Moving to the head spokesperson for the little people, Mika threw all her questions his way.
"What is my gift?..."
"'s hard to explain."
"Take your time, I'm not going anywhere..." Mika said as she spun around the empty s.p.a.ce.
"En...This is true...for the time being anyway..."
Motioning Mika to take a seat, the "little people" rearrange themselves in front of her.
"Let's start at the beginning, waving his hands, the "little people" moved to a.s.semble a tree and a woman.
"Your mother told you about your great great grandmother a.n.a.lise, but she missed one important aspect of the story. a.n.a.lise didn't just plant trees, and also made us Sprites, Sylphs and Nymphs ...."
"She made you?..."
"Yes, we were the caretakers of the plants, trees and even the animals on Inay. Every time a.n.a.lise would plant a tree, she would also give life to its caretaker.
When we evolved enough to reproduce, she didn't have to use her gifts to create us anymore...."
The scene of the woman and a tree transform to a bunch of trees with the "little people" flowing around them.
" our population grew we also helped the trees and animals on Inay grow. Allowing the Fae people to prosper, everything was fine until...well you know what happens after that..."
The little people making up the trees slowly began breaking apart.
"After the war a.n.a.lise noticed an contamination flowing through the trees making the honey lose its potency and quant.i.ty. When we tried to fix and eliminate the contamination it infected our bodies. Our people were sick and dying, we could no longer take care of the trees. a.n.a.lise tried to contain the spread by burning everything that contains the contamination..." The "little people" move to create a wildfire.
"...Ash City..." Mika looked at the scene they were displaying. A city where the fire consumed everything in its path.
"Yes...Ash City wasn't just burned for the evilness that took place there. a.n.a.lise found that the source of the contamination started there...We also lost a lot of our loved ones during the war." A somber mood fell over everyone.
Giving them time to collect themselves, Mika sat processing the new information coming at her.
"With the threat of the Umuris Empire and the contamination in the honey trees, a.n.a.lise was left with no other choice but to seal off the planet. Hoping of fixing the problem later, she saved those of us she could inside her honey tree..."
"That was you at the cave, warning me not to touch...?"
"En...a.n.a.lise told me to wait for her descendants to come to pa.s.s on the secrets of growing the trees. a.s.suming that one would be able to fix the problems she couldn't. However, all of your predecessors were too weak, they couldn't manage a.n.a.lise's teachings..."
"...but you think I can...after meeting me just once?"
"Well...I wasn't 100% certain...after all you're such a little thing..." The spokesperson sighed, as he looked Mika up and down.
I'm a little thing!? Is everything backward here.
"...but since you are the only one to hear me, we took a chance."
"Wait! You took a chance...? What does that mean?"
"Well, from the time you left the cave I have been monitoring your progress...when you awaken early we saw it as a good omen and sang the song of spirits for you.."
"Ah huh... and what could have happened if I didn't pa.s.s this test, and I wasn't the one you have been waiting for?"
".....why to worry about the what if's....besides, you've already taken in the song of us spirits...this will enable you to see, hear, speak and sense us."
"So, you just pa.s.sed on this big inheritance to me without full certainty that I would survive!"
"When you say it like that it does sound bad...."
Mika looks around at all the "little people" in exasperation. She was only twelve years into her rebirth, and already she was almost killed twice.
"Give me a guys are making me wish I had bugs zappers."
"So, I have to find a way to solve the honey problem? What if I can't? Can we survive without the honey?..."
"This is what will happen if the honey trees don't get fixed.."
The scene the little people presented left Mika to a state of dread.
"It's not just the Fae who depend on the honey everything on this planet depends on the honey trees, when they go the land will become like how it was before a.n.a.lise planted the first trees.... a barren wasteland, everything will die a long painful death..."
Mika felt tears pouring from her eyes as she watched as children starved and people fought, the animals were diseased and dying, the plant life on the world withered away into emptiness.
" can no one know about this?" Mika couldn't believe that such a serious problem was not discerned by anyone on Inay.
"Child, they know. They just don't know how to fix it...Back then, a.n.a.lise had too many enemies around her to seek help. She could only leave it to her descendants, you, to help Inay..."
"d.a.m.n, great-great-grandma. How you gonna do me like this!?"