She may not have been able to scream out when she came but he felt her release. Her body had grown taut like a string on a fine bow when stretched to release an arrow and her hands had squeezed his arms growing ever tighter until she had finally burst with pleasure. It had caused him to burst with satisfaction as well. He had nearly entered her several times. It had taken much control on his part not to, but he wondered how long that would last for he was already thinking of coupling with her again.
This would not do at all. He needed his wits about him and he needed them concentrated on the plan. Dawn had supplied him with relevant information without realizing it. The fool Colum was doing exactly what he had expected... prancing with pride. He gave no thought to the consequences of capturing Cree. He assumed that he had the evil-doer in his hands and he had no more to worry about. That was obvious by this small hovel Colum considered an adequate prison to hold the mighty Cree.
He had had enough of this forced confinement, not that he could not bear more if it were necessary. He had trained himself to endure most anything and had many times. However, this short time spent with Dawn had tested his will, and he did not care for the fact that he was having difficulty maintaining control. It was time to implement his plan.
That night as he lay wrapped around Dawn, her body relaxed in his arms he had the sudden realization that he would miss sleeping with her. She was not a fitful sleeper, pushing away from him during the night or jabbing him with flailing limbs. She remained tucked against him as if she was content being in his arms. And he had slept more peaceably than he ever had.
He tucked Dawn closer to him, resting his leg over hers and she didnt protest; she snuggled contentedly against him.
He had to be done with this. There was too much at stake. This was the last time Dawn would ever lay in his arms; he would make sure of it.
Chapter Eleven.
Dawn left Cree the next morning not sure what to think. All he had said to her was go nothing more. It had sounded so final, as if he never wanted to lay eyes on her again. She didnt have long to waste her thoughts on it since the guard John poked her in the back with a long stick urging her to the keep.
The sneer he wore told her all she needed to know and the stares, snickers, and whispers from the villagers who watched confirmed that news had spread that Cree had had his way with her.
Colum was waiting for her in the Great Hall, Goddard sat to his right, and those warriors he trusted the most occupied the other chairs on the dais.
She stinks of rutting, John announced proudly, as if it had been his doing.
Colum and his men laughed.
Finally, you do something right, Colum chortled. Let us hope he left his seed in you and you bear him a voiceless son. It would be a fitting legacy for him to leave behind.
Her legs went weak at his remark. Had that been why Cree had not entered her? He didnt dare take the chance of leaving her with child? She admonished herself for letting the thought upset her. She should be glad such a monster did not leave his seed in her.
He was no monster.
Did she truly believe that? If he was a monster he would not have made certain she carried his scent. If he was a monster he would not have covered her naked body with his to keep from prying eyes. If he was a monster he would have taken her with no thought or care and he hadnt. Cree was no monster. He couldnt be... he cared.
Now tell me you have learned something and you will have served me well, Colum said.
Dawn was not foolish enough to believe that the information Cree had given her was accurate, she did not care. Colum wanted something and so she would give it to him. She quickly pointed to the bread on the table.
Colum shook his head.
She pointed to herself and back at the bread.
Youve hungry?
She shook her head.
Make yourself understood, Colum shouted.
She pointed to the bread again and motioned as if she were tearing it apart.
Colum waved his hand at her. Show me.
Dawn quickly approached the table and just as quickly tore several pieces off the bread. She lined them up, pointed to them, and then pointed at all the warriors in the room.
Warriors, Goddard said understanding. The pieces represent warriors. Crees warriors?
Dawn nodded and then moved half of the pieces away crumpling them in her hand.
He has fewer warriors than we think, Colum said with a broad grin.
Why would Cree tell her such a thing? Goddard asked suspiciously and Dawns heart nearly stopped from fear.
Why else? Colum laughed. He thinks her dumb like most, incapable of communicating.
Goddard nodded agreeing.
Youve done well, Colum said. Now go get more food and get back to him and find out more.
Dawn didnt hesitate; she hurried out of the room to the kitchen. All movement and sound stopped as soon as she entered.
Get back to your chores or Ill see the lazy lot of you punished, Flanna threatened and everyone did as she said. She then walked with Dawn outside.
