"I don't know," he said finally. "It's all we've got."
"Where was the Navy?" Stacey demanded. "Why didn't they do something?"
"You know the answer to that," Hauptman returned. "They're 'stretched too thin meeting other commitments'. h.e.l.l, it was all I could do pry four Q-ships out of them!"
"Excuses! Those are just excuses, Daddy!"
"Maybe." Hauptman looked down at his hands again, then sighed once more. "No, let's be honest, Stace. It probably was the best they could do."
"Oh? Then why did they put Harrington in command? If they wanted to stop things like this, why didn't they send a competent officer to Silesia?"
Hauptman winced internally. Stacey had never met Honor Harrington. All she knew of her was what she'd read in the 'faxes and seen on HD . . . or what her father had told her. And Hauptman was uncomfortably aware that he hadn't exactly gone out of his way to give his daughter an unbiased account of what had happened in Basilisk. In point of fact, he knew his sense of humiliation had painted Harrington's actions during their confrontation with even darker hues when he described them to Stacey later. He wasn't particularly proud of that, but neither was he about to go back and try to correct the record at this late date. Especially, he told himself fiercely, since Harrington really was a loose warhead!
Yet that also meant he couldn't tell her he was the one who'd pushed for Harrington's a.s.signment. Not without making explanations he didn't care to make, at any rate.
"She may be a lunatic," he said instead, "but she's a first rate combat commander. I don't like the woman-you know that-but she is good in a fight. I imagine that's why they chose her. And whatever they've done or not done, or their reasons for it," he went on more strongly, "the fact remains that we've lost Bonaventure."
"How much will it hurt us?" Stacey asked, reaching for a less personally painful topic.
"In and of itself, not that badly. She was insured, and I'm confident we'll recover from the insurers. But our rates will be going up-again-and unless Harrington actually does some good, we really may have to look closely at suspending operations in the Confederacy."
"If we pull out, everyone else will," Stacey warned.
"I know." Hauptman rose and jammed his hands into his pockets while he stared out over the pool. "I don't want to do it, Stace-and not just because I don't want to lose our revenues. I don't like what a general pull out from Silesia will do to the balance of trade. The Kingdom needs that shipping revenue and those markets, especially now. And that doesn't even consider what it might mean for public opinion. If raggedy-a.s.sed pirates chase us clear out of the Confederacy, people may see it as a sign that we're not holding our own against the Peeps any longer."
Stacey nodded behind him. Her father's long and stormy history with the Royal Navy stemmed in large part from his role as one of the Star Kingdom's major shipbuilders, which put him in constant conflict with the RMN's accountants, but she knew another part stemmed from the Navy's refusal to bend to his will. In addition, like her father, she was a shrewd political a.n.a.lyst, and she understood how that same rocky relationship, coupled with his wealth, made him so attractive to the Opposition. As one of the Opposition parties' major economic sponsors, he was careful to limit his public support for the war effort to "proper" statements in order to retain their support for his own ends, yet he was fully aware of the implications of the fight against the People's Republic . . . and of what he stood to lose if the Star Kingdom was defeated.
"How many of our people have we lost so far?" she asked.
"Counting Sukowski and his exec, we've got almost three hundred unaccounted for," Hauptman said bitterly, and she winced. Her own sphere of authority didn't bring her into direct contact with their shipping interests very often, and she hadn't realized the number was so high.
"Is there anything more we can do?" Her voice was very quiet, not pushing but dark with the sense of responsibility she'd inherited from her father, and he shrugged.
"I don't know." He stared out over the pool for another moment, then turned back to face her. "I don't know," he repeated, "but I'm thinking about going out there in person."
"Why?" she asked quickly, her tone sharp with sudden alarm. "What can you do from there that you can't do from here?"
"For one thing, I can cut something like three months off the communications lag," he said dryly. "For another, you know as well as I do that nothing can subst.i.tute for direct, firsthand observation of a problem."
"But if you poke around out there, you could get captured-or killed!" she protested.
"Oh, I doubt that. If I went at all, I'd go in Artemis or Athena," he a.s.sured her, and she paused thoughtfully. Artemis and Athena were two of the Hauptman Lines' Atlas-cla.s.s pa.s.senger liners. The Atlases had minimal cargo capacity, but they were equipped with military-grade compensators and impellers, and they were excellent at getting people from place to place quickly. Because Artemis and Athena had been expressly built for the Silesian run, they'd also been fitted with light missile armaments, and their high speed and ability to defend themselves against run-of-the-mill pirates made them extremely popular with travelers to the Confederacy.
"All right," Stacey said after a moment. "I guess you'd be safe enough. But if you go, then I'm going with you."
"What?" Hauptman blinked at her, then shook his head adamantly. "No way, Stace! One of us has to stay home to mind the store, and I don't want you traipsing around Silesia."
