Hi, My Sweet Lil Moe Wife! - Chapter 54

Chapter 54

Chapter 54

Regardless She Still Coaxed Her

Ruan Mengmeng was nestled in Li Junyus arms. Her expression was still slightly empty as if she was in shock and unable to regain her senses.

Li Junyu bowed his head and saw the girls stunned face. His dark brows knitted, his stern and beautiful face masked with an unapproachable coldness.

He hugged Ruan Mengmeng and hurriedly walked out of the restaurant, his body exuding a daunting aura. The waiters of the restaurant quickly stepped out of the way as all of them were frightened by the powerful aura that emanated from Li Junyu.

Fortunately, the alert restaurant manager who saw Li Junyu coming out and immediately notified the driver outside the door.

By the time Li Junyu reached the door, the luxurious black Maybach had swung around and was waiting right outside the entrance.

Li Junyu stepped into the car and put the girl down onto the leather seats.

After closing the door, the air inside the car instantly compressed to the point where the inside became freezing cold.

Ruan Mengmeng, is there something wrong with your head? Such a big vase comes flying down on you and you dont move to dodge it? Even if Li Junyu was angry now, he rarely showed such emotions.

He was used to not showing emotions be it positive or angry ones. Even if Taishan collapsed, his face would not change.

He had grown curious when Ruan Mengmeng was gone for a long time. Afraid that this little thing would run away only to find her in such a dangerous scenario, it made his heart tighten.

The unexpected turmoil made Li Junyu unhappy. He hated not being in control.

Li Junyu suppressed his reprimanding voice. There was a hint of murderous intent in his eyes.

The driver who had almost never seen his master lose his temper was so scared that he s.h.i.+vered and shrank into the drivers seat, trying to reduce his presence.

On the other hand, Ruan Mengmeng, who was scolded by Li Junyu, did not respond.

She was like a beautiful but soulless doll, sitting there, staring off into nothingness, as if she could not hear him.

Used to Ruan Mengmengs mischief and rebellion, he saw her empty expression and Li Junyus black eyes gradually grew colder.

The vase was worth a maximum of 2 million. If you listen obediently and promise not to repeat something stupid like this again in the future, I will tell the police that the vase was an antique worth at least 20 million.

Ruan Mengmeng remained unfazed.

I will count to 3 and if you still dont speak, Ill let those two people off. He only wanted to threaten her and knew he would not need to count.

As soon as he voiced it, Li Junyu saw Ruan Mengmengs beautiful eyelashes flutter. A crystal-clear tear dropped from the girls eyes without warning.

Li Junyu frowned, and yelled, Why are you crying? Save your tears. He used to teach his younger brothers that weeping was the behavior of the weak. Only weak people solve problems with tears.

He thought such a reprimand would make Ruan Mengmeng save her tears but who knew when he was done speaking, the girls tears did not stop but they flowed more and more. One by one, crystal clear tears rolled out freely.

Li Junyu, who always hated weakness, his hollow eyes flashed with annoyance. He wanted to see how long she would continue to cry.

Li Junyu decided to deal with Ruan Mengmeng coldly. There was no getting used to this kind of crying-little-girl behavior.

However, he looked and saw the girl crying her eyes out, crying until the tip of her nose turned red, with tear marks on her soft face, and a strange emotion arose in his chest.

The mans slender fingers pulled on his tie, his eyes changing slightly. He felt an indescribable sensation in his chest.

He s.h.i.+fted his gaze to the front of the drivers seat and just happened to catch the drivers eyes in the rearview mirror.

You, get out of the car. The cold male voice was suppressed with anger.

The driver immediately unfastened his seat belt and evacuated at the fastest speed. Even if he would be beaten to death, he would not get into the car without the Master s order!

After the driver stepped out and n.o.body else was present, Li Junyu looked at Ruan Mengmeng who was sobbing uncontrollably.

Then, with a cool face, he lifted the cat-like (TN: Cat-like in personality, very attached, cute, and a bit prideful) woman onto his lap and hugged her.

Alright There there Dont cry