The soul or spirit of the individual comes into being with the conception of his physical body.
(99) STUDY
(99) STUDY
Shoghi Effendi advises you to study "Some Answered Questions" and the "Dispensation of Baha'u'llah" which help you to grasp these questions.
(100) TEACHINGS-Acceleration
(100) TEACHINGS-Acceleration
The Guardian was very happy to learn that the teaching work in Alaska is being accelerated. May the momentum being gained, not be lost, but on the other hand intensified, so the forthcoming National a.s.sembly may have a wide and strong base.
The world is seeking for a solution for its increasing problems, and if the friends arise with the dynamic spirit of the Faith, a.s.sured of final victory, many seeking souls will enter the Faith, and find eternal life.
(101) TEACHING-Importance
(101) TEACHING-Importance
The more one observes the conditions of the world and the terrible problems confronting humanity, the more deeply one realizes that the only remedy is that which Baha'u'llah has brought, and yet, alas, the of the people seem to not yet be aware that the way out of our problems can only be a divine way, given by something far greater than human understanding! However, many souls are seriously thinking and seeking, and the Baha'is must try to bring the knowledge of the teachings to all, so that those prepared to accept may not be denied the Message.
(102) TEACHING-Partic.i.p.ation of Children
(102) TEACHING-Partic.i.p.ation of Children
He is happy that the children are being attracted. They are the pillars of the future, and should be trained and encouraged in every way, to learn the details of the teachings, and how to teach others. For the true source of existence is the diffusing of Glad Tidings.
(103) TEACHING-Remaining at Post
(103) TEACHING-Remaining at Post
He would certainly advise you to remain in Alaska and continue to teach and give the small but devoted Community there your active support.
(104) TEACHING-Teaching Relatives
(104) TEACHING-Teaching Relatives
He would not advise you to in any way force the teachings on your husband, but rather through prayer, love and example attract his heart to what he will be forced to see has not only made you a happier person but a better wife and mother than ever before. It is often most difficult to teach those nearest to us, but the Guardian will earnestly pray that your husband and children will join you in serving this wonderful Cause.