"First," she shot back, not giving a centimeter, "we've got highly paid, highly competent people for the express purpose of 'minding the store', Daddy. Second, if it's safe enough for you, it's safe enough for me. And, third, we're talking about Captain Harry."
"Look," her father said persuasively, "I know how you feel about Captain Sukowski, but you can't do anything that I can't. Stay home, Stace. Please. Let me handle this."
"Daddy," steely brown eyes met blue, and Klaus Hauptman felt a sinking sensation, "I'm going. We can argue about this all you like, but in the end, I'm going."
Honor looked up from her book reader as her com chimed. MacGuiness poked his head into her day cabin and started towards the terminal, but then it chimed again, this time with the two-toned note of an urgent signal, and she thrust her reader aside.
"I'll take it, Mac," she said, standing quickly. Nimitz raised his head from his own position on his perch, and she felt his quick surge of interest, but she had little time to consider it as she punched the acceptance key. She opened her mouth, but Rafe Cardones started speaking with most unusual abruptness almost before his image stabilized.
"I think we've got our first customer, Ma'am. We've got a bogey tracking up from low and astern with an overtake of nine hundred KPS, and he's accelerating hard. Tactical calls it three hundred gees, and he's one-point-seven million klicks back. a.s.suming constant accelerations, John figures he'll intercept at zero range in about nineteen minutes."
"You just picked him up?"
"Yes, Ma'am." Cardones smiled like a shark. "We don't see any sign of ECM, either. Looks like he was lying doggo and just lit off his drive."
"I see." Honor's smile matched her exec's. "Ma.s.s?" she asked.
"From his impeller signature, Jenny figures it at about fifty-five k-tons."
"Well, well." Honor rubbed the tip of her nose for a moment, then nodded sharply. "All right, Rafe. Sound General Quarters. Have Susan and Scotty a.s.semble their boarding teams, and detail LAC One for launch on my signal. I'll be on the bridge in five minutes."
"Aye, aye, Ma'am."
The GQ alarm began to wail even as Honor cut the circuit, and Nimitz landed on her desk with a thump. She stood and turned to find that MacGuiness had already gotten out her skinsuit, and she flashed him a smile of thanks as she grabbed it and headed for her sleeping cabin. The steward was dragging out the 'cat's skinsuit as the hatch closed behind her, and she began tearing off her uniform. She left it strewn on the carpet-Mac would forgive her this time-and climbed into her suit with painful haste. By the time she was back through the hatch, MacGuiness had Nimitz suited, and she s.n.a.t.c.hed the 'cat up and headed for the private captain's lift at a run.
She punched the destination code and then made herself stand still and consider what she knew. The acuity of merchant-grade sensors varied widely. Any skipper with more than half a brain wanted the best ones he could get if he was going to wander around the Confederacy, but no sensors were any better than the people who manned them, and some merchant s.p.a.cers tended to be a bit lackadaisical about such things.
Bearing that in mind, whoever was behind Wayfarer probably wouldn't be too surprised if she didn't react immediately to his presence, but he was going to be suspicious if she kept on not reacting for very long. Which meant- The lift door opened, and she strode into the orderly bustle of her bridge. Her weapons crews were still closing up-they still had more rough edges than she liked-but Jennifer Hughes' tac crew was on-line and monitoring the bogey's approach. She glanced at the chrono and allowed herself a small smile. Wayfarer's designers had placed her captain's quarters only one deck down from and directly below her bridge, and the private lift was a marvelous luxury. Honor had promised Rafe she'd be here in five minutes, and she'd made it in just over three.
Cardones vacated the chair at the center of the bridge, and she nodded to him as she lowered herself into it. Nimitz swarmed up onto its back while she racked her helmet on the chair arm, and she punched the b.u.t.ton that deployed her displays about her.
Wayfarer was twenty-one light-minutes from the G2 primary of the Walther System, just under fifteen light-years from Libau, stooging along at a mere 11,175 KPS with an accel of only seventy-five gravities. That was on the low side, even for a merchie, but not unheard of for a skipper with worn drive nodes, and Honor had chosen it with malice aforethought. She hadn't wanted anyone to miss her, and such a low velocity was the equivalent of blood in the water. And it seemed to have worked. The bogey had closed another two hundred thousand kilometers, and his speed was still building. He already had a velocity advantage of nine hundred and ten KPS, and it was rising steadily, but that was going to change. He wouldn't want too much overtake when he actually overhauled, but he clearly expected Wayfarer to bolt when she finally saw him. He wanted a little extra speed in hand if she did, and it would be a pity to disappoint him.
"All right, Rafe. Take us to max accel."
