Highlander Unchained - Highlander Unchained Part 24

Highlander Unchained Part 24

It was thoughtful of him, and so few people were thoughtful of her, that she wished to show her appreciation. So she reached out and gave his arm a squeeze.

Cree appeared out of nowhere. Does William not understand you that you need to touch him?

Dawn froze, his face only inches from hers and that feral look in his eyes worse than she remembered. She blessed William a hundred times over when he offered a reasonable explanation.

Forgive me, my lord, Dawn was gracious enough to offer me comfort after this most upsetting ordeal.

Busy yourself with your designs and you will have no time to dwell on it, Cree ordered. He planted his hands on the table blocking Dawn from Williams view and whispered harshly in her ear, You will touch no one but me.

He walked away leaving Dawn to stare after him.

Would you like to look at the drawings? William offered. Perhaps my lord is right and we would be better off with our minds occupied on other things.

Dawn nodded. Her eyes remained locked on Crees back until her shivers returned and distracted her. She reached for her tankard and drank in hopes of chasing them away once again.

She was grateful for Williams endless chatter and she soon became engrossed with the drawings and the plans he so graciously detailed.

Cree kept a watch on Dawn out of the corner of his eye. He had had to restrain himself when he had seen her touch William. It had been a simple gesture more than a definitive touch and yet it had infuriated him. And he was even more infuriated that the archer had yet to be found.

He eludes us at every turn, Sloan said.

Have you and the men become so complacent that you allow one, solitary man to evade you? Cree accused, his temper still much too close to erupting.

Sloan wisely refrained from debating the issue and said, No, my lord.

And you have yet to find him, Cree said, though didnt allow for a reply. Im going to take twenty men and see to this myself. You will make certain that Dawn is kept safe while I am gone.

Sloan gave a nod and Cree could see that he was not pleased with his decision but he would not dare challenge him. He would obey.

Cree looked over at Dawn. She was engrossed with the drawings. He thought of going over to her, warning her to obey Sloan but decided against it. His obsession with her had to stop. He turned and without another word to Sloan, he stormed out of the Great Hall his anger growing ever darker.

Sloan walked over to Dawn intending to make certain she understood that she was not to go anywhere without a guard. But when he approached the table and caught sight of a change she was making to Williams drawing, he stared in awe at her remarkable talent.

A double battlement, I would have never imagined and yet it makes sense, William said staring in just as much awe as Sloan.

The three were soon discussing other changes that Dawn had made and it was an hour later that William nodded and said, These changes are good. I will present them to Cree.

Hell approve, Sloan said with a nod.

William rolled the parchments and stood. I have more work to do. He gave a nod to Dawn. It has been a pleasure working with you and I hope to do so again.

Dawn smiled, patted her chest and pointed to him to let him know that she had enjoyed working with him as well.

William smiled and gave another brief nod and left the Great Hall.

Sloan turned to Dawn and delivered Crees edict. You are to go nowhere without a guard and until Cree returns it would be best for you to stay to the keep or your cottage.

Dawn knew without being told that Cree had gone with his men to find the culprit who had attacked them. And she did not want to think about what he would do to him once he found him. She also did not want her movement limited to two places. She wanted to visit with Lila, see how baby Thomas was doing, get to hold him, and get to talk with her friend. She also wanted to see how Flanna was doing, though she felt odd going to the kitchen and taking what food she wanted, though it would give her a reason for being there.

She gave Sloan a nod and let him know that she understood. He hadnt ordered only suggested it would be best that she limit herself to the keep and her cottage. Therefore, she was free to go other places if she wished as long as a guard accompanied her. She suddenly looked forward to the rest of the day.

Sloan rubbed his jaw and stared intently at Dawn and she could see that he debated about asking her a question. She wondered if he didnt because he worried about understanding her gestures. She had found it to be a common reaction in people and the reason many ignored or made fun of her, flaying their hands and arms in mock facsimile of her gestures.