There was a nip in the air. Soon the last of the harvest would be picked, the ground turned for winter, which would be upon them soon enough. Why Dawn should be thinking on mundane things she did not know. Life was no longer mundane; life was vastly different and she doubted it would ever be the same.
Are you all right? Flanna asked.
Dawn nodded and her hands moved letting Flanna know that she needed more food. She also wanted to let Flanna know that she wanted to wash up but thankfully the woman was perceptive.
Youll want to wash up before returning to him.
Dawn smiled and tapped her chest. Those familiar with her gestures knew it meant she was grateful.
Flanna grabbed her hand. Are you sure youre all right? I saw" Her eyes filled with tears, though she didnt let one fall. Hes powerfully built. Are you sure he didnt hurt you?
She could tell Flanna the truth but odd as it seemed, it would be better to let things remain as they were. Otherwise gossiping tongues would be wagging about how the mighty warrior Cree wouldnt waste his seed on her. She would be ridiculed even more.
She cupped both hands and with palms down ran one over the other.
Flanna confirmed she understood with a nod. Its over.
Dawn smiled.
Flanna shook her head sadly. Its only just begun.
Dawn walked to her small cottage, keeping her head down and avoiding glancing at anyone. She heard the whispers, the chortling, though she was surprised when Old Mary grabbed her arm and stopped her.
They should all be grateful to you. You saved them from his wrath.
Dawn watched Old Mary hobble away and wasnt sure if it was Colum or Crees wrath she meant.
She continued to her cottage and wasnt surprised to see Lila waiting in her doorway. As soon as Drawn was a few feet from her, Lila spread her arms wide and Dawn hurried into them. Lila ushered Dawn inside and the two cried together.
When their tears were spent, Lila sat dawn down at the table and fixed a hot brew for them both and they talked.
Did he hurt you? Lila asked as if she would kill Cree if he had.
Dawn shook her head and motioned that she was fine.
I wished your first time could have been different and with someone you loved.
How did she make Lila understand that that was never meant to be? No matter how much she wished for it or her friend wished for it, it was not something she would ever have. And it was best she accepted it and continue to survive. And that meant not lingering on something that could not be changed.
Dawn motioned that she desperately needed to wash and Lila hurried to set a pot of water to heat. Within the hour she was freshly washed and wished she had a change of clothes since the scent of Cree was strong on her garments.
Lila had talked the whole time, though Dawn had expressed a gestured or two regarding the babe Lila carried. It wouldnt be long now and she wanted to make certain her friend was feeling well. She, herself, may never have children, but Lilas children would be like having her own and that pleased her.
Dawn walked Lila to her cottage two doors down. Lila was a spinner and a fine one at that. She worked daily on her spindle and distaff in her cottage producing the fine yarn that Colum traded with the aristocracy, leaving the villagers to wear threadbare garments. Lila had made sure to keep the scraps and from them had made several garments for her unborn babe.
They were just a couple of feet from Lilas cottage when the village alarm bell tolled sending fear through the villagers. Men, women, and children began rushing about, the dire warning continuing to clang ominously.
Lila shouted, Look.
Everyone followed her pointing finger to see smoke rising in the cloudy sky and they all ran toward it.
The prison hut was on fire, the flames growing out of control.
Dawn stared in shock and disbelief. What had happened? Was Cree inside?
Lila huddled beside her and they watched as John, the guard shouted at the men who had formed a bucket brigade, Paul being one of them.
Faster, John screamed.
The men did their best to rush the pails down the line more rapidly, but it didnt matter. Flames engulfed the small hut and in minutes it collapsed sending tendrils of fire and sparks spiraling into the air.
John ordered the women to join the men and Dawn pushed Lila away when she went to follow her. She pointed to a spot by one of the cottages where Lila could watch but not be seen and shoved her toward it. Lila didnt argue she went.
They couldnt let the fire spread. They had to extinguish ever last ember or chance losing other buildings. The whole village could go up in flames if they didnt stomp out what remained of the fire. It took hours of hard work, but every last spark was finally snuffed out. Men and women let their buckets drop from blistered hands and aching limbs. Husbands and wives hugged each other in relief and children clung to their parents legs as the all headed to their individual cottages.