"Aye, aye, Ma'am. Chief O'Halley, bring us to one-point-five KPS squared."
"Coming to one-point-five KPS squared, aye, Sir," the c.o.xswain acknowledged, and Wayfarer suddenly bolted ahead at her maximum normal safe acceleration. It was only half that of the ship coming up from astern, but it would be enough to convince him he'd been seen.
"New time to overtake?"
"Make it two-four-point-nine-four minutes, Milady," John Kanehama replied almost instantly, and she nodded.
"Challenge him, Fred. Inform him we're a Manticoran vessel and order him to stand-off."
"Aye, aye, Ma'am." Lieutenant Cousins spoke briefly into his pickup, and Honor watched her display narrowly. They were well within the powered envelope for impeller drive missiles. A pirate wouldn't want to damage his prize, but- "Missile separation!" Jennifer Hughes sang out. "One bird closing at eight-zero thousand gees!" She watched her display for a moment, then nodded. "Not a hot bird, Ma'am. It'll pa.s.s to starboard at over sixty thousand klicks."
"How kind of him," Honor murmured, watching the missile trace tear after her ship. It streaked up on her starboard side and detonated, but not only was it well clear of Wayfarer, it was also a standard nuke, not a laser head. Its meaning was clear, however. She considered continuing to run-although the raider had demonstrated he had the range to fire into her ship, he was unlikely to when she couldn't get away anyhow-but there was no guarantee the person behind that missile tube was feeling reasonable.
"Anything on the com?"
"Not yet, Ma'am."
"I see. Very well, Rafe. Bring us hard to port and kill our accel, but keep the wedge up."
"Aye, aye, Ma'am."
Wayfarer stopped accelerating, and Honor punched up LAC Squadron One's flagship. Commander Jacquelyn Harmon, Wayfarer's senior LAC CO, was a dark-haired, dark-eyed woman with a pre-s.p.a.ce fighter pilot's ego and a sardonic sense of humor-both of which probably stood the commander of such a frail craft in good stead. It was she who'd insisted on naming the twelve LACs under her command for the twelve apostles, and she rode the cramped command deck of HMLAC Peter as her image appeared on Honor's small screen.
"Ready, Jackie?" Honor asked.
"Yes, Ma'am!" Harmon gave her a hungry smile, and Honor shook her head.
"Remember we want them alive if we can get them."
"We'll remember, Ma'am."
"Very well. Launch at your discretion when we drop the sidewall, but stay close."
"Aye, aye, Ma'am."
Honor killed the circuit and looked at Hughes. "Drop the starboard sidewall."
"Aye, aye, Ma'am. Dropping starboard sidewall now."
Wayfarer's starboard sidewall vanished. Seconds later, six small warships spat out of the "cargo bays" on her starboard flank on conventional thrusters. They raced clear of their mother ship's wedge before they brought up their own drives, then hovered there, screened from radar and gravitic detection by her ma.s.sive shadow, and Honor looked back at her plot.
The bogey was decelerating hard now. Given his current overtake, he'd overfly Wayfarer by over a hundred and forty thousand kilometers before coming to rest relative to her, but his velocity would be sufficiently low to make boarding simple. Of course, he might be just a bit surprised to discover who was about to be boarded by whom, she thought coldly.
"I've got good pa.s.sive readouts for Fire Plan Able, Ma'am," Hughes reported. "Solution input and running, and visual tracking has him now. Coming up on your repeater."
Honor glanced down. The decelerating raider was stern-on to the pickup, giving her a good look up the open rear of his wedge. He was smaller than most destroyers, and he couldn't be very heavily armed if he'd shoehorned a hyper drive and Warshawski sails into that hull. He had a conventional warship's hammerhead ends, however, which suggested at least some chase armament, and whatever he mounted was aimed straight at Wayfarer. She checked Kanehama's intercept solution and nodded mentally. There was no point letting that ship get close enough to shoot through her sidewall-not when she had a perfect up the kilt shot at him.
"On my mark, Jenny," she said quietly, raising her left hand, then keyed her own com with her right hand. "Unknown vessel," she said crisply, "this is Her Majesty's Armed Merchant Cruiser Wayfarer. Cut your drive immediately, or be destroyed!"
She slashed her hand downward as she spoke, and every weapon in Wayfarer's broadside fired as one. Eight ma.s.sive grasers flashed out, the closest missing the bogey by less than thirty kilometers, and ten equally ma.s.sive missiles followed. As the single shot the bogey had fired, they were standard nukes, not laser heads, but unlike the bogey's, they detonated at a stand-off range of barely a thousand kilometers, completely bracketing him in their pattern.
The message was abundantly clear, and just to give it added point, six LACs suddenly swooped up over their mother ship, locked their own batteries on the bogey, and lashed him with targeting radar and lidar powerful enough to boil his hull paint to be sure he knew they had.
