Ive given final instructions to the men, Sloan said. They were just about to take their leave.
Cree looked to each one of them. I expect results. This is your home now and I intend to see it kept safe for everyone.
The men nodded vigorously.
Go and find who threatens our home, Cree ordered and the men took off.
Sloan shook his head. They would follow you to hell.
They already have.
Drink and food for, my lord, Sloan called out to one of servant lassies who smiled sweetly at him, bobbed her head, and hurried off.
Cree went to the table by the hearth to sit and stretch his legs out recalling a similar scene last night and the decision he had made and though control for his never-ending desire for Dawn remained a concern, he could not say that he had regretted returning to her.
Sloan joined him, stopping to cast an inquisitive glance over Cree before claiming a seat opposite him at the table. You had a good night.
Cree didnt turn around to face him. Good enough. He would not discuss what had transpired between Dawn and him with Sloan. It was private, meant for Dawn and him alone and the thought surprised him. Sloan and he had shared numerous tales of women but he had no want to share Dawn with him. Dawn was his and only his.
Dawns friend Lila talks nonstop. She spoke much about Dawn while I saw her home.
That had Cree turning and swinging his long legs over the bench to face Sloan. Tell me.
Sloan waited until the two servants placed pitchers of hot cider, ale, and platters heaped with food on the table, only then did he answer Cree.
She told me that Dawn is the bravest woman she knows. That she never let her affliction get in her way and that she has endured many taunts and endless ignorance with resolve and strength. Lila says that Dawn speaks better with her hands than most people do with their voices. That she is a loyal friend and has a caring heart and hadnt that been proven with Dawn freeing Dorrie, a woman who has taunted Dawn endlessly. It is obvious that she is worried about her friend.
Dawn is far safer now under my protection than she has ever been, Cree said as if he waited for Sloan to challenge otherwise.
Sloan looked ready to take the challenge, though seemed to think better of it. Dawn is a unique woman.
Youre right about that, Cree agreed and appeared to relax reaching for a piece of bread. She is unlike any woman I have ever met.
And weve met many along the way, Sloan said, grinning and raising his tankard.
Cree joined him in the toast to their past conquests and realized he was toasting, with no regret, the end of them. He wanted only Dawn, no other. The surprising thought did not disturb him. It actually gave him a sense of indescribable pleasure.
What are your plans for Dorrie? Back in the stocks?
Ask it the way you truly want to ask it, Cree demanded with a glint of anger in his dark eyes.
Not how I want to, but how others will perceive it if you do not return Dorrie to the stocks.
And it should matter to me what others think? Has it ever mattered before?
Sloan seemed to give it thought and then shrugged. Youre right. It never did matter to you. But it is different now. You now hold a title; you are the Earl of Carrick.
Not officially. Not until I wed Gerwans daughter.
All the more reason to act like"
The men I despise? Cree spat. The men I pillaged and murdered for? I earned this land unlike them, but I will not treat my people with such careless disregard as they do.
You will allow Dawns blatant disregard for your orders to go unpunished?
Remembering her silent tears had Cree saying, Shes been punished enough.
Sloan looked ready to argue but Crees dark scowl quickly stopped any retort that was on his tongue. As you wish, he said respectfully. Dorrie is to be allowed out of her cottage?
Cree nodded. See that she goes back to doing her share and then some for at least a week, though she is to be confined to her cottage, after her chores are done. Turbett can always use extra help. Send her there. Let her see what Dawn had to contend with.
Sloan nodded. When do you wish to hear grievances and permissions?
Not for a couple of weeks. Let the villagers have time to see the way things will go and learn that they can speak if something seems unfair or troubling without threat of harm.
The two men spent the next hour discussing what issues needed to be addressed over the next few days.
When they finished Cree asked, Is Elsa set in her cottage?
She is and has two village women eager to help and learn from her. Im still searching for someone to oversee the keep servants. Someone who eventually will report to your wife since the running of the keep will be her domain.
Cree stood. Im sure youll find someone. Ill be going with William to the site where the new castle will be built. See that six warriors are made ready to accompany me in an hours time.
Theyll be waiting, Sloan said. What of Dawn? Is she still to have a guard on her at all times? Is she restricted as to where she may go?
Keep Elwin on Dorrie and shift the men around to watch over Dawn. And find the damn culprit who shot that arrow so we can lay this matter to rest.