Whatever the reason for his hesitation did not matter to Dawn, she was more curious to know his question. And so she pointed to him and shrugged.

Her gesture had him smiling and responding. You make yourself understood remarkably well for one without a voice.

She smiled and gave a nod of thanks, then pointed to him again and shrugged.

And youre persistent to boot, but then most women are.

She was pleased that he included her with other women. It made her feel less different from them.

I have a problem and I was wondering if you might be able to help me, since you probably see more than most as to what goes on around here.

That was true. People constantly assumed her deaf since she was voiceless and often spoke freely around her even about her, as if she wasnt present. She was delighted that Sloan should ask her for help and she nodded eagerly.

I need to find a woman who can handle the daily running of the keep. It would require someone who could be firm with the servants and see that all chores got done to specifications, someone who could give orders as well as take them. Would you know anyone capable of handling such an important chore?

Dawn nodded, having known instantly who would be perfect for the important task.

Can you bring her here to me? Sloan asked his face lighting with a smile. Let me get a guard to accompany you.

Dawn shook her head as she swung her legs over the bench and stood. Then she pointed around the room.

She is here in the keep?

Dawn nodded.

Ill go with you. Where in the keep is she?

Dawn hooked her arm out and made a motion as if stirring in a bowl.

The kitchen? Sloans smile faded. Ill wait here while you go get her. Go straight to the kitchen and return here right away. If Turbett should give you any trouble, tell him that Cree has ordered the womans presence.

Dawn nodded, though doubted Turbett would understand her gestures. Flanna, on the other hand, would. She entered the kitchen a bit apprehensively and was surprised to see Dorrie, her eyes teary, chopping wild onions. As soon as Dorrie saw her she smiled and bobbed her head. Dorrie had never acknowledged Dawn so pleasantly. Usually it had been a disparaging remark that Dorrie had greeted her with but it would appear that she had had a change of heart.

Can I get you something, Dawn? Turbett asked as he approached her.

Turbetts girth could intimidate, especially when one realized that his thickness was mostly muscle. His direct manner could also be disconcerting, but she had to remember that she was allowed to be here and allowed to have what she wanted from the kitchen.

Dawn pointed to Flanna.

Cree ordered that you can have whatever food you want from the kitchen, but I will not allow you to disrupt my staff at your leisure.

His words were clipped and stern and for a moment she thought of turning away and getting Sloan. But she dismissed the idea and stood her ground, though on trembling legs.

She waved Flanna over.

I have not given her permission"

Dawns hands started moving before he could finish and Flanna was by her side then and interpreted. Dawn asks that I explain what she says.

Turbett gave a reluctant nod.

Dawn kept her expression concise, Flanna not understanding her as well as Lila but then few understood her so well. Cree was beginning to. The thought startled her, though she didnt allow it to show.

My presence is requested in the Great Hall, Flanna said, her eyes turning wide with fright.

Go and return here as soon as you are done, Turbett ordered and shooed them away as if they were annoying flies.

The two women didnt hesitate, they hurried off, though Flanna grabbed Dawns arm once they were a few feet through the stone passageway and stopped.

Am I in trouble?

Dawn realized that every single villager had feared being summoned to the Great hall when Colum had ruled and for good reason. The person always suffered harsh punishment, leaving everyone fearful of receiving such a summons.

Dawn shook her head and smiled wide.

Something good? Flanna asked hopefully.

Dawn nodded.

Flanna ran her fingers through her hair and took her apron off turning it to the other side that was less stained and retied it around her waist. Then she grabbed Dawns hand. Im ready.

Dawn patted her hand and nodded vigorously.

Flanna smiled and hurried to the Great Hall.

Flanna answered every question Sloan asked her and then stood speechless when he told her that she would be in charge of the keeps servants. And that she would be answerable to him and of course Cree.

Sloan cleared his throat and added, You would need to deal with Turbett as well, making certain all flows well between the servants and the kitchen.

Flanna grinned. I can do that.

You can? Sloan asked shocked and then caught himself. Good, thats good.

