Yeah I wish.
"-but I wanted you to know that with me you don't have to worry about your reputation or your..." here he faltered as if he wasn't sure what words to use. Finally he gave a short sigh. "I just want to get to know you, all right? I'm not trying to get into your-"
It was his turn to blush and look away.
Aw. It was so sweet. I put my hand on his where it rested on my arm. "Brandon, it's okay. I would like to get to know you as well."
He looked relieved. "I'm glad. I just wanted you to know with me, you don't have to worry."
I felt my own heart beat faster as I squeezed his hand and let go. "I know, Brandon." I knew at that moment that someone had hurt him by sleeping with someone else. Maybe it was, or wasn't Heather. It didn't matter. He wasn't as perfect on the inside as he was on the outside. He felt things a lot deeper than I'd realized.
And from all that I'd been taught about humans, that was what struck me the hardest.
It was...that he felt.
It was at that moment, I started falling in love.
With a human man.
I woke, showered, drank a few bags of blood, brushed my teeth (because blood leaves the most foul smell after a few hours), and made my way to the coffee shop.
He was there before me and had my coffee waiting for me. Oh G.o.d...I hope he didn't want to see me drink it. I couldn't actually digest the stuff. And if I did-I'd have to throw it up later. And that was just gross.
"So," I said as sat down. "Why are you here so early?"
"Game tonight, remember?" He didn't have his book bag with him. "I didn't know if maybe you wanted to go together?"
"To the game?" I smiled at him. "I thought I was going to meet you there."
He looked crestfallen. "Well yeah but I wanted to spend some time before hand. You know...once I get on the field I won't be able to."
I was torn inside. Jared wanted me to help him prepare the house for Michel's arrival on But I really wanted to spend as much time as I could with Brandon before Michel arrived. Regardless if he could smell him on me or not. I honestly didn't see why the guy had to visit during my year to begin with.
It was a little known fact-I knew about it because I have really great hearing and heard the argument with my father-that Michel didn't want me to have this year. He threatened to back out on the bonding at one point. And...I had actually toyed with the idea that he would.
If there was no bonding, then I could have more than a year to live as I wanted.
Brandon's expression touched something in my heart and I pulled my phone from my bag. Jared didn't answer and I a.s.sumed he was busy preparing the house. I left him a quick message-letting him know I'd be home after the game tonight to help him then.
I knew he wasn't going to be happy with me.
After I slipped the phone back into my bag Brandon's grin was infectious. He held his hand out and I took it, revealing in the warmth of his skin against mine. "Come on," he said as he stood and I stood up with him. "Are you hungry?"
I paused. He paused. I didn't eat. Not food the way he knew it. So...what was I going to say? "I uh..."
"I was just asking because I didn't want you to be hungry. I can't eat before a game, but I usually stuff myself afterward." He arched his dark brows. "Hungry?"
"No. Not really. I usually eat late...too."
"Good." He lead us to the door, past the glaring Nut-Girl and her harem. Brandon saluted them and opened the door for me. "I don't have a car-"
"We can take Jared's." I hit the open b.u.t.ton on the key-fob and the doors to the BMW and we climbed in. He immediately put on his seatbelt and watched as I clicked mine. "Wow Brandon-if you smiled any wider your face would crack."
"Carly-I haven't smiled in a while. And being with you just makes me...happy."
Of course instead of thinking it was my sparkling wit and personality that made him feel that way, I wondered if it was my blood again. And if it was my blood, then his happiness was a false one. I cranked the car to mask my suddenly sadness. "So...where would you like to spend time before the game?"
"Do you know where Fallon park is?"
I smiled. "I love that park." It was a wonderful place, with a lake, a fountain, swans, ducks, and a stone bridge. Sometimes Jared used the park's track to take a run-at night though-when no one could see how fast he could really run. The sun wasn't a problem since it had been behind a canopy of clouds since I woke.
Parking was a snap since most people were stuck in Friday afternoon traffic. The park was empty as we started out our walk down the graveled path toward the lake. Red, yellow, brown and orange leaves fell every time a breeze moved the trees. The ducks were parked along the edge of the water, some with their heads tucked under their wings while others watched us walk by.
"Carly...I have a confession to make."
I glanced to my right. We walked beside one another, keeping pace. He had his hands shoved into his football jacket and I had mine in the pockets of my denim jacket. Our elbows brushed against each other's now and then. "What? You're really a woman?"
He laughed. "No. I just...when I told you I'd been watching you since you came in Wednesday...I lied."
"So you hadn't been watching me?"
"Oh yeah I had. But I've been watching you since school started."
I stopped walking. I didn't meant too-he just caught me off guard.
Brandon stopped and moved to stand in front of me, his eyes wide. "Oh G.o.d that was really creepy wasn't it? I'm sorry I just really wanted to be honest with you. I like honesty. I don't think it's possible to have any kind of relationship, or friendship, without it."
I watched him. And as I watched him my breath caught in my throat. His eyes were so expressive and I loved the way his dark lashes fell over is cheek when he looked down. He had to be the most beautiful man I'd ever seen...not that I had many to compare him too.
But it wasn't just his external beauty. It was the warmth inside of him. His concern...for me.
"You're staring at me."