Cree left Sloan to see to the days matters. He hurried to his bed chamber pleased to see that a fresh bucket of water waited for him. He stripped off his leather tunic and black shirt and proceeded to wash himself. He could not abide being dirty. He had spent his younger years in such squalor and hunger that he swore he would do anything never to live that way again, and he had. He only wished his mother had survived long enough to benefit from his wealth and power. She had literally worked herself to death in order to see that he and his sister survived, she being their only support his da having died from a fall when Cree was barely three years.
He had been relieved that at least on his mums deathbed he could promise her that he would keep his sister Wintra safe. She was only nine years when their mum died ten years ago. She had never told him who Wintras father was but she didnt have to. He remembered all too well the day she had come in from the fields bruised and battered. He had been ready to kill the man who had harmed her but his mum had insisted she had taken a fall and that she would be fine. She had protected him that day with her lies but he had never forgotten. And when she began to grow with child his suspicions had been confirmed.
He had never told Wintra. As far as she knew they shared the same da. It had been an unspoken agreement between he and his mum and Cree never intended to break it. He had placed Wintra in an Abbey following their mums death and paid the Abbess a goodly stipend to see to her care and teach her what she needed to know to wed well. When all was settled with his title he would take his sister out of the Abbey and bring her to live with him. Then he would arrange a good marriage for her with a good man.
When he was finally dressed in clean garments, dark brown leggings and shirt with a chestnut brown leather tunic and his boots wrapped securely with leather ties, he made his way to Elsas cottage. He did glance to see that a guard had been posted at Dawns cottage, though he hadnt doubted there would be. Sloan never failed to carry out his orders whether he agreed with him or not.
The sun shined brightly and there was less of a chill in the autumn air, though that wouldnt last. Winter would be upon them soon enough and he wanted the people and land prepared. Sloan would see to it. He was good at seeing that things got done with little to no problems. And if a problem arose, then Cree would step in and settle it. Sloan and he had fast become friends after Cree had saved his life. He had come upon Cree trying to defend himself against a band of motley thieves. And though he had been doing an excellent job at keeping them at bay, there was just too many of them and he would have eventually been defeated. Sloan had joined his crew that day and had been an asset ever since.
Cree came upon Elsas cottage not far from the keep. He had had the men repair and add onto an existing cottage that had long been neglected. The men continued to work on it, most having volunteered for the job knowing the importance of getting it finished before the winter set in. Elsa had treated many of the men and saved many of their lives so they wanted to make certain that their healer had a good sound place to do her healing.
Elsa was another one he had saved from death, only she had been about to be burned for being a witch. A sickness had wiped out almost an entire village where she had been a healer and the remaining few people had blamed her for their loss. A hefty purse had stopped the byre that was about to be torched and there had not been a day that he or his men had regretted it, though his men had grumbled at first about a witch joining them. It had only taken one day of Elsa saving two men who they had all thought were at deaths door for the men to change their minds. Now they all protected her with their lives.
My lord, Elsa said with a bob of her head when Cree entered the cottage. Two other women, one skinny and the other wide in the hips bobbed their heads as well and kept their eyes downcast. Is this a visit or are you in need of care?
Some thought Elsa too blunt, but he liked that she always got right to the point as did he. A private talk, Elsa.
As you wish, my lord. She turned to the two women, snatching up a basket covered with a cloth on the table. Ann, Lara, please take this to Lila and Paul and see if all goes well with the new babe.
Lara took the basket and with another respectful bob to Cree the two women hurried out of the cottage with what appeared to be relief.
As always, Elsa, your cottage smells delicious, Cree said taking a seat at the table not far from the hearth.
Elsa beamed with pride. Freshly baked bread for those in need of care. Would you like some?
Im not in need of care.
We can all use some care now and again, she said and joined him at the table. Dawn, though, is one you would think needs much care when in truth she seems to give care to others.
Sometimes Cree wondered if Elsa was a witch. She possessed an uncanny sense of knowing. You know that I came to speak with you about her.
Tongues are busy this morning talking about what she did for Dorrie last night. Dawn is a brave woman.
Bravery and foolishness are closely linked.
Elsa laughed. Aye, it sometimes takes a fool to be brave? Her laughter faded. Then there are those who are born brave.
Or those made brave by circumstance.
Like Dawn, Elsa said shaking her head. To be born without a voice, to never utter a single sound is beyond comprehension to me and yet she has learned to communicate with others and to live with integrity. A remarkable feat.
She will never have a voice? Cree asked not hearing the hopefulness in his tone.
It is unlikely since she was born without one.
Why is someone born that way?
Most people would say that it is Gods will. But who is to truly say why?
