How to Get My Husband on My Side - Chapter 68

Chapter 68

Chapter 68

The white marble floor and the marble statue were in harmony.

A crown woven of diamonds and platinum was placed on the head of the stone statue in the shape of a knight with a sword.

Around it, various golden statues stood in circles, and all kinds of jewelry wrapped in velvet cushions glistened like heavenly light inside a long crystal display.

Seashells, large tapestries, and ornate gold leaf decorations adorning the huge walls add to the ecstasy of this luxurious space.

It was like a jewelry fair, not a jewelry warehouse.

Another view emerged as the marble sentries climbed up the stairs.

A crude and simple view that contrasted sharply with the lower floors.

On one side, several balck heavy safes lined up in unison like guards, with majestic shapes, locked chests, and antiques covered in black sheets.

“It’s shabby, but this is how it is. It’s not comparable to my father-in-law’s warehouse, but this is the most expensive place in the castle.”

Was he being sarcastic?

There was nothing to be ashamed of. And even the Pope’s treasure trove would not have been enough to hold the dragon’s jewels.

As for this place, even if not as good as the dragon’s home, it was well-matched with its distinctive artificial splendor and secretive style.

“I’ve never looked at my father’s treasure trove, so I don’t know how to compare. Only my father and older brother can enter there.”

Even Enzo couldn’t get in his way.

It was obvious that Enzo, the playful one, would pick up whatever he wanted and use it to have fun.

“Really? That’s surprising.”

“What’s in those coffers?”

“Similar stuff, trinkets or old weapons cherished by ancestors. All the coins we put in that chest are as old as fossils, and the old-fashioned furniture over there is old enough to have become dust if it hadn’t been preserved as sacred.”

I couldn’t tell whether this was sarcasm or playfulness, so I stopped laughing.

Old-fashioned furniture, even the golden-legged tea table under the tablecloth would be worth a fortune now.

“So, it’s more like a real treasure trove. It’s not just expensive and fancy, it’s a history of blood that no one can buy.”

“I’d like to show you everything, including the safe, but I don’t have time.” Izek, who murmured, put his gauntlet arm around