Highland Menage: A Perfect Wife - Part 8

Part 8

"It just seems...wrong."

"Do ye wish to work well together for yer clan?"


"Then pretend to be meek so yer men can be strong."

"I have to do all the giving?"

Bessie sighed as if Kiera had missed the whole point.

"Malcolm and Duff are learnin' to be laird and steward of all Kinrowan, and to be a husband of a wilful woman, all without seeing it done afore. Do ye nay think they have enough to do?" demanded Bessie. "Do ye nay think enough of yerself and yer future to try? What else are ye doing that means more?"

Bessie, again, was right.

"I am creating a home here and growing a babe."

"Aye, ye are doin' a woman's life work. Ye need a calm place where yer men can forget all outside yer chamber door and just be men. A place where a family, and a clan, can grow with love and caring. 'Tis yer job as a wife, and their lady, to do all ye can to ease their way."

Her chin quivered. A fat drop fell on Malcolm's shirt. Bessie patted her hand. Her voice dropped, soothing rather than lecturing.

"Yer men will protect and provide for ye, yer family, and yer clan. They willna ask as they dinna ken it, but they need ye to make them a home, give them bairns, and love them. In spite of their faults, and yer own."

"I havena been good at obeying."

"Ye obey Laird MacKenzie as ye respect him. Ye ken many others are weak and canna be trusted. Yer men are nay like that. Obeyin' a man ye can trust to keep ye and yer bairns safe, who'll do what he says? That's easier done, aye?"

Kiera thought back. She'd tried to be like her brothers. She'd done the same daredevil stunts only they got praised, and she got punished. She'd snuck in the schoolroom each morning and hidden. When her older brother was asked to read, and stumbled, she corrected him, having memorized the pa.s.sage as well as being able to read it. Again, she'd been punished, this time for making him look bad. When her father had allowed her to study openly with the tutor the man had whipped her, then threatened with worse if she spoke up about it. She was still terrified of whips. She'd done her best to be Lady MacKenzie for her father but when he'd married it was as if he'd forgotten she existed. He even refused to play chess with her, which he knew she loved. As for her suitors, they only wanted her carca.s.s and possessions.

"No wonder I felt so alone."

"If ye can show yer husbands that ye love them, they will treat ye well..Dinna tell them of yer love as 'twill frighten them. And never expect them to say it back to ye. Never show them up in front of others, and never ridicule in private. Ye must give yer men all of yerself. If they hear wrong and give ye a blast and then find out the truth they will feel bad. Even though they made the mistake ye must be gracious and not throw it in their face.

Kiera groaned. "All of that?"

"Because of them ye have Kinrowan. Ye have two men who please ye in bed. Men who see ye as more than a vessel for their l.u.s.ts and to keep food on the table. Men who care for ye, even if they canna say it. And," Bessie added, "men who will give ye bairns and treat them well. Can ye nay give them yer heart and hands in return?"

Chapter Ten.

"Laird, yer lady's here."

Malcolm looked up from repairing his targ. He now had two, something else he'd never thought on having. The shield needed repair, having stopped the keeper's waster from clouting his head. The rain kept them indoors, repairing equipment and resting their bodies.

The lad serving him today, Uilliam, was a quiet one, thank G.o.d, as his head was sore. He'd had too much ale last night and not enough sleep, but he couldn't let it show. The laird had to be better than any man, at almost everything. At least, this one did.

Kiera took her time, stopping to talk, asking questions and giving praise. He didn't think she realized one hand rested on her belly as she walked. There was no b.u.mp, not even when she was naked. Yet there was a difference in her. Was that glow because she was finally here on her lands? Or was it something else?

His c.o.c.k twitched, swelling. They'd all been working long hours while the weather held. He could use a few hours of that 'something else'.

Ramsay escorted her but held back, letting her speak as she chose. It was one reason why they all got along so well. The senior men didn't dismiss all females as existing only to serve their purposes. Malcolm set his targ with the others and meandered over to his wife. He came up behind her and rested his hand on her waist. She flashed him a smile, but turned back to the young man.

