Hi, My Sweet Lil Moe Wife! - Chapter 678

Chapter 678

678 Miss s.h.i.+s.h.i.+

No, I have to go back and tell my dad! Ruan Mengmeng stood up, picked up her school bag, and was about to leave.

She was pulled back by mu Jingxing.

Dont be rash, Yingluo. Its not like you didnt mention it to your grandmother just now. Look at how she reacted. Theres no way shell believe your words. She might even think that youre slandering Qin Fang on purpose. Also, Zhenzhen and little Zhengs act of collecting hair has already alerted the enemy. I suggest that you take the long term and dont be anxious.

After his fathers betrayal and the baptism of a property lawsuit, mu Jingxing was much more mature than before.

He thought deeper than ruan Mengmeng.

If Qin Fang could be so easily taken down, she wouldnt be that demoness Qin.

Ruan Mengmeng asked,then what should I do, Yingluo?

She glanced at little Zheng and suddenly thought of little Zhengs idea.

Why dont we do a DNA test secretly? As long as we test ruan Mingyus and my dads DNA, well know the truth.

This method was actually not good.

Xiao Zheng had already alerted the enemy, so Qin Fang would definitely be on her guard now.

The hair used for the DNA test was not something that could be cut off with a pair of scissors. It had to be pulled up together with the hair with hair follicles tissue.

It was not difficult to pull out a strand of her fathers hair.

But removing ruan Mingyus Kasaya was really difficult without Xiao Zhengs a.s.sistance.

In the end, ruan Mengmeng had no choice but to put the matter aside for the time being.

After Qin Fang had let her guard down for a while, she would think of a way to tell ruan zhaotian if she really couldnt.

The matter had come to an end for the time being, and Xiao Zheng took his leave.

However, she didnt go straight home after she left. Instead, she made a few turns and returned to another rental house opposite the ruan familys estate.

After entering the rental house, Xiao Zheng entered the bathroom with ease.

Under the mirror in the bathroom, there were a few bottles of medicine.

She mixed the medicine, washed her face, and looked up again. Little Zhengs simple and unadorned face had turned into a young and beautiful face.

After taking a deep breath in front of the mirror, Zheng left the bathroom and walked into the living room.

She used the specially customized anti-eavesdropping landline in the living room and dialed a number.

Say Yingluo.

The phone was picked up, and a cold voice came from the other end.

Little Zheng could not help but s.h.i.+ver.

Just like every phone call, whenever she had to make a private report to this person, she would have the illusion that her hair was standing on end and her limbs were frozen.

She calmed her breathing and said slowly,Sir, theres been an accident. When I was looking for that thing in miss s.h.i.+s.h.i.+s room, I happened to run into Qin Fang. To avoid being exposed, I could only pretend to be collecting data on ruan zhaotians hair. Now, ruan Mengmeng has already discovered that ruan Mingyu might not be ruan zhaotians child.

Little Zhengs tone was respectful, and there was almost no intonation when he spoke.

He simply reported the truth from start to finish to the person on the phone.

When he mentioned anyone, he seemed to be very cold, completely different from the submissive nanny Xiao Zheng at the ruan residence.

The only difference was the way she addressed ruan s.h.i.+s.h.i.+.

He addressed her as miss s.h.i.+s.h.i.+ respectfully and called ruan Mengmeng by her full name.

After she finished speaking, the man on the other end of the phone fell silent.

The dead silence was cold and gloomy, making little Zhengs heart beat fast.

She was very clear that her mission had failed.

Sir had sent her to infiltrate the ruan family as a nanny just for the item that miss s.h.i.+s.h.i.+ had hidden.

But in the end, she was chased out of the ruan family, and they didnt even find a clue.

Based on Sirs standard nuclear quant.i.ty, it was definitely a failure.

Sure enough, the next second, Xiao Zheng heard the man use his unique, cold voice to order, 15 days of confinement. If you come out alive, you can continue to stay by s.h.i.+s.h.i.+s side.

If he could not

The man didnt explain this.

Because if he couldnt, he would die.

And a dead person obviously had no value for him to talk nonsense.

[before midnight in the next chapter ~ write until you doze off and cry ~]