Hockey Is My Boyfriend: Part Three - Hockey Is My Boyfriend: Part Three Part 6

Hockey Is My Boyfriend: Part Three Part 6

Kelly scowled at me. "As opposed to doing what you want me to-you know, like we did under GM Place-which got you into trouble."

I had a lot to say, and we were getting off on the wrong foot. "Let's not fight, Kelly."

She made a little face, then smiled. "Okay." She moved down the couch and nestled her body into mine. I put my arm around her automatically. "I missed you," Kelly said.

Her soft breasts pressed into my side, and her firm thigh pushed against mine. I started to get aroused. Kelly craned her neck up and kissed me. Her mouth was soft and yielding, and her tongue darted into my mouth. I pulled her into my lap. Her eyes were closed, and she kept kissing me hard. Everything felt perfect.

"I missed you too-so much," I told her.

"Oh yeah," Kelly exhaled. Her eyes were unfocussed as she leaned forward and bit at my chest through my shirt. My nipples tightened at the moist sensation of her mouth. She started unbuttoning my shirt. "Wow, your pecs feel amazing. Even more cut than before."

I put my hand over hers. "Wait. Does this mean that we're back together?"

She blew out a breath. "Jimmy, please. Let's talk later."

It took a superhuman effort, but I didn't want to hook up with her and get my emotions more messed up. I wanted us to be back for real.

"Kelly, this is important. I've thought about this a lot, and I think it's the perfect time for us."

"That's what I'm trying to show you." She giggled and tried to get back to undressing me.

"No, really. Stop this." I pulled her hands into mine. She groaned and slid off my lap.

"Okay, let's talk." She rolled her eyes.

"Well, all the problems you thought we had before, they can all be fixed now."

"Which problems?"

It was my big chance to convince her and tell her everything I'd been thinking about. I counted off on my fingers. "One, experience. You always thought I was into you because I didn't know any better. But y'know, I was right all along. I have been with other girls, and you're still the one I want. You get me, better than anyone else. We're so connected.

"Two, long distance. Well, that's up to you. I'm in Chicago now, and I will be for a while. But now that you've graduated, you're free to choose where you want to live."

"You want me to move?"

"Well, for sure. We need to be in the same place to see if things can work. And I can't move."

"Oh wow."

I waited but that was all she said. "Okay, number three-"

Then she started laughing.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I don't know. I feel like you're going to whip out a Power Point presentation entitled, 'Why you should date me.'" She giggled some more and then leaned back against my arm. I swallowed my irritation. She was probably tired and a little giddy.

"As I tried to say-before I was so rudely interrupted-number three, goals. Well, I'm on the way to achieving mine. Yours seem to be firming up. You want to work in something hockey-related. I don't think your current job is what you want. Maybe you can find something better in Chicago."

She nodded but didn't reply. She was taking it all in.

"Four, privacy. I told you I got a place in Chicago. But I can also get my own place when I go home. I want to see my parents, but I want to have my own space, so I was thinking of getting a cottage nearby, like in Mactaquac. And when I travel for training and stuff, I get hotels-nice ones." I stroked her hair. "I know you hate the money thing, but's a fact of my life now. I can afford to make life more comfortable for us, so that's what I want to do. We can do whatever we want, whenever we want. Nobody's going to be taking stupid photos or interrupting us.

"Before, we had to take chances because we didn't have any places to be alone. It's not like I get off on doing you in public." I swallowed because thinking of all the stuff we had done was pretty distracting. "Anyway, it all happened because we're so into each other. If we get to have as much sex as we want in private, we won't have to take those chances anymore.

"So, what do you think? Do you agree with everything I've said? I've gone through everything you said was wrong before, and it's all going to be better now."

She didn't answer. I looked down, and she was fast asleep, still nestled against me.


She didn't respond at all, and I remembered that she was a pretty sound sleeper. How much of what I said had she even heard? I eased her down onto the couch.

Now what should I do? Should I leave her here all night or put her to bed? And where should I put her-in my bedroom or one of Baller's other bedrooms?

The front door opened, and Baller called out loudly, "I'm home. Just in case anyone is doing anything they don't want me to see."

"I'm in here."

He appeared and looked down at Kelly. "What's going on, Freeze? Did you roofie her?"

"No! Of course not," I answered, but then I realized he was teasing me. "Kelly was tired, and she fell asleep." I didn't add that it was while we were talking about getting back together, or he'd make a joke about that too.

"Do you think I should put her to bed?" I asked him.

"Yeah, sure. Make sure you take off all her clothes too. Nothing people like better than waking up naked in bed with someone and no memory of what happened. I know I love that."

"Get serious. I can put her in one of the other guest rooms."

He nodded. I carried Kelly upstairs, and she was dead weight in my arms. Baller motioned to the room across from mine. We went in, he pulled back the covers, and I laid her carefully on the bed. I removed her shoes, covered her up, and looked down. Kelly was so beautiful with her long eyelashes, her tanned skin, and her kissable mouth. Nothing today had gone the way I wanted, but that was par for the course. I never knew how Kelly would react to anything. I smoothed her hair back from her face and let my fingers linger on her soft cheek.