"Pardon, my lady, I be Roddy. My Maggie would bite my head off if I didna thank ye for that wee brooch she got for our weddin' in June." Roddy blushed furiously, keeping his head down, but he got the words out. "Ye wouldna ken 'twas Maggie would get it, but she is that pleased, my lady, as 'tis her name."

"She received the one with the pearl?"

Roddy nodded vigorously, finally meeting her eyes. "Aye. I didna ken it, but Maggie said her name means pearl, so 'twas perfect. She'll be wearing it on Michaelmas Day."

Kiera beamed at him. "Then I will ken who your Maggie is when I see her brooch." She nudged his shoulder with hers. "And that you're her man. Is there a babe on the way?" He blushed even more furiously, nodding. She patted his arm. "Tell her you have my blessing for an easy birth."

Roddy ducked and escaped. Malcolm steered Kiera toward a bench. She dropped into it, sniffling.

"'Twas just a trinket," she whispered, her voice wavering. "One sent with a letter asking for my hand." She choked a bitter laugh. "He didna care to speak with me afore asking of my dowry. And he didna spell my name right!"

Malcolm took her chilled fingers in his. He raised them to his mouth and kissed her knuckles gently.

"His loss is our gain. Sommat that meant not a thing to him, is now the prize of a family."

He hid her tears with his body, amazed that such a woman wished to be his. She had few jewels of her own, not because her father didn't wish to gift her any, but because she'd rather have sheep and cattle and tradesmen and building materials sent to Kinrowan. She'd done it for years, not even knowing if she'd ever see the place.

He had a sudden need to hold her, to be with her.

"Shall I walk with ye to our chamber so ye can have a wee rest?"

She sniffled twice, then tilted her head and gave him the expression he loved. It said she wanted to do more than sleep. It was impish, teasing, and oh, so arousing.

"Methinks my laird husband is the one who needs a wee nap after falling into bed late and drunken."

"I could use a sleep, aye. But what I wish is to hold ye next to me in our bed."

"Just hold me?"

Her teasing question made his c.o.c.k throb. "Aye, to start. And then I'll kiss ye, every inch, and put my tongue and fingers in ye, and then-"

"Oh husband," she said, loud enough for others to hear, "I'm feeling a wee bit faint."

He grinned at her. "Then I'd best get ye to bed."

He caught Ramsay's eye. The man gave a minor lip twitch, which was as close to a laugh as Malcolm had seen to date.

"Listen up!" Ramsay's roar quietened the entire room. "Ye've been working hard for days, and 'tis raining like cows p.i.s.sin'." He saw Kiera and winced. "Pardon, my lady, but ye are in the men's hall." He cleared his throat. "With yer laird's permission, I would give ye a half day to do as ye choose. Once yer ch.o.r.es are done."

All eyes went to Malcolm. Many had knowing grins. Kiera blushed, struggling. He made a face but set her down to chuckles.

"Aye, we've had late nights and early morns for many days. We'll work all the harder for having a wee rest. I heard the alewife has a new brew ready and may let ye have a taste."

Cheers broke out. The men and boys rushed to clean up. None would leave until it was all done and approved by the keeper. Malcolm had cleaned up his own mess so waited, holding onto Kiera. When the word was given to be released he nodded for the others to go first. The younger ones stood back until the more eager ones had catapulted down the stairwell, then followed. Many of the older men gave a sigh of relief and settled for an afternoon of ale and dice. The squires would bring them cheese, ale, and bread before setting up their own games elsewhere.

"'Twas smart to wait for the lads to all rush out," said Ramsay dryly.

"Keeper Ramsay," asked Kiera. "Do ye ken my lady's maid, Bessie? She came with me from Castle Leod, and afore that from the Stewarts of Atholl with my mother. She was only a wee la.s.sie when she joined the MacKenzies."

"Aye, my lady, 'tis my business to know of all who set foot in Kinrowan."

Kiera's smile lit the dim room. "I said so, but she said you are too important a man to notice her."

Ramsay was always in total control. This was the first time he looked rattled. Not even having his liege lord get stabbed in the a.r.s.e by the newest lad training had discomfited him.

"Does Bessie need something the keeper can help her with?" asked Malcolm.

Kiera looked down and shuffled her feet. Malcolm mentally rolled his eyes. She did that when she was up to something.

