Hi, My Sweet Lil Moe Wife! - Chapter 646

Chapter 646

646 It was as if he only treated her as a stranger

He was cold-arrogant, serious-and indifferent, as if he only treated her as a stranger.

You said you didnt lose your temper. If you didnt lose your temper, why are you speaking in such a tone? Also, tell me clearly what happened to Yingluo yesterday. Did I make you unhappy or is there some other reason? Our Yingluo, were husband and wife now. You said youd love me, so you cant treat me like this, Yingluo!

Ruan Mengmengs pretty almond-shaped eyes blinked repeatedly, showing a pitiful and aggrieved expression.

The young girl was very smart. She knew that li junyu actually doted on her a lot, and could not bear to see her sad.

Therefore, ruan Mengmeng deliberately showed weakness and blinked her eyes pitifully.

She just wanted li junyu to stop being so cold and talk things out with her.

However, the expected scene of the man softening his att.i.tude did not happen.

Li junyus brows furrowed, and his deep eyes darkened.

He did not say a word and only stared at ruan Mengmeng with his cold and unpredictable gaze.

That was until an invisible pressure made ruan Mengmeng lower her head bit by bit

The young girl could not hold on any longer. The deep and cold li junyu was not someone she could deal with at all. Just looking into his eyes was enough to make her heart feel so heavy that she could not breathe.

This li junyu was cold and distant, and his att.i.tude had somehow turned cold, which was beyond ruan Mengmengs expectations.

In the beginning, she could still throw away her face and pester him shamelessly.

So now, Yingluo

Ill do whatever you want. Not only are you busy, but Im also very busy. I have a lot of homework on the weekends. Itll be nice and quiet if you go to the company, Ill have some fun!

The young girl stepped aside, wanting to say something to win back the favor.

But before he could finish, he felt a cold wind brush past his earlobe.

Immediately after, li junyu was no longer in front of her.

The heavy sound of the door closing came from behind him.

Youre really going to leave after hearing li junyus words!

Ruan Mengmeng turned around and shouted at the door. However, the door did not open from the outside as she had hoped.

No, theres nothing, Yingluo.

Li junyu did not return. He actually left her behind just like that, Yingluo.

The young girls nose twitched for no reason, but she stubbornly pouted. No, you cant be so useless. Just treat it as li junyus in-law having an abnormal temper, and ignore him. Hmph, Ill ignore him in the future!

With that, ruan Mengmeng bit her lower lip and went back to her room. She turned on her computer and logged into the game to vent her anger on noobs.


A few hours later.

Mu Jingxings voice came through the earphones. Lord Moe, whats wrong with you? Yingluo, youre not usually like this when you fry fish in the fish pond. Ive already killed dozens today. Dont ruin the gaming experience of other newbies.

Mu Jingxings familys case had recently been solved with the help of the team of gold-cla.s.s lawyers.

Mu Jingxings mother, Deng ruohua, was like a cheater. With a series of sparks and lightning, she almost made his father, mu yuanhong, leave the marriage with nothing.

Because of this, mu Jingxing was in a very good mood.

During the holidays, he played the recently popular duck-eating game with the others.

Ruan Mengmeng had a lot to do at home, and recently, she had been hanging out with li junyu every day, so she had no time to play with anyone else.

Today was ruan Mengmengs first time playing a survival-seeking tactical shooting game.

Who knew that Lord Moe was so brutal that after getting used to a few rounds of novice descent, he had already led mu Jingxing and the others to win a few rounds in a row.

However, compared to winning, the foppish mu and the others were more afraid of ruan Mengmengs game characters violent and murderous intent.

He really didnt know who had provoked him with that anger that seemed to want to blow him up.

[ duck-eating is to separate it from the real game. This story is purely fictional, and its all fictional. Its different from reality, different, different, were different. ]