Hockey Is My Boyfriend: Part Three - Hockey Is My Boyfriend: Part Three Part 39

Hockey Is My Boyfriend: Part Three Part 39

"Oh, I'm sure you will, you lucky motherfucker." He cackled and disconnected.

We barely got in the door before we started making out. Kelly had her arms around my neck and her lips pressed hard against mine. I heard her sandals drop to the floor, and then she wrapped her legs around my waist. I lifted her ass and pushed her against the wall. Now she was grinding her crotch against me.

This was the real Kelly-how I wanted her to be from the moment I saw her on the golf course. Finally we could relax and be ourselves, and I knew she was mine. Exhilaration coursed through me.

"Bedroom?" I asked when we paused for breath. She nodded, and I carried her there. We fell onto the bed. I kissed her face, her neck, her hair, everywhere. She pulled up my t-shirt slowly and then kissed down the middle of my chest. I raised my arms, and she pulled the t-shirt off completely and threw it on the floor.

"You've been working out a lot," Kelly said, running her hands over my delts and then down the slope of my pecs.

"Yeah, lots of core work. And I'm trying to bulk up my upper body for next season-ahhhh." I inhaled sharply as Kelly moved her fingers onto my nipples. "Ummm...our team trainer-" I began and then totally lost my train of thought as Kelly put her mouth on one nipple and sucked hard. The hell, she didn't care about my training program, except maybe the endurance part.

She undid my belt and shorts, then stroked my cock through my underwear. I lay back with a happy sigh and watched her. She pulled and rubbed at my cock through the thin cotton until it was painfully hard.

"Fuck. Take it out," I pleaded. She pushed down my underwear, and I felt the tickle of her hair on my thighs, her warm breath over me, and then her tongue bathing my cock. As I stretched out, I noticed that I could see her in the wall of closet mirrors. I watched as her head bobbed up and down on my cock, sucking like it was the best treat she'd had all day.

It felt fantastic, but I wanted a lot more than a blowjob. "Ease up, baby," I groaned, and she looked up at me. Her face was so sexy: her eyes glazed and a little saliva dripping from her lips. Kelly went from elusive to hot-for-it at the push of a button. And I was remembering where all those buttons were.

I pulled her towards me and laid her out on the bed. My clothes were constricting me, so I pulled them right off. Then I started stripping off her clothes, impatient to see her naked again. She was wearing a black bra and panties, and I relished the sight of her taut, tanned body. As I fumbled with her bra, she took pity on me and undressed herself. I watched, my cock getting harder all the time. She stretched out naked on the bed-her body striped with golden skin and pale tan lines. Finally, she was really with me, like I'd been imagining for so long. I leaned over her and squeezed her tits, kissing them, sucking at her nipples, and hearing her cry out. She brought her hands up and ran them over me, over my arms, my chest, and then down to my cock. She held it in her hand and starting pulling at it, making me even harder and ready to burst. I moved back up to her mouth and started kissing her again, and I lay on top of her feeling her writhing under me.

"Um, you're good health-wise, right?" she asked me hoarsely, when we came up for air after an extra long French kiss.

"Yeah, of course. Are you're on the pill?

She nodded.

"Perfect. We don't ever need to use condoms again. It's just you and me-forever." Kelly was the only one I'd done it with without protection, the only girlfriend I trusted enough. Now we could do whatever we wanted, whenever we wanted.

Kelly seemed to come out of her daze. She stared at me, and then smiled. "Wow, really?"

I pulled her hard against me and kissed her. Then I flipped her under me and moved my head down. I tongued her clit-enjoying her moans and cries.

"Oh fuck, Jimmy. I'm coming already!" Her thighs tensed, and she lifted her hips up and pressed against my mouth. Then she fell back against the mattress. I moved up between her legs.

"Ready, beautiful?"

"Yes, yes. Want you so bad." She reached down and held herself open for me. I pushed inside her, closing my eyes and letting myself feel every sensation. Kelly was so into it, meeting my strokes and finally grabbing my ass like she wanted me even deeper. I was happy to oblige, and I pushed her knees up, so I could spear her in rhythmic thrusts.