"'Tis nay the keeper as much as the man. Is Bessie wrong in thinking 'twas possible you might like to take her walking one day? She doesna ken I am speaking with you. I could let her down gently if you're not wishing-"

"I wish it," muttered Ramsay. "But why would such a lady of quality want to even speak with a battered old man such as myself?"

"Some women like a strong, commanding man. They're shy, so hide their light under a basket. You must woo her carefully as she's innocent."

Ramsay blanched. "Innocent?"

"Bessie kens much but hasna been touched. She's not found a man who interested her, until now." Kiera scowled at him. "And if you tell her I spoke of this I shall be very cross."

Ramsay cleared his throat. "My laird, do I have yer permission to woo Lady Kiera's maid?"

He nodded. Ramsay almost smiled.

"I wouldna have said Bessie was shy," said Malcolm. "She's taken the ear off her laird and his steward a few times."

"Such as when you were wrestling in the antechamber, thumping each other while your wee wife tried to sleep?" demanded Kiera. She flung out her arms. "Brothers! They're all the same!" She glared at Malcolm, then turned to Ramsay. "I will send Bessie to the cellar for something stored by your stair. The rest is up to the two of you." She frowned at the keeper. "As a fighting man, ye have a few aches, aye? Well, Bessie has strong hands and is very good at working out muscle cramps." She stomped off toward the narrow stairs that led to the kitchen. "Wait for me, Laird Malcolm. I'll be right back," she called over her shoulder.

"I canna ask a virgin to rub my bad leg." Ramsay stared after her.

"Then think of Bessie as a healer. She will feel safe if you lie on your stomach with her being the one doing the touching. Let her make the first moves."

"I'll have more pain in my hard c.o.c.k than I will in my sore leg," muttered Ramsay.

Malcolm chuckled. "I ken yer pain. MacDougals always give our women pleasure afore we seek our own." He clapped Ramsay on the back. "Now ye ken what you'll do with yer free half day."

Laird Malcolm of Kinrowan felt good. They were well prepared for winter though they'd keep working once the rain stopped. He had his family and was gaining friends. He had a castle he still couldn't believe was his responsibility, an eager wife, and a rainy day to fill with pleasure.

Half an hour later he lay naked in his bed, holding his equally naked wife.

"Yer breast fits my hand," he said, gently squeezing.

"So it willna fit when it grows with the bairn?"

"Nay wife, no matter the size, ye will fit."

She shifted, catching his c.o.c.k between her back cheeks. "The same way your c.o.c.k fits me, no matter what?"

"Are you teasing me, wife?"

"Aye, husband. And what will you do about it?"

He pondered that a moment while he played with her breast. Her hard nipple pressed against his palm. He picked up the sound of someone ascending the stairs. With the men getting a half day he figured Duff might find his way here so had not barred the door.

"I am thinking of torturing my wee wife."

"Torture?" She stiffened, but did not try to escape.

"Bringing her near her peak and keeping her there without falling over."

"You are an evil man, Laird Malcolm." She caught him again, squeezing her a.r.s.e around his c.o.c.k.

"Ye are playing with fire, my lady."

Duff entered, rolled his eyes at the two of them, then shut the door. He sat on a chair and removed his boots, then set his plaid on it.

"'Ye've come at the perfect time, brother," said Malcolm. "Our wife is misbehaving."

Duff chuckled. "I was hoping she might be."

"Dinna listen to him," she replied, pouting. "I've been very good."

"Aye, wife, ye have," said Duff. "And I will reward ye for it by giving ye whatever yer laird husband has in mind."

"He wants to torture me!"

"With pleasure," added Malcolm.

Duff's grin widened. "And ye waited for me to start?"

"Aye, I need more than two hands to hold Kiera from escaping while spreading her legs and using my fingers inside her."

Duff rubbed his hands eagerly. "Do I hold, or ye?"

"If we tie her down, we can both do as we choose."

"Tie me? Nay!"

Kiera struggled while Duff barred the door with a log too heavy for her to easily remove. Malcolm moved and, accidentally on purpose, let her escape. She rolled off the far side of the bed and crouched on the floor.