rising. It was rare for her to see Aden during the day. But the sooner she told him what shed found, the better. Of course, as Grand Master and owner of Biflten, it wouldnt be easy to clear his schedule, but she had already seen that she went to the ruin with him in a dream. And that visit, she was sure, would clear up much.

The engravings theyd seen on the ruins in the dream clearly showed Bifltens past. She had only gotten to see a few of them in the dream before waking, but if that was truly the temple of Milton, there could be a great deal there to see. They were said to be able to see the future, after all.

Ill get ready, Etra said with a bow. The Delrose maids within earshot prepared to go with her to aid in preparations. Looking at them, Ilyin remembered Adens promise.

I will bring to this land the gift of summer.

She remembered the determination in his eyes when hed said it. Aden. Aden de Biflten. The Duke of the winter region, and one who seemed more suited to winter than anyone had ever been.

He had looked uncomfortable standing under the light of the warm region, awkward and somehow adorable holding his hands up against the light. She desperately wanted to see him stand under it again.

He had a lot on his plate recently, taking in the displaced people of Elo. She was sure he cared for other citizens, but the people of Delrose were special to him. They trusted him fully, and he loved them.

She didnt want either he or Delrose to be in danger anymore, and didnt want to see either of them hurt again. Ilyin wanted them to be beyond the threat of monsters and battle.

If winter disappeared. . ., she mumbled. Without winter, the monsters of the region would be diminished, maybe vanish altogether. And then, maybe, shed be able to greet the summer with Den beside her, peacefully. To see green fields, gently waving grass rustled by children at play.

Well greet summer like a bright dream. Well walk together on the Biflten beach.

She wished it could happen. No, itwouldhappen. Ithadto happen.

Ilyin looked out the window. The snow and wind were lessening.

April was finally ending.

Of course, Ill come with you, Aden said. There was no way he would reject her request to explore the room together. Hed shared the same dream with her, and thought just as much as she did that they needed to study those engravings.

There were only three issues to address. One, they had to find exactly where it was located. Then they had to secure the surrounding area. Lastly, he needed to make sure the business of the Grand Master was still attended to.

Idith saw to the scouting and securing of the area. Aden would take care of the Grand Masters business. He didnt tell Ilyin that he planned to stay up through the night to make sure everything was caught up. He wanted to show her only happiness. It was still his instinct to spare her the unpleasantness and tedium of life in Biflten.

But he should have known she wouldnt have let him take on that burden alone.

Den, she said with an accusing smile as she joined him in his office.