19. The putsch: armed putschists from the area around Munich, 9 November 1923.
20. Defendants at the trial of the putschists: left to right left to right, Heinz Pernet, Friedrich Weber, Wilhelm Frick, Hermann Kriebel, Erich Ludendorff, Adolf Hitler, Wilhelm Bruckner, Ernst Rohm, Robert Wagner.
21. Hitler posing for a photograph, hurriedly taken by Hoffman because of the cold, at the gate to the town of Landsberg am Lech, immediately after his release from imprisonment.
22. Hitler in Landsberg, postcard, 1924.
23. The image: Hitler in Bavarian costume (rejected), 1925/6.
24. The image: Hitler in a raincoat (accepted), 1925/6.
25. The image: Hitler with his alsatian, Wolf, 1925 (rejected, from a broken plate).
26. The Party Rally, Weimar, 34 July 1926: Hitler, standing in a car in light-coloured raincoat, taking the march-past of the SA, whose banner carries the slogan: 'Death to Marxism'. Immediately to Hitler's right is Wilhelm Frick and, beneath him, facing the camera, Julius Streicher.
27. The Party Rally, Nuremberg, 21 August 1927: left to right left to right, Julius Streicher, Georg Hallermann, Franz von Pfeffer, Rudolf He, Adolf Hitler, Ulrich Graf.
28. Hitler in SA uniform (rejected), 1928/9.
29. Hitler in rhetorical pose. Postcard from August 1927. The caption reads: 'In the pa.s.sing of thousands of years, heroism will never be spoken of without remembering the German army of the world war'.
30. Hitler speaking to the NSDAP leadership, Munich, 30 August 1928. Left to right Left to right: Alfred Rosenberg, Walter Buch, Franz Xaver Schwarz, Hitler, Gregor Stra.s.ser, Heinrich Himmler. Sitting by the door, hands clasped, is Julius Streicher: to his left is Robert Ley.
31. Geli Raubal and Hitler, c c. 1930.
32. Eva Braun in Heinrich Hoffmann's studio, early 1930s.
33. Reich President Paul von Hindenburg.
34. Reich Chancellor Heinrich Bruning (left) with Benito Mussolini, Rome, August 1931.
35. Reich Chancellor Franz von Papen (front, right), with State Secretary Dr Otto Meissner, at the annual celebration of the Reich Const.i.tution, 11 August 1932. Behind von Papen is Reich Minister of the Interior Wilhelm Freiherr von Gayl, who, that very day, put forward proposals to make Weimar's liberal const.i.tution distinctly more authoritarian.
36. Gregor Stra.s.ser and Joseph Goebbels watching the SA parade past Hitler, Braunschweig, 18 October 1931.
37. Ernst Thalmann, leader of the KPD, at a rally of the 'Red Front' during the growing crisis of Weimar democracy, c c. 1930.
38. n.a.z.i election poster, 1932, directed against the SPD and the Jews. The slogan reads: 'Marxism is the Guardian Angel of Capitalism. Vote National Socialist, List 1'.
39. Candidate placards for the presidential election, Berlin, April 1932.
40. Discussion at Neudeck, the home of Reich President Paul von Hindenburg, 1932. Left to right Left to right: Reich Chancellor Franz von Papen, State Secretary Otto Meissner (back to camera), Reich Minister of the Interior Wilhelm von Gayl, Hindenburg, and Reichswehr Minister Kurt von Schleicher.
41. Reich Chancellor Kurt von Schleicher speaking in the Berlin Sportpalast, 15 January 1933.
42. A photo taken of Hitler in the Kaiserhof Hotel, Berlin, in January 1933, just before his appointment as Chancellor, to test how he looked in evening dress.
43. The 'Day of Potsdam', 21 March 1933: a deferential Hitler bows to Reich President von Hindenburg.
44. SA violence against Communists in Chemnitz, March 1933.
45. The boycott of Jewish doctors, April 1933. The stickers read: 'Take note: Jew. Visiting Forbidden'.
46. An elderly Jew being taken into custody by police in Berlin, 1934.
47. Hindenburg and Hitler on their way to the rally in Berlin's l.u.s.tgarten on the 'Day of National Labour', 1 May 1933. The following day, the trades union movement was destroyed.
48. Hitler with Ernst Rohm at a parade of the SA in summer 1933, as problems with the SA began to emerge.
49. The Fuhrer cult: a postcard, designed by Hans von Norden in 1933, showing Hitler in a direct line from Frederick the Great, Otto von Bismarck, and Paul von Hindenburg. The caption reads: 'What the King conquered, the Prince shaped, the Field Marshal defended, the Soldier saved and united'.
50. The Fuhrer cult: 'The Fuhrer as animal-lover', postcard, 1934. The Fuhrer cult: 'The Fuhrer as animal-lover', postcard, 1934.
51. Hitler justifying the 'Rohm purge' to the Reichstag, 13 July 1934. Hitler justifying the 'Rohm purge' to the Reichstag, 13 July 1934.