The Calare Edifice
I stop walking when someone called my name from behind.
"I did tell that we will eat together, right? Why did you leave me?"
I don't need to turn to know who it is―Clover, my roommate. She has been telling me to eat breakfast together with her but she always wakes up late so I always left her.
I didn't answer her; I know she knows it's her fault why we can't eat breakfast together. I continue walking.
"Hey, Cenedy. Tomorrow we will eat together okay?" I just wave my hand as goodbye. I can already hear the students coming to the Dining Hall.
Calare Edifice.
It's a building where our cla.s.srooms are all set. It's not that far from the Dining Hall; it's also divided into two building. A long covered pathway divides the two large building; in the right is the Sveta Edifice and on the left is the Gein Edifice.
There's still some minutes before the cla.s.s will start so I just walk around. There's really a big difference between the two buildings. Gein Edifice is just a normal grand building. It's nice but Sveta Edifice is really different. It's like a structure from the past but also of the present. I really can't explain but it's what comes first in my mind.
I'm about to enter the Gein Edifice when I notice a light glaring from the ground.
What is that? I want to go and check but it's on the perimeter of Sveta Edifice. It's not like I'm prohibited to go there but I just don't like snooping where I don't belong.
I look around to see if there might be people around. I'm not really trespa.s.sing, right? It's also my first time; it should be okay, I should be okay.
I know the object is made of metal or maybe a mirror because that light is made by reflecting the sunlight. I walk towards it.
A bracelet? A bracelet made of black stones. Whoa. It's so pretty. Will it suit me? Maybe, I can give it try. I will return it immediately anyway.
I put it around my left wrist and lock it. It fits! It looks pretty. It fits my wrist like it's made just for my size. I'm sure the owner is a girl.
"Cenedy, why are you there? I ate hurriedly just so we can go together."
I immediately hide the bracelet with my sleeves. Clover might see it and reprimand me. I'll send it later to the Student's Desk where we usually turn over the lost items.
"Nothing, let's go."
There are already many students in the area together with the noise increasing. Now I regret taking interest to that bracelet.
I stop walking because Clover pulls me over. What is it again? I glare at her. Don't tell me…
"Let's wait for the Majes first."
I knew it.
Majes are those students that belong to the highest ranks of Sceillians. When you belong to Sveta you are already considered as one of high-ranking Sceillian but there are still individuals who top them all or those who we call Majes.
Majes are those who can control the ancient elements.
Pyr or the Fire
Hydor or the Water
Aer or the Air
Lant or the Earth (land)
Those are the four ancient elements and also the highest above all other.
There's only one family left who can wield these abilities; the Ufan (Yufan). They control multiple elements and can possess more than two abilities. They are the Gems of the Sceillian world and are considered as the Royalties. Although, they are not the government; they still rule the government.
Everyone stops talking when each of the Majes steps out together with their Guardian.
A Guardian is bound to protect their Master. I don't know how it happens. Clover says, one can understand this when one has something that connects to the other.
Rhoanne Gail McCrew, holder of the ancient element Hydor (Water);
Aiden Cedric Petrarch, controls the ancient element of Aer (Air);
Victoria Sein Grawn, weilder of the ancient element of Lant (Earth/Land);
Lastly, Claude Vyel Cynnvoc who has the power of Pyr (Fire).
Claude Vyel Cynnvoc is the only Ufan among them. No one knows what other element can he control aside from the ancient fire. This ancient element of Pyr is the hardest to control of them all. All of the ancient elements have their own mind but only the Pyr can choose its own master or wielder. It is also not inherited unlike the rest of the elements. According to the Sceillian history, there's only five who had this power and Claude is one of them.
I don't care or even look at them because my eyes are still on the bracelet on my wrist.
"Look Cenedy, Claude seems to be in a bad mood."
Why should I care? My split ends are more important than the tantrums of the Majes.
In the end I decided to look up and see for myself. There is a man with jet black hair, a pair of gray eyes with specks of blue. The heck; I knew it. That's why I don't want to look at them; they are a bunch who will only enchant me to dazedness.