"Let's switch," she gasped between strokes. I flipped her on top of me without missing a beat. She rode me hard, pulling up and up until I was almost out and plunging back down. I turned my head so I could watch us in the mirror. Kelly was a blur of movement, her hair flying and her tits bouncing. I could see beads of sweat in the sunlight. We were both going hard, like it was some crazy contest. I closed my eyes and concentrated on the sensations. I grunted every time she plunged back down on me. It felt unbelievable.

"Oh Kelly, fuck. It's so good." I put my hands on her waist and held her still and felt the trembling of her body on me. "I want to see everything. I want to watch you come-on my cock."

I moved her under me, and then pulled us to the edge of the bed. I thrust my cock deeply into her. She began twisting all over the bed, her hands splayed on the sheets and her hips meeting my every thrust. Our bodies were hot and sweat-slick, and every motion made a wet, smacking sound. I watched her face-her eyes closed, her hair spilling out across the sheets, and her lips open and moaning. I leaned in, and I could hear her soft voice. "Oh, fuck yeah, it's good Jimmy, so good. Ohh yeah, like that. So close."

I spread her legs wider and stroked faster and deeper. Suddenly she screamed and arched her back, thrusting her chest out. I thrust a few more times, feeling her muscles contracting around me, and then let myself come too. My cock swelled and then emptied itself into her.

I had almost forgotten how much stamina Jimmy had. And his body looked fantastic, so perfectly sculpted and his muscles huge and defined. I was so turned on just seeing him naked. Before, if I complimented his body I would have been leading him on. Now I could relax and let him know how hot I found him.

We had sex two times in quick succession before we took a break. The second time was pretty intense. It took him ages to come-not that I was complaining because it was cosmically orgasmic. Now I was sleepy and a little sore. I wanted to take a nap and then go hunt down some food. But Jimmy was totally jazzed. He kept talking to me about all the things we were going to do this summer. I was kind of dozing and not actually listening, until I realized he was asking a question.

I opened my eyes, and he was propped up on one elbow, watching me.

"I think the best thing would be for you to move directly to Chicago. Then we'll go back and forth to Fredericton during the summer. If you give notice right away, we can have most of August together."

"Yeah, sure."

"I'm so happy we're back together. It's something I wanted, well, basically since we split up." He beamed down at me-his eyes wide and this goofy grin on his face.

"Awww, that's so sweet." I reached up and caressed his cheek. Then I sensed what was coming next and got ready. That white night in Toronto had shown me that no matter how big Jimmy got on the ice, he was full of the same insecurities that anyone had. In fact, his worries seemed to be on an even bigger scale.

"I love you, Kelly."

"I love you too."

He smiled even wider and finally lay down beside me. He let out a huge satisfied sigh.

I did love him. I only worried that the way I felt about him wasn't as all encompassing as his emotions were. I loved being with him. I loved having sex with him. I loved his sweet ways. I really wanted to be a giving person and not keep my emotions under wraps. So I had to keep responding in the right way until it felt natural to me. I cursed my whole stoic childhood upbringing.

Now could I take a nap? I had a lot of post-orgasm oxytocin in my body that made me sleepy.

"Hey, Kelly."


"What do you want to do now?"

"Sleep. Leave me alone." I turned and buried my head in the pillow.

"It's the afternoon, and this is the best day ever. You don't want to waste it sleeping."

For an answer, I disappeared under the duvet.

Jimmy got under the duvet with me, creating a little tent with his body. He was shaking his head. "No endurance. You really need to build up your endurance. And you know how professional NHL athletes do that?"


"No. When your body feels it can't do anymore, you have to push it: one more rep, one more circuit, one more...." He trailed his hand down my stomach, then lower.

"Oh my God. No way. You couldn't."

He could. And it was amazingly good.


Leaving On a Jet Plane

Leaving Vancouver was both simple and complicated. Everything at work went pretty smoothly. Cheryl was sad but unsurprised that I was leaving.

"I knew you were too good to last," she said. "Two weeks should be more than enough time for me to get someone new. I'm used to much less notice." She exhaled loudly.