Stay where you are, John shouted.
Everyone froze and Dawn saw that Paul sent a warning look to Lila to stay put and not show herself.
The prisoner has escaped. Your liege lord and his warriors have gone after him and will return victorious. Now get to your duties.
Exhausted from their ordeal, their bodies too tired to move, they inched along to their perspective chores knowing that John would report those who refused to obey. And Colum would show no mercy upon his return, especially if Cree could not be found.
Paul took Dawn by the arm and ushered her over to Lila, then hurried both women away and didnt stop until they reached the relative safety of his and Lilas cottage.
He turned to Dawn. I will walk you to the kitchen, and then later I will come and walk you home. Dont go anywhere alone.
Dawn knew why Paul warned her not to venture anywhere by herself. He worried that some would blame her for Crees escape and see that she suffer for it. Though he probably worried more, just as she did, that Colum would blame her and punish her, and his punishment would be far worse.
Flanna was waiting outside the kitchen door for her and Paul stopped a distance away and waited until she reached Flanna, then he turned and ran off to hurry to the fields.
In the kitchen and stay there, Flanna ordered obviously thinking the same as Paul.
Dawn didnt argue. Shed keep to herself and tended to her duties; she preferred it that way. She didnt know whether to be relieved or worried over Crees escape. Would Colum somehow blame her? Would he punish her? And what of Cree? If escape was so easy for him why had he waited? Why hadnt he escaped his first day here?
Something nagged at her, but she couldnt quite catch hold of it. She lost herself in her work not wanting to think of what might happen. All the while that nagging bit of something jabbed at her.
Night came but Colum and his warriors had not returned. Paul came for her as he said he would and he tried to convince her to spend the night with him and Lila. But Dawn wanted time alone and insisted she would be fine, he was not to worry.
She made herself a hot brew, slipped out of her clothes and into her night dress and dropped down on her sleeping pallet. She was exhausted and though she fought to remain awake and see if she could discover what it was that she nagged in the recesses of her mind, she couldnt. She fell asleep as soon as her head rested on the pillow.
The next morning she popped up in bed and realized what had plagued her. It was the drawing Cree had made in the dirt. She recognized the area and she realized that the drawing had been a plan of attack and she, not realizing it, had helped him strengthen his forces positions to attack the Village Dowel.
She jumped out of bed and dressed quickly. She wasnt sure what to do. Would anyone believe her? They would want to know why she hadnt said something sooner. She wanted to protect her village, but she feared no one would pay heed to her warning. And yet if she didnt, what would be the consequences?
Would there be anything left once Cree got finished with the village? What of Lila, Paul, and their unborn baby? She had to at least warn them. She opened the cottage door and stood staring. Villagers were rushing past with worried expressions.
Was Colum returning? Had he recaptured Cree? Were her worries over or were they just beginning?
She followed along with the crowd, Lila and Paul joining her when she reached their cottage. The villagers lined the entrance waiting to greet their liege lord but this time he was not returning the victorious hero. Colum and his warriors looked worn and defeated.
Silence followed the troop, not a word was whispered, not a sound heard. Dawn feared that Colum would lay blame on someone and that someone could well be her.
Colum halted and glared at the sea of faces, many turning away in fear. Youre a worthless lot. Get to your chores now.
Everyone scurried off keeping their distance from Colum as he and his men traveled on to the keep. They all knew someone would suffer for this and many an eye turned on Dawn and whispers followed her as she walked along with Paul and Lila.
Paul could not walk with her to the kitchen. He had to leave with the other men who worked in the field. But he urged her to be careful and warned his wife that she had the babe to worry about, fearful that she would do something foolish in defending her friend.
Dawn was nearly to the kitchen when she heard the first scream. She turned and her blood ran cold. Charging down the hill was a troop of warriors their faces streaked red and as they reached the bottom they were joined by two other troops charging in from the right and left.
And in the lead rode Cree.
Chapter Twelve.