I soon notice his bad mood as well. You can really feel it because his aura alone can make anyone scared.
"Let's go." I pulled Clover. I don't know why this girl is a big fangirl.
"Wait! Come on. Don't be a KJ (killjoy)." She protested while scratching her head.
"Do you have dandruff? Stop scratching, then. You've already seen them alive and kicking so let's go to our cla.s.s."
Inside the Calare (Cla.s.sroom) there's still no student present. I sit by the very back area together with Clover.
"Claude is so handsome, right? There's also Aiden." she said bashfully. Haah (sigh). The day is yet to start and she's already fangirling, daydreaming.
"Where is your guardian? Why is he not with you?" I wonder loudly at her. I know her guardian is Jino.
"His cla.s.s is early today. You do know that he's already a senior, right?"
Yep, her guardian is a higher year than us. Guardians don't usually care about the age difference; what matters to them is that if you're a Gein, a Gein will also be your Guardian. If you're a Sveta, a Sveta will also be your guardian.
As they say, the Master-Guardian relations.h.i.+ps should be a match.
Clover has the power to transfer certain things. For example, she needs her umbrella that is currently in our dorm, she can just get it in just a snap as long as she knows its exact location and where the object is placed.
Gradually, the room is filled with other students. As I said, no one dares to talk to me because I’m nothing. They don't want to waste their time to a Sceillian like me.
Our Preceptor (teacher) comes, as well. This cla.s.s requires interactions but because I'm a Scapes they won't bother to know my opinion. It's a blessing in disguise for me; I don't want to talk to people I don't really know.
The cla.s.s ends up early so I'm thankful. I can now send the bracelet to the Student's Desk. It is already lunch break now but I don't eat lunch. I usually sit around Groven, a playground at the back of the Gein Edifice. There's no one loitering there because they are all in the Dining Hall. I don't need to tell Clover; she already knows where I am going.
I stare on my wrist. White? Why did it become white? Earlier the stones are black on this bracelet but now they all became white. I try removing the bracelet while walking towards the Student's Desk. How to remove it? It won't budge. What the heck is this!?
I've been trying to remove it but even after half an hour later, it still won't leave my wrist. I'm getting tired and really annoyed! My feet eventually stop at Groven. My wrist is now reddish and painful-looking because of this heck of a bracelet.
I sit at my usual place with eyes getting heavy so I let myself fall asleep.
"Ceny, Ceny!"
What the h.e.l.l? Noisy. Can't he see a person is sleeping here?
"Ceny! Ceny!"
"Five minutes." I said.
"No can do. Clover has been looking for. She said you didn't come to cla.s.s."
I open my eyes and find Jino, Clover's Guardian, waking me up.
"Jino. So it's you. Hold on." I manage to reply. "Okay, let's go." I stir myself up and walk together with him back to Gein.
I like Jino better because he is the silent type. He won't talk to you unless you start; the total opposite of his master. Clover is the most talkative Sceillian I've known.
I enter my dorm while Jino walked on. So he did really just fetch me back. Clover, however, is already asleep and turning all over on her bed.
I take off my uniform and think again of the bracelet. I'm getting nervous about this thing. What if the owner had been looking for it all day? The punishment for stealing is heavy as a Sceillian.
I rummage for my sketch pad and start to draw whatever comes to my mind. Somehow, it's the Bracelet. I draw both its white and black versions. When can I get this removed? Maybe I could try once again?
Freed at last! Hallelujah!
*Tsup* *Tsup*
I kiss my wrist excitedly. Finally liberated! Since it's now removed, I place it in a wooden box.
12:01 am
It's very late at night now but I just notice it. I climb to my bed with a smile on my face. I can't help it. It has been a while since I smiled like this.
Hydor And Pyr
In this morning, I still have the same routine.
Clover is still sleeping, while I'm already changing into my uniform. I wake up much earlier because I still have to return the bracelet. I'm sure the owner is worried about it.
