(20) May 7, 1955
Spiritual a.s.sembly of the Baha'is of the Anchorage Recording District
Dear Baha'i Sister:
Your letter of April 6th with enclosures has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.
The contribution you enclosed from the Baha'is of Anchorage Recording District is greatly appreciated. Receipt is enclosed herewith.
The Guardian greatly appreciated receiving the incorporation papers from the Anchorage District a.s.sembly. He feels the incorporation of this a.s.sembly an historical event. He likewise appreciates the map which you sent showing the area involved in the recording district, as well as the location of the Baha'i property. So far as the use of the land is concerned, this is something which will have to be determined as time goes on, and particularly when Alaska establishes their National a.s.sembly.
The Guardian sincerely hopes all the friends in Alaska will redouble their teaching efforts, so that the Faith may become firmly established. The work of the Alaska Baha'is has so encouraged the Guardian that he has announced the formation of the National Spiritual a.s.sembly for Alaska in 1957. It is evident that intensive teaching work must be done between now and that date, so that there will be a sufficient number of a.s.semblies and a wide enough basis of the Faith throughout Alaska to build up a proper foundation for this crowning inst.i.tution.
The challenge has now come to the Alaska Baha'is. We all hope and pray they will be a.s.sisted in their strenuous efforts.
The Guardian a.s.sures you of his prayers in your behalf. He sends you his loving greetings.
Faithfully yours, Leroy Ioas a.s.sistant Secretary
(21) July 1, 1955
(21) July 1, 1955
Northern Peoples Teaching Committee
Dear Baha'i Friends:
Your letter of May 2nd with enclosures has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.
He appreciates receiving the pamphlet and the photograph which you sent him.
He considers it would be a great service to the Faith if you can arrange to have some of the literature translated into other of the more widely used dialects, and especially Aleut. He also approves of your following the idea of the book published in English ent.i.tled: "A Baha'i Child's Song Book," where you feel that is desirable.
The Guardian greatly values the services of your Committee in their devoted efforts to bring the Faith to the native people of Alaska, and a.s.sures you of his prayers for the abundant success of your labours.
With warm Baha'i greetings, R. Rabbani
[From the Guardian:]
May the Beloved bless, guide and sustain you, and enable you to enrich the record of your splendid services to His Faith.
Your true brother, Shoghi
(22) August 26, 1955
(22) August 26, 1955
Spiritual a.s.sembly of the Baha'is of Anchorage
Dear Baha'i Sister:
Your letters of July 15 and 23, with enclosures, have been received by the beloved Guardian; and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.
He regrets the delay in receiving your letter of the 15th, as it prevented his sending a cabled message on the occasion of the dedication of the Haziratu'l-Quds of Alaska.
He rejoices over this important step forward on the way to the formation of the National Spiritual a.s.sembly of the Baha'is of Alaska. He considers the progress of the Faith in Alaska remarkable.
The Guardian urges the friends to exert even greater efforts, especially in the teaching and enrollment of the Eskimos.
He remembers all the dear friends in Alaska in his loving prayers.
With loving Baha'i greetings, R. Rabbani
[From the Guardian:]
May the Beloved guide, aid and protect you in your high and historic endeavours, a.s.sist you to extend rapidly the range of your meritorious activities, and win memorable victories in the service of His Faith.
Your true brother, Shoghi
(23) September 16, 1955
(23) September 16, 1955
Teaching Committee for Alaska
Dear Baha'i Brother:
The beloved Guardian has received your letter of August 17th, with the sheet enclosed showing the names of those who attended the first All Alaskan Summer Teaching Conference.
The progress of the work in Alaska is very gratifying to him. He would like your Committee to a.s.sure those who attended this Teaching Conference of his prayers for the success of their labours.
It is the Guardian's deep hope that, in countries where the friends may teach freely, a mighty, sustained teaching effort may be exerted. If the Faith progresses rapidly in such countries, this will in a measure compensate for the setback it has suffered in Persia, because of the recent terrible persecutions.
He attaches great importance to Alaska; and he hopes the friends there will rise to great heights, in the days to come, in their teaching activities.
With warm Baha'i greetings, R. Rabbani