Hi, My Sweet Lil Moe Wife! - Chapter 966

Chapter 966

966 Chapter 1031-angering the ma.s.ses

You b * tch, youre so shameless! Our Cao Wei has given birth to a son and a daughter for the MU family, and now shes pregnant with another one. Shes bringing honor to the MU family and bringing honor to the ancestors, not some mistress!

Qin Fang bit her lower lip and forced herself not to jump out and refute.

An unexpected figure suddenly appeared from behind her.

It was an old lady in a plain black dress, but she looked a little rustic.

Chen Qingzhi coldly looked at this old fellow who had come to court death. After clearly seeing her appearance, her misty and vast eyes narrowed.

Cao Meifeng, Qin Fangs biological mother!

Chen Qingzhi would never forget.

Almost 19 years ago, it was this old woman.

Taking advantage of the fact that Qin Fang was pregnant and had Madame ruans support, she brought her son and daughter-in-law to the ruan residence to make a scene and kick her out.

That time, if grandfather ruan had not returned in time and stopped him

At that time, she had just given birth to ruan Mengmeng. She was afraid that Cao Meifeng would throw her out of the ruan family along with ruan Mengmeng and ruan s.h.i.+s.h.i.+.

Now that their enemies had met, they were naturally envious.

Chen Qingzhi looked coldly at this old lady who was dressed more westernized than she had been in the past. Her limpid eyes sank little by little.

As for Cao Meifeng, she didnt notice Qin Fangs eye signal at all and was still proudly courting death.

Hmph, a woman who cant give birth to a son is like a hen who cant lay eggs. She urged my son-in-law to not want you, and thats because you cant give him a son! Really, what face do you have to call me a mistress? if it werent for those mistresses, men wouldnt have sons to carry on the family line!

Let me tell you, not only our Cao Wei, even my daughter Qin Fang is better than you. How many sons did you give birth to for the ruan family? Not a single son! Unlike our Qin Fang, who has both a son and a daughter! Not only Cao Wei and Qin Fang, but our Jiaojiao also looks like shes easier to bear than your daughter. In the future, shell also have to rely on our Jiaojiao to help the Gu family expand. If ye Wanwan marries your daughter, shell probably be like you and wont be able to lay eggs!

Cao Meifengs words came out of her mouth.

She was used to saying this. Like Madame ruan, she always talked about her son, her precious grandson.

In front of so many guests, he actually said such ancient and feudal words.

Not only did she not feel embarra.s.sed, but she also believed that she was right.

With her words, Chen Qingzhi, this b * tch, would definitely be ashamed of herself for not being able to give birth to a son.


After Cao Meifeng finished her sentence, Chen Qingzhi had yet to speak, but there were already many disdainful and mocking voices around her.

Ive seen shameless people before, but Ive never seen such a shameless person. Its indeed the gene of a mistress thats pa.s.sed down from generation to generation. A family is all peddlers of mistresses.

Thats right, its fine if you dont feel ashamed to be a mistress, but you actually dare to talk about carrying on the family line and bringing honor to your ancestors. The feudalistic dynasty has been destroyed for hundreds of years, and Im surprised to hear such shameless remarks!

Hmph, Im telling you, this isnt strange. This old fox from the mistresss family, Ive already seen Qianqian at the Imperial Palaces birthday banquet. I heard that not only does she like to steal people, but she also likes to steal chickens and dogs.

You guys didnt attend the old thieving womans birthday party last time, so you dont know that Yingluos old neighbors and friends have revealed all her scandals. She stole everything, even the life-saving money of other peoples families. I really dont know how this old thief still has the face to show her face.

[ next chapter, before 20:45 ]