Ruby the producer took me out to lunch to discuss my broadcasting future. She was pregnant but only recently had begun to show.

"Ouch, my back is killing me." She rubbed it. "So, you wanted some advice on your career?"

"Yes, there's this college in Chicago. I was wondering if you think it looks like what I need to become a producer."

She looked over the curriculum and brochure. "Well, to be honest, it looks like a school for rich kids or something. You're not even going to school for twenty hours a week. But they're right, a production assistant job would be a breeze once you had all this exposure to television and radio broadcasting equipment."

Ruby drank her tomato soup. "What's the plan, Kelly? Are you coming back later? Because if you still wanted the intern job, I think that completing this program, along with your real university degree and your sports background would make you a shoo-in."

I hadn't really talked about the specifics of why I was moving since leaving for a relationship sounded dumb. But Ruby had been a great mentor.

"I hope this doesn't make you think less of me, but I'm moving to be with my boyfriend."

A big grin crossed Ruby's face. "Well, what a coincidence. That's how I ended up in Vancouver. I had a great job in Toronto, and I had to go and fall in love. Derek was everything I'd ever wanted in a man, except he lived on the other side of the country. He's a tugboat captain, so he couldn't move."

"Crazy! How did you guys meet?"

"We met on a cruise ship. I was getting to the age where all my friends were married, and I figured I'd have to start taking chances if I wanted to meet Mr. Right. So that was one of the many things I tried."

I giggled. Ruby always seemed so buttoned-down and hard working at the station, that it was hard to imagine her on the prowl. However, her taking a completely methodical approach to finding love was very believable.

"What about you? Who's this guy who is taking you away from the glamourous world of radio? Is it that tall, dark hottie I've seen skulking around the reception desk?"

"Um, no." Because it was sports radio, I hadn't ever shared my real story with anyone. Ruby was being so open that I felt I needed to share something. "I'll tell you, but maybe don't mention this to anyone-especially Brian Ford."

She gave me a curious look.

"It's James Frechette."

"You mean, as in the Chicago Blackhawks?"

I nodded.

Ruby looked shocked but quickly hid it. "Holy moly. You met him this summer?"

"Oh no, we dated before. We met at hockey camp."

She shook her head. "I'm not sure why you're even worrying about broadcasting school. You know how much NHL players make."

"I know, but Ruby, I've never even had a career or anything. Don't you think work is important?"

She nodded. "Yeah, I do. My mother got stuck in a bad marriage for way too long because she had no options." Then she smiled again. "Weird. You don't seem like a hockey girlfriend at all."

I knew that all too well. I was nervous about meeting all the WAGs, but Jimmy had reassured me they were all nice. "It'll be fine," I said. That was my mantra.

Things didn't go as smoothly with my parents.

"Oh Kelly," my mother declared. "I was so happy that you were settled in your lovely apartment with your great job."

"Mom, I was a receptionist. Machines are replacing receptionists."

"But moving in with this James fellow, are you sure that's the right thing to do?" My dad looked genuinely upset. James had insisted on getting to know my family, so I had brought him over to dinner twice. They liked him, but it was still a shock for them to hear I was moving to a new country to be with him.

"He really needs me. It's been a challenge for him navigating a new city and his work."

My mom frowned. "But Kelly, you're so young, and he's even younger. Of course, he needs someone to look after him. But a mature relationship is one of equals."

"Don't worry, James is very mature. In some ways, he's way older than I am."

"And I'm not sure about this living together. You know what they say, dear. A man doesn't buy the cow if he can get the milk for free." Clearly, in times of emotional stress, my mom reached for her cliche arsenal.

"We're not getting married or anything like that. Think of it as my little adventure. I'll go away for a year-just like you guys. We'll see how everything goes. And I'm not wasting my time, I'll be studying too." I had explained about the broadcasting school.

My dad broke in. "Let's talk finances then. Do you need money? How are you going to pay for tuition and living expenses?"

I knew my parents were cash-strapped right now, so I didn't want them to worry. "I've got some money saved up. And I'll get a part-time job or something." That was a straight up lie, but nobody seemed to notice.