Cree asked the question he hadnt thought would be relevant to him before last night. Will she pass her affliction onto her own children?
I could not say for sure. Not having a voice, not being able to make a single sound is rare. Dawn is the only person I have met with this affliction that cannot at least grunt or groan. But having birthed many babes I can say there is much that parents pass on to their off springs. So if you wonder if there is a chance that Dawn could give birth to a child who would have no voice, then I would have to say that there is a chance, rare as it is.
Cree cursed himself a million times over. He should have never allowed his passion to rule, never allowed himself to empty into her over and over. He could not take the chance again unless...
Is there anything a woman can take to prevent getting with child?
His question didnt surprise Elsa; he hadnt thought it would. She no doubt expected it and he hoped that perhaps this was one of those times that her witch ways could help.
There is, but if the woman is already with child and ingests the concoction then she chances aborting the babe.
He hadnt expected his stomach to clench as if someone had hold of it and was twisting it unmercifully. And that disturbed him. He had spent only last night with her, he reasoned with himself, one night. But how many times had they coupled? Still it was only last night and if she took something now... his stomach clenched again.
Shall I speak with Dawn? Elsa asked.
That would be good, he said and stood not wanting to discuss it any further and left without saying another word. His one and only thought... would she even want to bear his babe?
The horses were waiting at the front of the keep. William was there as well sitting atop his horse. Six of his men were also mounted and ready to go. He was glad for this time away from the village, time away to free his thoughts of Dawn, for she was on his mind much too often.
Cree mounted his stallion and from his impatient prance he could tell the steed was ready for a good ride.
Just like Dawn had been last night.
He silently cursed the thought and explicit visions it brought with it.
He gave a wave, anxious to leave and they rode through the center of the village, the villagers heads bowing in respect as they moved out of the way of the horses. He was surprised to catch sight of Dawn no doubt headed for Lilas cottage. How had she gotten passed the guard? The window again? She had stopped like the others and bowed her head waiting for him to pass. He was annoyed that she had slipped past the guard, though he was more annoyed that the sight of her had grown him hard much too quickly.
Without thought to his actions, he spurred his horse and rode directly at her. He didnt stop as he came within reach of her. He leaned over the side of his horse, swung his arm out, and scooped her up around the waist, planting her in front of him on the horse.
Chapter Twenty-five.
Dawn was too shocked to do anything but throw her arms around Crees neck as he planted her sideways in front of him on the stallion. Her breath was locked somewhere in her chest and it took her a moment or two to find it and expel it. In the meantime her grip got tighter around his neck.
With a slight shift he tucked her solidly against him, his arm around her waist keeping her firmly in place. His chest was a wall of muscle and while rock-hard, it was comfortable to rest against. And she could certainly attest to that since she had rested against it most of last night.
She was relieved that with her face tucked against him that he could not see her cheeks heat from the intimate memories. Never had she thought she would enjoy coupling so very much. Never had she thought that shed respond so readily to Crees touch. And it seemed that the more he touched her the more she responded, and the more she wanted him. Whether it was his arm around her waist as it was now or a gentle touch to her arm, or a light kiss or the brush of his arm against hers, passion flamed. And she wondered if she would ever get enough of him.
Are you all right? he asked.
Dawn was beginning to realize that he always sounded as if he demanded. It seemed to be his way and she knew she must learn not to let it bother her. She answered yes by pressing once against his arm.
How did you get passed the guard? Let me rephrase that... did you climb out the window?
She smiled, once again relieved that he could not see her face and pressed once on his arm.
I suppose Im going to have to have that window boarded up.
She shook her head vehemently as she raised it off his chest. The shaking slowed and then stopped when her eyes met his. How could they be so dark and cold and yet so heated and lustful? His eyes warned and yet they promised, and her body quivered at the thought.
You are not a prisoner. You may go where you like and the guard will accompany you.
She tapped her chest and shook her hand.
You may think you dont need a guard, but I think you do and so you shall have a guard at all times until I say otherwise.
There was no point in arguing with him. He would have his way no matter what and she much preferred not to have the window boarded shut. She already felt a prisoner; a boarded window would only make it worse.
She acquiesced with a slow nod.
Cree felt her relax in his arms. He did not know what had made him scoop her up and bring her along. He only knew that he had not been able to resist the urge and he was glad he hadnt and that she was now here with him.
Of course growing hard against her as he was doing did not help, but then he was already thinking of getting her alone and making love to her. He had thought he had had his fill last night, but his urge for her was like that of a starving man. And the more he had her, the more he wanted her.