6:25 am
I open the door to our mini terrace. All the rooms here have a mini terrace outside. I decided not to have breakfast today; I'm too lazy to go to the Dining Hall. I'll have a coffee here in the terrace instead.
(ED: Whoa… She didn't eat lunch nor dinner yesterday and no breakfast today, too. I think she's broken; I'm quite envious. XDD)
I notice a white paper on the table there. I open it up and read the contents.
I sigh. Here it goes again. I just put the letter to my pocket.
I've lost my interest with my coffee; so instead, I walk back to the room and take the bracelet from the wooden box. I get out from the Gein's dorm and walk towards the Student desk.
What if the owner asks why the stones of the bracelet became white? Well, I don't think I need to care about that. What's important is that I return it.
But I still find myself writing on a piece of paper.
I soon reach and enter SAO(Students Affairs Office). There's no one inside; only the wide table and a flat screen monitor. I guess the teacher a.s.signed here is still having breakfast.
I put the bracelet on the table. I think they're not that stupid and will immediately recognize that someone has returned it here.
I walk out from SAO and roam away. I still haven't seen a single student around. I'll just go to the Groven because there's still one hour before the cla.s.s starts. My mind wanders again to the bracelet. Is it okay not leaving my name over? They might ask why the color of the bracelet has changed.
WHAT THE h.e.l.l!
I fell to the ground hard. I think I tripped over something. If I remember correctly there's no rock or whatever that's supposed to obstruct here. I examine the ground but nothing. Hold on. There's…there's a leg!
I bend down and see a girl, a little girl. I think she's around five years old. She's also wearing a Sveta uniform. She's so pretty, like a sleeping doll. She has a long black hair that reaches her waist; it is so nice, so smooth and straight. Her eyelashes are also long while her lips are cherry-red. She has a pale skin, yes, so pale indeed. Does she still have blood? Wait, is she dead?
I touch her cheeks. So soft! Her skin is so smooth. What is her regimen? Stupid Cenedy! How could a young girl use those things? Of course, this is all natural! No cosmetics at all!
Right, back to reality. She's not dead; she's warm. I can also feel her breathing. Maybe, she's just sleeping.
"Wake up."
I softly tap her cheek while I'm kneeling down. Her eyes slowly open. Wow! Amazing! Gray eyes! Is she really not a walking doll?
She gets up and sits in front of me. She cutely rubs her eyes which is really adorable. Then, all of a sudden, she looks me in the eyes and,
"Hey… W-wait."
She suddenly hugs me.
"Take me with you."
She has an angelic voice. It's very nice to listen. The rest is history, or rather, that's her last sentence since she falls asleep again while still hugging me by my waist, sitting on my lap. She's really cute like baby!
I'll just take my leave again. My conscience can't take it if I'll wake the angel sleeping right by me.
I think we've been in this situation for an hour now. I can't help smiling. I sure want to have a little sister or little brother since in our family I'm the youngest.
I stop my inner monologue when someone jumps from above. I'm really surprised and startled as well, because I thought she'll fall on us. I notice that she's also surprised. I'm not sure if she's surprised with this face of mine or the fact that I'm cutting
Then, I realize who she is. Rhoanne Gail McCrew, the girl who controls the ancient element of Hydor (water).
"I… I'm s-sorry about her." Why is she stuttering?
"It's okay."
That's my only reply. I'm star-struck by her beauty. So beautiful. Her red colored hair, more of a dark-red, wavy and reaches her waist. Fair skin, high and thin nose, and pinky lips. The models from the magazine can't compare to her.
She approaches and whispers something to the girl with me.
"Your brother is looking for you."
All of a sudden, the little girl wakes up and looks me in the eyes. She moves those strands of hair over my face.
"I love you."
Wah? Wait. What?! She just said 'I love you', right?! Then, I love you too! Wah! She's so cute! I want to take her home with me.
I'm still dazed when she lets go from hugging me and walks away. Won't Rhoanne send her back?
"May I know your name?" Rhoanne, who's still beside me, asks. I look back at her and answer.
"I'm Cenedy Aceil Holsden."
