Hi, My Sweet Lil Moe Wife! - Chapter 74

Chapter 74

74 Digging a hole for Gao Hanqiu to jump into (2)

In other words, this difficult question that Gao Hanqiu had carefully prepared was something that only ruan Mengmeng and Yue junche could solve in the entire cla.s.s.

Gao Hanqiu had every reason to believe that ruan Mengmeng had copied Yue junches answers.

Hearing that, ruan Mengmeng frowned slightly.

This kind of question was probably not difficult in old Caos eyes.

She had asked him to do whatever he wanted, but the old man had probably gotten too excited and used a theorem that he had not learned in high school to solve the question that Gao Hanqiu had carefully prepared.

ruan Mengmeng, I can accept that students are incompetent, but I will never allow students to cheat. I cant accept students like you who are used to copying.

They could not allow a habitual copycat to appear in cla.s.s one of the third year.

Ruan Mengmengs existence had lowered the bottom line of their cla.s.s one of the third year.

He found it more and more difficult to tolerate ruan Mengmeng. He had a feeling that if she continued to stay, she would lead the most promising student in their cla.s.s astray.

Mr. Gao, I think youve misunderstood Wanwan. ruan Mengmeng sighed, her cold tone carrying a hint of helplessness.

I didnt copy anyones homework, and I dont need to copy anyones homework. If I really wanted to do these questions, someone would teach me.

Who taught you how to write? Gao Hanqiu narrowed his eyes.

my home tutor, Yingluo, ruan Mengmeng replied. just like this question, my home tutor taught me how to do it.

A home tutor? The anger in Gao Hanqius eyes gradually intensified.

The next second, it turned into a stern shout,what kind of family teacher is this? You dont even have a good foundation, yet Im teaching you to solve problems in this way! A home tutor like this was simply misleading the children! Go and call your parents, I want to talk to them personally!

Although Gao Hanqiu wanted to teach ruan Mengmeng a lesson, he was even more furious after hearing her words.

Many of his students came from well-to-do families.

What he hated the most were those who didnt listen in cla.s.s, and then parents who were self-righteous would spend a huge sum of money to hire so-called great teachers to tutor their students after cla.s.s.

Gao Hanqiu believed that listening in cla.s.s was the most important thing.

Personally, he was very disgusted with extracurricular lessons.

The moment he heard that ruan Mengmengs parents had hired a home tutor for her, he actually thought that he had hired one.

Gao Hanqiu immediately forgot about his business and started to argue with ruan Mengmengs tutor.

Teacher Gao, my family is on a business trip abroad. Its not convenient at night there. Why dont you talk to my home tutor directly?

Ruan Mengmeng blinked at Gao Hanqiu. No one could tell that she was digging a hole for Gao Hanqiu to jump into.

Okay, call him. Ill talk to him! Gao Hanqiu stopped scolding ruan Mengmeng. He sat in his seat and squinted his eyes as he thought of his lines.

Later on, he would definitely make that scammer take the initiative to resign.

Ruan Mengmeng nodded and took out her phone to call old Cao.

After a while, the old mans familiar voice came from the other end of the phone. h.e.l.lo, miss Wanwan, whats the matter?

Ruan Mengmeng didnt know why, but she felt that old man Caos voice was a little shaky when he received her call.

She reflected on herself. Had she really been bullying old man Cao too much recently?

Ruan Mengmeng cleared her throat and said, Sir, Ive got something to say to my math teacher, Gao Hanqiu. He has some opinions about the difficult problem that you guided me to solve yesterday. Yingluo wants to have a chat with you.

Ruan Mengmeng still gave old man Cao a lot of face and did not tell Gao Hanqiu that those questions were done by old man Cao.

Chat? What does that little brat want to talk about? Old Cao suddenly became serious.

In her heart, she was thinking,would my students find out that he was the one who wrote the questions?

How embarra.s.sing would that be!

Im not too sure either. Why dont you two talk directly? With that, ruan Mengmeng handed the phone over.