Baller was watching me from the doorway.

"You've got it bad, Freeze." He laughed loudly. "'Course I knew that already."


Good Morning, Sunshine

I woke up and stretched out luxuriously. Which was completely wrong since I had a single bed. Also, I was wearing clothes and not pajamas. I opened one eye and saw a room that was taupe, leather, and unfamiliar. And I was all alone.

I sat up and saw my little gym bag on the floor. Obviously, Jimmy had tucked me in like a gentleman, and not defiled me like I wanted. Of course, what would be the point of having orgasms if I couldn't remember them?

I felt icky so I decided to take a shower first and ask questions later. The last thing I remembered was Jimmy asking me to move to Chicago and have sex with him in his new condo-or something along those lines.

Showered and dressed in yesterday's clothes, I went down to the kitchen. Ty was sitting there at a vast breakfast bar, looking at his phone and drinking coffee. When he saw me, he smiled. "Morning, sunshine."

"Morning, 'old friend,'" I replied.

"Oh, you're still mad at me for roping you into the tourney?" He held out a mug. "If I give you coffee, am I forgiven?"

"I'm holding out for breakfast. Where's Jimmy?"

Ty motioned with his head. "He's working out in my gym downstairs."

"Maybe I should go down and say hi." And apologize for falling asleep during his carefully rehearsed speech. Yesterday had been so draining, both physically and emotionally. My mind had said enough and shut down.

"He's actually working with his trainer on Skype," Ty said with an eye roll. "I hate getting put to shame before 10:00 a.m."

"I'll have breakfast first then. So how did the fundraising go?"

His face brightened. "Great. I don't have the final numbers yet, but it looks like we raised about $35,000."

"That's fantastic," I said. "And you raised awareness too. Lots of people were signing those donor consent cards-me included."

"Yeah, feels good. My uncle died while waiting for his liver transplant, so I like to support the cause. It's not as sexy as some, but it's worthwhile."

"Rats. I'm trying hard to stay mad at you but you seem to be a nice guy." He laughed.

"C'mon, you can't tell me you were unhappy to see James again, were you?"

"I would have preferred a little notice. But how the heck did you recognize me in the first place?"

"Oh, I think I saw a photo of you once, somewhere."

"Yeah, right."

"Uh, Kelly, didn't you want breakfast?"

Ty opened the fridge, and I peeked inside. "NHL players, they're not just like us," I said. His fridge looked like the deli section of Whole Foods. I pulled out some fruit salad. "Yum."

He frowned. "Is that all you're eating? I was thinking about scrambled eggs or pancakes, and maybe some bacon or turkey sausage."

"Yes, please."

"To what?"

"All of it," I replied. I was hungry, and I liked guys making breakfast for me. Well, it had only happened once, but it was great.

Ty laughed again. "Since we didn't even sleep together, I'm not doing all this for you. You'll have to help."

"I'm glad to. But you should know I can't cook."

"Hmmm. You can't cook, you fall asleep on dates, and you're a terrible golfer. It's tough to know what Freeze sees in you." Ty put a frying pan and a package of turkey sausage in front of me.

"Freeze? Is that what you call him?"

"Yeah, at first we called him Iceman. The guy showed no emotion on or off the ice. He's starting to warm up. But, I'm sure you know all about that side of him."

I started blushing and tried to stay on topic. "I know. Hockey nicknames are soooo creative." I turned the sausages in the pan. Hopefully, he wouldn't ask me to do anything else because I could only cook one thing at a time.

"That's right, you play hockey too. What's your nickname?"


"Because you roll over everyone? Or because you're so fat?" He eyed my body and smirked.

"No. Tanaka, Tank. It's as close as Frechette, Freeze."

"You guys talking about me?" Jimmy walked into the kitchen. He was wearing a technical T, shorts, and cross trainers. Sweat was dripping off his face, and his clothes were clinging to him. I could see all the contours of his now professionally-trained body, and he looked so frigging hot that I could not take my eyes off him. How the hell did I fall asleep with that beside me?

"Oh Kelly, the sausages are burning," Ty called out.

I whirled around and began flipping the pan. They were fine.

Ty chuckled. "Oh, maybe it was you burning."

"How would you like to be whacked with a greasy spatula?" I asked.

"Sounds hot," he replied.

"Hey. Get your own woman." Jimmy came over and put his arm around me. His warm, moist, muscular arm. I smiled up at him, and he kissed me. It was a sweet, in-front-of-the-parents type kiss. "How are you today, Sleeping Beauty?"

"I'm so sorry I fell asleep last night." I kissed him on the cheek for emphasis. He tasted salty, and I gave him an extra lick.

"It's okay. But I have to go back east tonight, so we need to finish talking."

"Sure. I'm all rested now and ready to go." Ready to go? That sounded like I was a car.

"Great. I'm gonna take a shower now. Then I'll help you guys eat some of this breakfast."

I watched him leave. I wouldn't have believed that his ass could have gotten bigger, but it had-in a good way.

"You could hop in the shower with him, you know," Ty suggested. "It's clear you want to."

"Why are you bugging me so much?" I pinched his side and he ducked away.