I don't know how to behave towards Majes and my mind is still not functioning well so I just answer directly.
"And I'm Rhoanne Gail McCrew." She holds my hands and shakes them.
"May I know what Sade told you?"
So, Sade is that little girl's name. Well? What should I say? Should I tell her the truth? She'll just laugh at me. Great. In the end, I decided to tell her the truth.
"She said she loves me."
"Whooah! Really? That's amazing!" She says while clapping. She's happy just like that?
"May I know what Sceill you have?"
Here we go again. What I hated the most is someone asking me about what my Sceill is because I really don't have one.
"I don't have a Sceill."
Thus, my short answer. I avoid looking from her so I won't see her reaction. I know she'll just turn me down as well. But she just remains silent. I can't contain my curiosity so I look over. What I see are sparkles in her eyes while her hands are clasped together. Wait, did I say something fascinating? That's what written all over her reaction.
"Kyaaaa! Really? Woah, I've never seen a Sceillian who doesn't have a power before."
She says while hugging me. I don't know if I should be happy or mad at what she said.
"Let's be friends, okay? Yey! I have a friend who doesn’t have powers! I have a friend who doesn't have powers! I'm so happy!"
My jaw drops at her. Is she really happy? Is she mad?
"I'll call you Ceny and you call me Rhoa, okay?" She's holding my hands right now.
"Okay…?" is all I could say. I'm too shocked in this situation.
"I'll see you soon, Ceny; and oh right, you'll soon see Sade again and more often because I'm quite sure she will look for you. Goodbye, Ceny my friend, who doesn't have power."
I just wave my hand as goodbye to her. She is a weird one.
"I just know you'll be here. Why didn't you go to cla.s.s earlier? You're cutting more often lately." Clover chatters away with her hands on her waist.
"Sorry, Mommy." I said in a sarcastic tone.
"Hmf. Let's just eat; Dreiya said you didn't come for breakfast so she gave me a lunch box especially for you."
I smile at the thought. She doesn't need to do this. Dreiya is really kind to me.
"Did you sleep here again?" Clover asked. I really can't hide anything from this girl.
"I'm too lazy to go, that's why I stayed here." I didn't tell what happened earlier; she might think I'm daydreaming like her.
"By the way, Preceptor Louie won't be coming to cla.s.s later; so you need to go with me to the library for the report I have to finish. And don't you dare refuse; you have lots to make up with me."
I sigh in defeat. Well, I don't have anything to do so why not?
"Cenedy, I'll just be in here, so just read whatever you want."
What else am I going to do here? I might read then.
One of the impressive structures here in the Academy is this Library. Our library has three floors and has books and other materials that are made of paper and in other platforms like CDs, flashdrives, videos and memory banks.
My feet carry me to the third floor. There are paintings and history books all over the place. I don't know why am I here since I'm not really fond of history but I still found myself coming up here. As usual, upon entry, we need to log-in to the computer first and then it will give our corresponding number, according to who enters first today. There's no one here aside from myself. I guess I'm the first today.
The First Mistress
My eyes land on that particular painting. The lady in the picture is beautiful. She has white hair and is sitting by the branch of a tree while smiling. I'm curious what color her eyes were because she had them closed in that painting.
I touch its t.i.tle name. Why is it warm? I run to the computer to search a book to detail this painting and it didn't fail me.
The problem now is that book is way up there, really high and I can't reach. This is really annoying. I rarely have the mood to read but it won't even let me now.
I still try reaching the book. Why did I not get any taller and reach my height of only 5'4?
Somebody reaches the book in a snap and hands it over to me.
"Be careful."
I hear his voice behind me. I am somewhat a.s.saulted by something. Do you know that kind of smell when someone hugs you? He smells so nice.
When I turn to face him, I am greeted with gray eyes. Are gray eyes in trend now?
I'm drowning in his eyes. I still haven't move. He's not even in front of me anymore. Only one name keeps repeating in my mind.
Claude Vyel Cynnvoc.
I carelessly open to the book's first chapter, the very book he handed me and now I may have forgotten.
The Son of Pyr.