1. No publicity should be secured.
2. No articles should be placed in newspapers or magazines.
3. Do not contact Authorities or Political Leaders.
4. Do not discuss Government policies in any way.
5. No effort should be made toward a public proclamation of the Faith.
6. Proceed with great caution.
7. Be very wise in the manner in which the Teachings of the Faith are presented.
8. Make friends, and when these friends gain confidence in you and you in them, gradually confirm them in the Faith.
9. What is needed is a complete reliance upon Baha'u'llah; pure consecration to the Faith, and then energetic but wise presentation of the Divine teachings. Such selfless sacrificial devotion will attract the divine confirmations, and gradually you will confirm souls who will join you as strong supporters of the Faith in your area.
With warm Baha'i greetings, Faithfully yours, Leroy Ioas Secretary-General International Baha'i Council
(64) December 13, 1953
(64) December 13, 1953
Dear Baha'i Sister:
Your letter of October 9th was duly received by the beloved Guardian, and he has asked me to acknowledge it on his behalf.
He very deeply appreciates the contribution which you have made in behalf of the Eskimos of Alaska. Receipt therefor is enclosed herewith. It is fitting that the Eskimos of Alaska be a.s.sociated with the work of the Shrine of the Bab, and your having made this gift in their behalf is very appropriate, especially as you are endeavoring to work with the Eskimos in that country.
The Guardian feels that you should write to the American National Spiritual a.s.sembly in detail concerning the problem of Groups, a.s.semblies, etc. outside of Fairbanks. Certainly some basis should be set up for the establishment of such Groups and a.s.semblies, and he feels sure that within the principles that have already been enunciated, the American National Spiritual a.s.sembly can properly handle the matter.
At his direction I am sending a copy of this letter to the National a.s.sembly, so that they will be informed of the matter when you write to them.
The Guardian greatly values your sacrificial and devoted services to the Faith. He is praying in your behalf. He likewise will pray for the friends in Alaska, and also for those who are being attracted to the Faith, particularly Mr. English, who is half Eskimo.
The Guardian was deeply appreciative of the spirit which animated you in preparing the tape recording of the Ridvan Feast held in the home of an Eskimo family in Fairbanks.
With warm Baha'i greetings, I am
Faithfully yours, Leroy Ioas a.s.sistant Secretary
(65) December 18, 1953
(65) December 18, 1953
Dear Baha'i Friends:
Your loving communication of December 5th has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has asked me to acknowledge it on his behalf.
The contribution which you have made to the Shrine of the Bab is greatly appreciated. Receipt is enclosed herewith.
The beloved Guardian is very happy because of the response of the friends throughout the world to the Ten Year Crusade. All of the virgin areas, with the exception of the Iron Curtain countries, are settled or a.s.signed to pioneers. There are now over seventy of the virgin areas settled by pioneers, which bring the number of countries within the pale of the Faith to over two hundred.
The Guardian is now deeply concerned with the development of the Faith in the homelands. If the Faith is not developed and spread in the homelands, it will ultimately affect the success of the work in foreign lands. The Guardian therefore hopes that the believers who have not been able to go to foreign areas will, in accordance with the Master's instructions, scatter to the goal cities in the homelands, and thus aid in the establishment of Spiritual a.s.semblies.
What is needed to achieve success in the teaching field is a complete dedication on the part of the individual, consecration to the glorious task of spreading the Faith, and the living of the Baha'i life, because that creates the magnet for the Holy Spirit, and it is the Holy Spirit which quickens the new soul. Thus, the individual should be as a reed, through which the Holy Spirit may flow, to give new life to the seeking soul.
One should search out those who are receptive to the Faith, and then concentrate on those persons in their teaching.
The Baha'is in Alaska have a special responsibility, and that is to spread the Faith rapidly in that vast country. The success of the teaching work done by the Baha'is of Alaska will determine how soon a National Spiritual a.s.sembly will be established in your country.
The beloved Guardian is praying for the success of your efforts. He sends his loving greetings to you.
With warm Baha'i love, Leroy Ioas a.s.sistant Secretary
(66) January 9, 1954
(66) January 9, 1954
Dear Baha'i Friends:
The beloved Guardian greatly appreciated the spirit of your loving letter of December 28th, addressed to me, and has asked me to a.s.sure you of his prayers in your behalf, for the success of the n.o.ble mission you have undertaken. He will pray that the divine confirmations may be with you always, so that many souls may find eternal life, in that far off land, through your devoted and sacrificial efforts.
He was pleased with the establishment of the fund for the Hazira for Alaska. It is his hope, the Friends will arise with renewed effort in the Teaching Field, so many new centers and a.s.sembies may be estabished, thus enabling Alaska to achieve its supreme goal of the NSA early in the Ten-Year Plan. Then the time will be ripe for the building of the Hazira, for which the Friends are now contributing funds.
With loving Baha'i greetings, I am,
Faithfully yours, Leroy Ioas
(67) February 20, 1954
(67) February 20, 1954