History of the Negro Race in America - Volume II Part 78

Volume II Part 78

Oct. 11, 1864. Sept. 25, 1864.

U. S. C. T. 4th Hy. Art. U. S. C. T. 118th Inf.

Fort Gaines, Ala. Holly Springs, Miss.

Aug. 2 to 8, 1864. Aug. 28, 1864.

U. S. C. T. 96th Inf. U. S. C. T. 11th (new) Inf.

Fort Gibson, Caddo Nation. Honey Hill, S. C.

Sept. 16, 1864. Nov. 30, 1864, U. S. C. T. 79th (new) Inf. U. S. C. T. 32d, 35th, 54th, and 55th (Ma.s.s.), and 102d Inf.

Fort Gibson, Caddo Nation.

Sept., 1865. Honey Springs, Kan.

U. S. C. T. 54th Inf. July 17, 1863.

U. S. C. T. 79th (new) Inf.

Fort Jones, Ky.

Feb. 18, 1865. Hopkinsville, Va.

U. S. C. T. 12th Hy. Art. Dec. 12, 1864.

U. S. C. T. 5th Cav.

Fort Pillow, Tenn.

April 12, 1864. Horse-Head Creek, Ark.

U. S. C. T. Batt'y F, 2d Lt. Art.; Feb. 17, 1864.

11th (new) Inf. U. S. C. T. 79th (new) Inf.

Fort Pocahontas, Va. Indian Bay, Ark.

Aug., 1864. April 13, 1864.

U. S. C. T. 1st Cav. U. S. C. T. 56th Inf.

Fort Smith, Ark. Indiantown, N. C.

Aug. 24, 1864. Dec. 18, 1863.

U. S. C. T. 11th (old) Inf. U. S. C. T. 36th Inf.

Fort Smith, Ark. Indian Village, La.

Dec. 24, 1864. Aug. 6, 1864.

U. S. C. T. 83d (new) Inf. U. S. C. T. 11th Hy. Art.

Fort Taylor, Fla. Island Mound, Mo.

Aug. 21, 1864. Oct. 27 and 29, 1862.

U. S. C. T. 2d Inf. U. S. C. T. 79th (new) Inf.

Fort Wagner, S. C. Island No. 76, Miss.

July 18 and Sept. 6, 1863. Jan. 20, 1864.

U. S. C. T. 54th (Ma.s.s.) Inf. U. S. C. T. Batt'y E, 2d Lt. Art.

Fort Wagner, S. C. Issaquena County, Miss.

Aug. 26, 1863. July 10 and Aug. 17, 1864.

U. S. C. T. 3d Inf. U. S. C. T. 66th Inf.

Franklin, Miss. Jackson, La.

Jan. 2, 1865. Aug. 3, 1863.

U. S. C. T. 3d Cav. U. S. C. T. 73d, 75th, and 78th Inf.

Ghent, Ky. Jackson, Miss.

Aug. 29, 1864. July 5, 1864.

U. S. C. T. 117th Inf. U. S. C. T. 3d Cav.

Glasgow, Mo. Jacksonville, Fla.

Oct. 15, 1864. March 29, 1863.

U. S. C. T. 62d Inf. U. S. C. T. 33d Inf.

Glasgow, Ky. Jacksonville, Fla.

March 25, 1865. May 1 and 28, 1864.

U. S. C. T. 119th Inf. U. S. C. T. 7th Inf.

Goodrich's Landing, La. Jacksonville, Fla.

March 24 and July 16, 1864. April 4, 1865.

U. S. C. T. 66th Inf. U. S. C. T. 3d Inf.

Grand Gulf, Miss. James Island, S. C.

July 16, 1864. July 16, 1863.

U. S. C. T. 53d Inf. U. S. C. T. 54th (Ma.s.s.) Inf.

Gregory's Farm, S. C. James Island, S. C.

Dec. 5 and 9, 1864. May 21, 1864.

U. S. C. T. 26th Inf. U. S. C. T. 55th (Ma.s.s.) Inf.

Hall Island, S. C. James Island, S. C.

Nov. 24, 1863. July 1 and 2, 1864.

U. S. C. T. 33d Inf. U. S. C. T. 33d and 55th (Ma.s.s.) Inf.

Harrodsburg, Ky.

Oct. 21, 1864. James Island, S. C.

U. S. C. T. 5th Cav. July 5 and 7, 1864.

U. S. C. T. 7th Inf.

Hatcher's Run, Va.

Oct. 27 and 28, 1864. James Island. S. C.

U. S. C. T. 27th, 39th, 41st, 43d, Feb. 10, 1865.

and 45th Inf. U. S. C. T. 55th (Ma.s.s.) Inf.

Haynes Bluff, Miss. Jenkins's Ferry, Ark.

Feb. 3, 1864. April 30, 1864.

U. S. C. T. 53d Inf. U. S. C. T. 79th (new) and 83d (new) Inf.

Haynes Bluff, Miss.

April, 1864. Jenkins's Ferry, Ark.

U. S. C. T. 3d Cav. May 4, 1864.

U. S. C. T. 83d (new) Inf.

Helena, Ark.

Aug. 2, 1864. John's Island, S. C.

U. S. C. T. 64th Inf. July 5 and 7, 1864.

U. S. C. T. 26th Inf.

John's Island, S. C. Mount Pleasant Landing, La.

July 9, 1864. May 15, 1864.