Dawn bit back a smile. It was obvious that Sloan feared Turbett and was relieved that Flanna would be dealing with the daunting man. And she had no doubt that Flanna was looking forward to every minute of it.

You will begin your duties right away, Sloan instructed. Inform Turbett and then gather the servants so that I may instruct them that they will now be answerable to you. And as I mentioned before Cree will not tolerate dirt or foul odors No worry, sir, Flanna said with a sharp nod. The keep will sparkle and smell heavenly.

A good choice, Dawn, Sloan said turning her way. Flanna seems more than up to the task. Thank you for suggesting her.

Flanna beamed a wide appreciative smile at Dawn and then bobbed to Sloan. I will go collect the servants.

Dawn returned to the bench where she had been sitting and watched Sloan talk with a few warriors. Servants began entering the hall, mulling around whispering, wondering and worried over the summons. When they had finally all gathered Sloan stood in front of them to speak. Relief flooded their faces as he introduced Flanna.

With everyone occupied, Dawn decided it was time for her to be off on her own for a while and so she left the keep. She didnt bother to see if a guard followed her, she assumed one would and though she had planned on going to visit Lila, she changed her mind.

She meandered through the village taking note of how busy everyone was, though they smiled as they went about their chores. It had been almost a week since Cree had attacked the village and yet it looked as if it had been prospering for weeks. Apprehension still filled some faces but fear was not as prevalent.

Childrens laughter filled the air and Dawn stopped to watch a group of young ones at play. It had been many years since anyone had seen the village children play with such careless abandonment and it was good to see.

Two women, baskets on their arms nodded pleasantly at Dawn as they passed her and she quickly returned the greeting, though she almost stumbled over her own feet, she was so surprised by their acknowledgement.

What had caused their change of heart toward her? Was it what she had done for Dorrie or did they fear repercussion from Cree if they treated his mistress badly? The thought troubled her but she refused to linger on it. It was a beautiful day and she intended to enjoy it.

Free time was not something Dawn was not used to. She had worked hard as long as she could remember. So to be so carefree with no worry of getting chores done was a bit disconcerting to her. Her mum had warned her often that idle hands brought trouble. With that reminder she decided to collect some heather and dry it for the coming winter. It would keep her cottage smelling fresh.

She retrieved a basket from her cottage and headed to the small hill on the outskirts of the village, not far from the fields the men tended. She was not concerned for her safety having spotted a warrior trailing her. Besides she didnt intended to linger. She would collect extra and stop to give some to Lila on her way back. It would give her a chance to visit with baby Thomas.

Dawn took longer than she intended, the sunny day, the lovely scent of heather, the light autumn breeze all served to delay her return. When her basket was full to overflowing, she smiled and realized she had lingered long enough.

The warrior must have thought the same for he approached her.

Time to go, he said.

She nodded and smiled, feeling a bit guilty. He surely must have been bored waiting for her.

He reached out and took the basket from her and she was about to thank him when he tossed it aside and grabbed her arm.

He grinned. Why dont you scream?

She turned to see if anyone was in sight. Men were working in the field, three women lingered to talk beneath a large tree but they were all at a distance, though not that far away to help her if she could scream.

His grip was so tight, she could not break free and he forced her to walk alongside him. Her eyes widened when she saw that they were headed to the woods. She glanced around hoping someone would look their way, see her frightened face, and help her.

The warrior leaned his head down. Youre the devils whore. Why would anyone help you?

Chapter Twenty-seven.

Crees warriors circled the trembling young man. The only escape for him was death and when two warriors parted to let Cree enter, he knew death would be a welcome relief.

Tell me what I want to know and I will I kill you swiftly, Cree said walking slowly around him. Tell me nothing and I will make you suffer the torments of hell.

The young mans mouth went dry and fearing he would not be able to speak, he nodded.

Cree stopped in front of him, close enough to smell his fear. Who wants the voiceless one dead?

The young man licked his lips, though they remained dry, his mouth parched. I"I dont"