Hi, My Sweet Lil Moe Wife! - Chapter 766

Chapter 766

766 Ive disappointed her again

The reason why she had made such a decision was because

It was only because she knew more about the old mans body, knew more medical knowledge, and had more trust in Redington Medical groups surgery experience.

That was why she was so calm when she spoke in the end.

Of course, she had to admit that part of her calmness was just for ruan zhaotian to see.

Her father was already out of his wits, and she couldnt just add to the trouble, right?

Mom, you cant say that about this. Yingying and Mengmeng are still young and dont know about this kind of medical stuff. Its all my fault, I had to ask for her opinion at that time Yingluo.

Ruan zhaotian was annoyed. In order to shut Madame ruan and the others up, he didnt think and directly said what was in his heart.

When he finished, he suddenly realized that he had said something wrong.

Ruan zhaotian quickly turned to ruan Mengmeng, but it was too late.

When he saw ruan Mengmengs expression change, he immediately understood that his unintentional words just now had hurt her.

Ruan zhaotian was not mistaken. Ruan Mengmeng was indeed shocked by his words.

Ruan Mengmeng would never have imagined that she would hear such words from her fathers mouth one day.

This was not an excuse for her, but a distrust and denial of her.

No, to be exact, her father had already subconsciously believed her grandmother and aunts words.

Ruan Mengmengs eyes were filled with sarcasm as she looked coldly at her fathers bald head.

She thought that her fathers mind had cleared up and changed.

In reality, her father was still the same as before. He had not changed at all.

Just look at his hair

It was probably Qin Fangs doing to make her father shave his hair.

But why did Qin Fang do this?

Of course, it was to not give her a chance to take her father and ruan Mingyus hair for a DNA test.

Her poor father had actually fallen for the trap.

And now, she had foolishly believed her grandmother and aunts words.

At that moment, ruan Mengmeng did not know whether to blame her father for not trusting her or to laugh at his stupidity.

She looked at Qin Fang, who was hiding behind her father and giving her a sarcastic smile.

He looked at ruan Jiaojiao and the Qin family who were surrounding the old lady and instigating her.

Even ruan Mingyu, that little guy, was carried over by Qin Fangs cousin.

Ruan Mengmeng suddenly felt tired-what a happy, United, and loving family.

Mengmeng, listen to Daddy. Daddy didnt mean it that way. Yingluo, daddy just wanted to help you out. Dont misunderstand. Ruan zhaotian walked over and pulled ruan Mengmeng aside, explaining in a low voice.

He really wanted to give himself a few big slaps.

How could he say that about Mengmeng?

He was really dumb to say such things to hurt his daughters heart.

its fine. I know youre Wuxins father, Wanwan, ruan Mengmeng replied to ruan zhaotian as if nothing had happened with a smile on her face.

She really didnt seem to care about ruan zhaotians hurtful words.

However, the pair of almond-shaped eyes that landed on her fathers face had a hint of disappointment that was quickly hidden in the half-smile.

Ruan Mengmeng looked at her father and suddenly changed the topic. By the way, I came over in a hurry and was busy with grandpas matter, so I forgot to ask. Dad, whats with your hairstyle? wheres your original hair? did you shave it all?

Ruan zhaotian heaved a sigh of relief when he heard that ruan Mengmeng was not going to pursue the matter anymore.

Ruan zhaotian thought that his daughter was really fine, so he immediately replied, Didnt you say last time that I was going to go bald? I went back to take a look, and there really is a little.

A man cant go bald, its too ugly to look like that In the end-when I told Qin Fang, she came up with an idea for me to just shave my hair. This way-they wont be able to tell that Im having-mid-life crisis and am going to go bald! How is it? not bad, right?

[ I havent fixed the rest. Ill have to check the typos before sending it. Itll take a while. You can read it tomorrow, my babies. ]