(36) April 12, 1957
(36) April 12, 1957
Dear Baha'i Friends:
Will you please deliver to the Convenor of the Alaska Baha'i Convention the enclosed envelope containing the Guardian's Message to the friends and which is to be read to them at Convention.
To gain time this is being sent thru Rome and mailed by a Pilgrim.
With Ridvan greetings, R. Rabbani
P.S.-The Guardian requests that you acknowledge receipt of this communication by cable to him.
(37) April, 1957
(37) April, 1957
To: Delegates and Visitors a.s.sembled at the Convention of the Baha'is of Alaska
I welcome, with joy, pride and thankfulness, the convocation, on the northern fringes of the Western Hemisphere, and in a region that must needs play a prominent part in the shaping of the destinies of mankind, of the first Alaskan Baha'i Convention. So auspicious an event const.i.tutes an important milestone in the progressive unfoldment of the Baha'i World Spiritual Crusade, and represents the fruition of the valiant efforts exerted, in the course of several decades, by the American Baha'i Community, which has striven so steadfastly to ensure the emergence of independent Baha'i Communities in that hemisphere.
So great a triumph, crowning so much patient and painstaking labour, won at the hour when the Baha'i World Spiritual Crusade is entering the second year of the third phase in its irresistible unfoldment, must be celebrated through the initiation of a subsidiary Six-Year Plan on the part of the newly-formed Alaskan National Spiritual a.s.sembly, for the purpose of speedily increasing the number of the followers of the Faith; of multiplying its Centres; of adding to its existing Local Spiritual a.s.semblies; of inaugurating a National Baha'i Fund; of establishing a Summer School; of initiating local Baha'i endowments; of incorporating the newly-emerged National Spiritual a.s.sembly as well as all firmly grounded local spiritual a.s.semblies; of obtaining recognition for the Baha'i Marriage Certificate, as well as the Holy Days on which work is forbidden; of stimulating the conversion of both the Eskimos and American Indians, and of purchasing a plot of land to serve as the site for the future Ma_sh_riqu'l-A_dh_kar of Alaska.
I appeal to the members of the American National Spiritual a.s.sembly to persevere in their highly laudable endeavours on behalf of a Community so small yet so valiant and promising, and to ensure by every means in their power the steady development and consolidation of the inst.i.tutions of an Order to whose rise and establishment they have so conspicuously contributed.
May the process now set in motion gather momentum in the years lying ahead, through a liberal effusion of the grace of Baha'u'llah, and may those whose privilege it is to stimulate its development, be guided in every step they take, and fulfill every desire they cherish for its ultimate consummation.
(38) May 16, 1957
(38) May 16, 1957
To the National Spiritual a.s.sembly of the Baha'is of Alaska
Dear Baha'i Friends:
Your loving letter of May 5th has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has directed me to acknowledge it on his behalf.
The contribution made by your new a.s.sembly to the International Fund is greatly appreciated. Receipt is enclosed.
It is fitting that one of your first actions should be the dispatch of this remittance, as it links your new spiritual body directly with the work being done at the World Center of the Faith.
The Guardian is well pleased with the diligent services of all the Alaska friends, reaching the present goal of a National a.s.sembly. May the friends now arise with renewed vigor, and with the new spirit released, win many more souls to the Faith. More Baha'is, more Centres, more a.s.semblies is the dominating spirit of service for the friends during the remainder of the Ten Year Crusade.
The Guardian will pray for you, and for the success of your labours for the Cause of G.o.d.
He sends his loving greetings.
Faithfully yours, Leroy Ioas
(39) May 20, 1957
(39) May 20, 1957
The National Spiritual a.s.sembly of the Baha'is of Alaska
Dear Baha'i Friends:
Our beloved Guardian has instructed me to write you on his behalf and inform you that the Hand of the Cause, Mr. Varga, will shortly be forwarding to your a.s.sembly the equivalent of five hundred English Pounds, as the Guardian's contribution to your newly established National Fund.
He hopes that, in the formulation of your plans, particular attention will be given to the all-important teaching work, the foundation of all the activities of the Faith and the most urgent task facing the friends in this critical period the world is pa.s.sing through.
You may be sure he will pray for your success.
With Baha'i greetings, R. Rabbani
(40) May 28, 1957
(40) May 28, 1957
The National Spiritual a.s.sembly of the Baha'is of Alaska
Dear Baha'i Sister:
The Beloved Guardian has instructed me to write your a.s.sembly in connection with the important goal of your six year plan, of purchasing or acquiring the site for the future Baha'i Temple in Alaska.
No publicity of any type should be given this matter at this time, but the Committee should proceed with its work quietly and wisely. They should simply try to purchase a piece of land, without indicating its purpose. No contact should be had with the Government.