"Rogue." The queen sipped her tea.
"What of you, Madeline? What is your pleasure?"
"You know my pleasure. And my weakness. Cards, Majesty."
"Ah, yes. The gaming tables." Elizabeth glanced across the table toward the man who sat scowling. "Windham, are your wounds causing you pain?"
"Nay, Majesty. They will quickly heal." He seemed to catch himself.
He had been brooding about the weather. All of his plans had centered around a hunting accident. It would have been so easy to hide himself and aim an arrow that would bring down the throne of England. But what if the damnable rain continued and they never got a chance to hunt?
would prefer cards to another night of dancing. "
"And you, Cordell? Are you feeling well enough to join us for the games?"
"I would not miss it, Majesty."
"I fear Madeline's brother possesses the same weakness as my dear wife," Charles said with an exasperated sigh.
"Neither can resist a game of cards."
Windham brightened.
"Then we shall play for money rather than just the challenge?"
"But of course," Madeline replied.
"What fun would it be to play without a bet?"
Windham's evil smile grew. He loved nothing better than to gamble.
Especially if he could find a way to sway the cards in his favor.
When they had finished their meal, the queen stood and the others followed.
"Perhaps this will be even more challenging than the hunt."
Everyone in the company brightened. The rain had not ruined this trip to the country after all. There were still many ways to test one's skill.
The cozy library was the perfect place for the queen and her party to relax. A cheery fire burned in the fireplace. Small tables had been set up for the various games to be played. A side table groaned with trays of sweets. Crystal decanters of wine and ale gleamed in the light of the fire.
"Do you play cards, my lady?" Lord Windham asked Brenna.
She backed away from his touch. Though he was aware of her reaction, his only indication was a tight-lipped smile.
"Aye, my lord. But it has been a long time since I have tested my skill."
"Splendid. Every game needs a sacrificial lamb."
Morgan held a chair for Brenna at a small game table. Cordell, Madeline and Lord Windham took the other seats.
"Beware, my lady," Morgan muttered loud enough for the others to hear.
"There is talk of heavy wagers being made on the cards lately. Your cohorts at table do not play merely for sport."
"Truly?" Brenna cast an innocent glance around the table.
"You would not take advantage of a stranger in your midst, would you?"
Madeline and her brother exchanged wicked chuckles.
"Cherie. We are all friends here. What can be the harm of a friendly wager?"
"What harm indeed?" Brenna picked up her cards.
"You will need money for wagering," Morgan said. He placed a large sum of money in front of her, which the others studied with greedy pleasure.
"How much is here, my lord?"
"The equivalent of fifty gold sovereigns."
"Fifty..." Brenna glanced around the table.
"Did you not say this was to be a friendly wager?"
"For fifty gold sovereigns, my lady, we will be very friendly," Cordell said with a laugh.
Across the room, the queen and Richard set up their chess pieces and began their match. Brenna glanced at them and suppressed a smile.
Adrianna sat beside Richard, drinking in every move he made. The queen, determined to win, studied her opponent with all the skill of a general.
Some of the queen's ladies sat on cushions on the floor, listening to the haunting music of a lute played by the queen's musician.
Servants scurried around with trays of goblets filled with ale and wine. In this relaxed atmosphere, even the queen enjoyed a second serving of ale.
Like a good host, Morgan moved between the tables, watching both the chess match and the card games.
"It appears that I have won," Brenna said excitedly as the last card was played.
"You were indeed lucky," Cordell said with a little frown.
"This time I wish to double my bet."
Brenna scooped up the money she had won and matched his bet.
"What about you, Madeline?"
Grudgingly the Frenchwoman reached into her pocket for more money.