A tender blue is in the sky As sets the golden sun; Another day is pa.s.sing by, And thus the moments run;
The song-bird's note is soft and low, Flying to leafy nest; In evening's peaceful twilight glow All nature sinks to rest;
The fields are wrapped in somber shroud As fades the light of day; A tender flush is on the cloud Beside the milky way;
A hush is on this world of ours; Day, dying, drops a tear; Angels' hands unveil the stars, Which one by one appear;
Now Pleiades grow sparkling bright In deepening blue above: O mild, serene autumnal night!
Thy voice is full of love.
Such sacred awe my soul doth fill!
Such quietness doth reign!
The Voice that uttered, "Peace, be still,"
Has whispered once again.
The silver bars that streak the West Are short'ning one by one; Another day has gone to rest, And thus the moments run.
I've one day less to watch and wait, My Savior's face to see, Some day, and ope will be the gate.
Sweet heaven, I come to thee.
Oh, may it be when sets the sun So peacefully and calm!
Oh, may I hear the sweet, "Well done,"
When evening sings her psalm!
It is a pleasant autumn eve; The blue is in the sky; My task is done; I take my leave.
Good-by, dear friend, good-by!
Dear reader, live alone for G.o.d; Walk blameless in his blessed Word.
We may not meet each other here, But let us live in Heaven's fear, So when our work on earth is done, We'll meet each other round G.o.d's throne.
Just one request I make of thee: Until we meet, pray oft for me.