Hi, My Sweet Lil Moe Wife! - Chapter 866

Chapter 866

866 Chapter 931-sudden change

I understand what you mean-third aunt-If the child is not Jing Huis, then its mine, right?

Li junyu swiped his long and slender fingers on his phone screen, ready to inform Ling Xi.

Compared to li Jinghui and Shen LAN, who looked tense and solemn, his movements were unspeakably lazy and calm.

Shen LAN looked at the phone in li junyus hand warily. I-Ive already said that Im not sure who Qianqian is, but Im sure its not our Jing Hui.

She was a person who would never say things that would kill her, and she would not fall into li junyus trap.

Even though li junyu had said that he had no other tricks up his sleeve other than Du Bin and the others, Shen LAN did not believe him when she saw how li junyu was operating his phone.

The familiar sense of uneasiness in her heart expanded again. Shen LAN had a feeling that li junyu would still have a way to retaliate against her.

At this moment, a terrified scream suddenly came from the direction of the guest room.

The scream broke the tense atmosphere in the living room.

Ah-ah-old lady, old lady-its terrible! This is bad! Come over quickly, come over and take a look-

Mother w.a.n.g, who had stayed in the guest room and hadnt followed them, suddenly screamed in panic.

Old Madam li and the others were startled by mother w.a.n.gs voice, and even li junyu put down the phone in his hand for the time being.

Just as everyone revealed suspicious expressions and prepared to go over to see what was going on

Mother w.a.n.g couldnt wait any longer and directly carried the baby out.

old lady, old lady, come quickly, come quickly, come quickly, w.a.n.g Ma ran over in a panic. If it wasnt for the old ladys lifeblood in her arms, she almost couldnt even walk steadily.

How could this be? how could

w.a.n.g Ma, whats going on, Yingluo? did something happen to my grandson? You, you quickly bring the child over and let me see clearly, where is the problem, quickly let me see!

The moment she saw mother w.a.n.g run over from the guest room and heard her shout, old Mrs. Hans heart turned cold.

This child was born prematurely. It was best if there was nothing wrong with his body!

For a moment, countless bad guesses flashed through the old ladys mind. What cleft lips, what having an extra finger, what was wrong with her eyes, ears, mouth, and nose?

In short, her heart was hanging in her throat, and she did not dare to touch the ground at all.

It wasnt until w.a.n.g Ma carried the child closer that she saw the White and clean baby. Other than being a little thin, he was actually intact.

old, old lady, no, its not the child, theres a problem, w.a.n.g Ma gasped for breath. She had been inside looking after the child, and when she saw the childs full appearance, she was so scared that she almost fell to the ground.

He didnt think much and carried her out.

At this time, seeing so many people gathered outside, mother w.a.n.g suddenly regretted it.

She How could she be so impulsive as to carry the child out?

Old Madam li, however, was unaware of mother w.a.n.gs thoughts. She looked at her biological great-grandson with pity-this was her first great-grandson.

Oh my, what a poor child. Look at this little face, its so fair and beautiful. You must be a child of the Li family. With such good genes, why doesnt your cruel father acknowledge you? look at you, this little body, if grandma didnt hire a famous doctor for your mother, how could a child less than seven months old look so good, Yingluo

When li Junting heard his grandmothers words, he almost burst out laughing.

They even invited a famous doctor. It was clearly arranged by her elder brother. He added ingredients to the medicinal cuisine so that Yao Yuqing could give birth to the child earlier.

[ continue, next chapter before 22:50 ]