History of Education - Part 36

Part 36

HURST, JOHN F. A Short History of the Reformation.

Life and Literature in the Fatherland.


IRVING, WASHINGTON. Mahomet and His Successors.


JAMESON, MRS. ANNA. Legends of the Monastic Orders.

JOHONNOT, JAMES. Geographical Reader.

JOSEPHUS, F. The Works Of.

JOWETT, B. The Republic of Plato.


KEMP. History of Education.

KIDDLE AND SCHEM. Cyclopaedia of Education.

KINGSFORD, C. L. (see Archer.)

KITCHIN, G. W. History of France.

KLEMM, L. R. European Schools.

KNOX, THOMAS W. The Boy Travelers in the Far East.

In Egypt and the Holy Land.

KoNIGBAUER, J. Geschichte Der Padagogik Und Methodik.

KRIEGE, MATILDA H. Friedrich Froebel.

KuRSI, H. Life, Work, and Influence of Pestalozzi.


LABBERTON, R. H. New Historical Atlas and General History.

LANE, EDWARD W. Account of the Manners and Customs of Modern Egyptians.

LANE-POOLE, S. The Story of the Moors in Spain.

LANG, OSSIAN H. Rousseau: His Life, Work, and Educational Ideas.

Basedow: His Life and Educational Work.

Horace Mann.

LANGE, WICHARD. Gesammelte Padagogische Schriften von F. Froebel.

LANGHORNE, J. and W. Life of Plutarch.

LARNED, J. N. History for Ready Reference (5 vols.).

LAURIE, S. S. Rise and Early Const.i.tution of Universities.

Comenius: His Life and Educational Works.

LAVISSE, ERNST. General View of the Political History of Europe (trans.

by Charles Gross).

LECKY, W. E. H. History of European Morals (2 vols.).

LE CLERC. Life of Erasmus.

LEITCH, J. MUIR. Practical Educationists and their Systems of Teaching.

LEROY-BEAULIEU. The Awakening of the East.

LESSING, G. E. Nathan der Weise.

LEWIS, CHARLES T. History of Germany.

LIDDELL, H. G. Student's History of Rome.

LORD, JOHN. Beacon Lights of History.


MACAULAY, T. B. Essays.

History of England.

MAHAFFY, J. P. Social Life in Greece.

Old Greek Education.

The Greek World under Roman Sway.

MAITLAND. The Dark Ages.

MANN, MARY, and GEORGE COMBE MANN. The Life and Works of Horace Mann.

Educational Writings of Horace Mann.

MARDEN, ORISON SWETT. Pushing to the Front.

MARENHOLTZ-BuLOW, BERTHA VON. Reminiscences of Friedrich Froebel (trans.