"Acknowledged, Wayfarer! Acknowledged!" a voice screamed over the com, and the bogey's drive died instantly. "Don't fire! G.o.d, please don't fire! We surrender!"
"Prepare to be boarded," Honor said coldly. "Any resistance will result in the instant destruction of your vessel. Is that understood?"
"Yes! Yes!"
"Good," she said in that same, icy tone, then cut the circuit and leaned back in her chair to smile at Cardones. "Well," she said far more mildly, "that was exciting, wasn't it?"
"More so for some than for others, Ma'am," Cardones replied with a broad grin.
"I suppose so," Honor agreed, and glanced at Hughes. "Nicely done, Guns-and that goes for all of you," she told the bridge at large. Pleased smiles answered, and the turned back to Cardones. "Tell Scotty and Susan they can launch, then match velocities. The LACs can keep an eye on our friend while we maneuver."
"Aye, aye, Ma'am."
Honor stood and stretched, then gathered Nimitz back up once more. "I imagine you can finish up here, Mr. Exec," she said for the benefit of the rest of her bridge crew, "and you pulled me away from a perfectly good book. I'll be in my quarters. Ask Major Hibson to escort the commander of that object to my cabin after she parks the rest of its people in the brig, please."
"Yes, Ma'am. We can do that," Cardones agreed, still grinning.
"Thank you," Honor said, and headed for the lift while the watch chuckled behind her.
The raider's commander was a squat, chunky man who'd once been muscular but long since gone to fat, and his flabby face was gray with shock as Major Hibson thrust him into Honor's cabin. He wasn't handcuffed, and he out ma.s.sed the pet.i.te Marine by at least two-to-one, but only a complete fool would have taken liberties with Susan Hibson. Not that the pirate appeared to have anything left inside with which liberties might have been taken.
Nonetheless, Andrew LaFollet stood alertly at Honor's right shoulder, gray eyes cold, and rested one hand on the b.u.t.t of his pulser as the raider shambled to a halt and tried to square his shoulders. Honor leaned back in her chair, stroking Nimitz's p.r.i.c.k ears with one hand, and regarded him with eyes that were just as icy as her armsman's, and his effort to stand erect sagged back into hopelessness. He looked both beaten and pathetic, but she reminded herself of his loathsome trade and let the silence drag out endlessly before she smiled thinly.
"Surprise, surprise." Her voice was cold, and the prisoner flinched. She felt his shock-numbed terror through Nimitz, and the 'cat bared needle fangs contemptuously at him.
"You and your crew were captured in the act of piracy by the Royal Manticoran Navy," she went on after a moment. "As this vessel's captain, I have full authority under interstellar law to execute every one of you. I advise you to spare me any bl.u.s.tering which might irritate me."
The prisoner flinched again, and Honor felt a trickle of cold, amused approval of her hard case persona leaking from Susan Hibson. She held the pirate with glacial brown eyes until the man nodded jerkily, then let her chair swing back upright.
"Good. The Major here"-she nodded to Hibson-"is going to have a few questions for you and your crew. I suggest you remember that we took your entire database intact, and we'll be a.n.a.lyzing it as well. If I happen to detect any discrepancies between what it says and what you say, I won't like it."
The prisoner nodded again, and Honor sniffed disdainfully.
"Take this out of my sight, Major," she said flatly, and Hibson glared at the pirate and jerked a thumb over her shoulder. The prisoner swallowed and shuffled back out of the cabin, and the hatch closed behind them. Silence lingered for a moment, and then LaFollet cleared his throat.
"May I ask what you're going to do with them, My Lady?"
"Hm?" Honor looked up at him, then smiled briefly. "I'm not going to s.p.a.ce them, if that's what you mean-not unless we find something really ugly in their files, anyway."
"I didn't think you would, My Lady. But in that case, what will you do with them?"
"Well," Honor turned her chair to face him and waved for him to sit on the couch, "I think I'll turn them over to the local Silesian authorities. There's no real fleet base here in Walther, but they do maintain a small customs station. They'll have the facilities to deal with them."
"And their ship, My Lady?"
"That we'll probably scuttle after we've vacuumed its computers," she said with a shrug. "It's the only way-short of actually executing them-to be sure they don't get it back."
"Get it back, My Lady? I thought you said you'd hand them over to the authorities."
"I will," Honor said dryly, "but that doesn't necessarily mean they'll stay turned over." LaFollet looked puzzled, and she sighed. "The Confederacy's a sewer, Andrew. Oh, the ordinary people in it are probably as decent as you'll find most places, but what pa.s.ses for a government is riddled with corruption. I wouldn't be surprised if our gallant pirate has some sort of arrangement with the Walther System's governor."