"I'm waiting for you to keep talking," I said. "Explain yourself."
"Oh." He ducked his head. The movement made him look even shyer. "I noticed you the first time I stepped in to grab a coffee after my tutoring session. And then I saw you again the next day, the same seat, a cup of untouched coffee and your tablet. And every day I came in just to see if you'd be there, until I started taking a table myself and watched you." was a little creepy. And it was flattering. "So that's why you asked me if I ever drank the coffee."
"I never saw you take a sip."
I made a face. "I don't really like coffee. But...I love the smell of it. And since I go in there every day and use their wifi, I wanted to at least be a good patron and buy a coffee." Every part of what I said was the truth. I just omitted the fact I couldn't really drink the coffee.
His grin returned and we stood there, under falling leaves as a breeze ruffled his gorgeous dark hair, face to face.
"Monday I was on my way to the coffee shop when Jack and his boys jumped me in the woods. I dreamed about you...I know that now. And it was because I wanted to see you sitting in that seat and I didn't get too. I thought I was going to die and never see you again. And thinking that..." he said as he looked away and I marveled at his profile. "When I saw you Wednesday...I knew I had to gather up the courage to at least try and talk to you." He looked back at me.
"I'm glad you did."
"Me too."
We turned in unison and started our slow walk along the path. He surprised me and took a small bag from his pocket. In the bag was stale bread he split with me and we fed the ducks. They quacked and gathered around. We laughed. We talked about school, he about Lakeside and me about being home schooled. Truthfully I had been home schooled the last few years of my mortal life, and off and on through my new life.
As time moved over us I experienced something I couldn't remember from before.
Real joy.
We paused on the bridge and leaned on the railing to look down at the water. The ducks followed us, waiting on more bread. "Carly..."
"Will...will you go out with me?"
"I thought we were going to go out. Tonight after the game."
"Yeah but I doubt we'll be alone. It's sort of a tradition a bunch of us get pizza at that place by the coffee shop."
Pizza. Garlic. No.... "Oh I see."
"Yeah...and I'm already psyched you want to go to the Homecoming Dance with me...but I want to take you out on a real date before then. I want to borrow my mom's car and pick you up. I want to take you to a movie and maybe dinner...."
"Brandon, I'm happy doing what we're doing now."
"I know. But it's important we get to know each other."
I don't know what possessed me to do it, but I turned and brushed the back of my hand against his cheek. "I thought that's what we're doing now."
He straightened up and so did I. He faced me and tentatively reached out to take my hands in his. The touch...every touch...was like fire against my soul. And again... my blood, or was it real.
Was it really...real.
Brandon was looking at my lips and I looked at his as he leaned forward and I leaned forward...
And my phone broke the moment.
The ring tone was Jared's. Game Of Thrones.
Brandon cleared his throat and released my hands. I clenched my jaw as I reached into my bag and pulled the vibrating device out. I was tempted to just dismiss the call, but I'd never done that to him before. And he was always there for me. "Hey."
"What the h.e.l.l are you doing?"
I turned and took a step away from Brandon. "I'm spending some time with Brandon. I told you I'd be home to help after the game-"
"Now, Carly. Michel's coming in tonight."
A fierce gust of wind twisted a pile of dark leaves into a small twister against the wall of the bridge. "Tonight? I thought he was arriving tomorrow."
"Father called to warn us the idiot was on his way here. His flight's supposed to arrive in less than an hour. I need you here now." He disconnected.
No, no, no.
Not now!
"Is something wrong?"
I turned to face Brandon. "Company. We're...expecting a relative in tomorrow, but apparently he'll be in town tonight. Jared's freaking out."
Brandon's brows knitted together. "Will you be able to come to the game?"
I didn't know the answer to that anymore. I looked at my watch. He had an hour and a half before kick off. He needed to get going. "I'll take you home and then go see what's up."
He reached out for my hand and threaded his fingers in mine. "Your fingers are cold."
"I will do my best to be there, okay?"
His expression lit up. "You mean it?"
"I'm not making any promises. But if I do come, is it okay if I bring my brother?"
He grinned. "I'd like to meet this brother."
"He's sort of my guardian. He's a bit older, but not by much," Oh that was a lie. "Is it okay?"
"I don't care who you bring as long as you come. Okay?"
I nodded.
And then he did something I wanted to do before Jared called.
He kissed me.
He leaned in, turned his head to the right, and pressed his soft, warm lips against my own.
I felt it in my toes.
I had never been kissed before. Not like this. Yes we'd kissed when I'd given him blood, but that had been fueled by a need for more. Was this kiss...also fueled by a need for more blood, or a need for me?
We walked hand in hand back to BMW and I drove him home. Both of us had these big stupid grins on our faces.
One of those things Jared needed help with was cleaning. Especially scrubbing the bas.e.m.e.nt suite. Michel was a lot older and wasn't able to go into the sun at all. It had something to do with his bloodline. And he preferred the dark. Seedy clubs. Shadowy alleys. It seemed the darker things were what attracted him the most.
I was none of those things.
I was pale, yes. But that was because of my Scottish heritage. A mane of red hair topped a round face. Blue eyes and long dark lashes hovered over an upturned nose and thin lips. I had never thought of myself as beautiful, though Jared called me that a lot.