Hi, My Sweet Lil Moe Wife! - Chapter 523

Chapter 523

523 In a fit of pique

For the first time, li junyu knew what it felt like to shoot someone in the foot.

If he had not arranged for a group meeting in 20 minutes when he entered the room just now

If only he had not requested for Ling bei to find a female secretary who would not fall for him, who would be meticulous in her work, and who would have principles even if she offended her boss when he was hiring

Now, none of that would have happened.

Taking a deep breath, li junyu suppressed his high-spirited desire and stepped down from ruan Mengmengs body.

Ruan Mengmeng saw his serious and cold expression and could not help but ask, Li Yingluo.

Dont talk, put on your clothes.

Li junyu only left ruan Mengmeng with his back view as he walked to the small bar in the office and poured himself a gla.s.s of cold water.

Ruan Mengmeng watched as he added large chunks of ice into his cup on such a cold day and drank it all in one gulp.


The young girl could not help but bite her lip. She felt cold for li junyu just by looking at him.

He thought to himself,it seems like the fire in Lord tyrants body just now is not ordinary.

Ruan Mengmeng subconsciously gathered up her clothes. Thank G.o.d, Secretary song was here to knock on the door.

Otherwise, when she was in a daze after li junyus kiss, she might have started making out with him on the table.

Mengmengs face turned red and she felt a pain in her back as she imagined some scenes that were not suitable for children.

Forget it, forget it, I dont dare to think about it anymore. Im already very lucky to have escaped this calamity.

Ruan Mengmeng immediately put on her coat and wrapped herself up tightly. She even b.u.t.toned up the top b.u.t.ton of her s.h.i.+rt, determined not to reveal any of her flesh.

After li junyu had drunk some ice water and suppressed his impatience, he turned around and saw ruan Mengmeng, who was wearing a white s.h.i.+rt that was too big for her and a light blue down jacket.

The funny thing was that the hems of his white s.h.i.+rt had been cut off.

It was just exposed under the pink Blue Coat.

It looked like a child was secretly wearing adult clothes.

Li junyus eyes darkened. He walked over, lifted the hem of ruan Mengmengs jacket, and unb.u.t.toned the first b.u.t.ton at the waist of her pants.

Hey, what are you doing, what are you doing, Hanhan? the Secretary outside already said that theres only two minutes left, Hanhan, no, no, no. Its probably only one minute now. Why are you taking off my pants here, Hanhan li junyu? dont tell me you can take care of Hanhan in one minute.

Shut up, he said. The mans voice was deep and cold, almost suppressing his anger.

Li junyus large hand quickly pulled open ruan Mengmengs pants, and then stuffed the half of her s.h.i.+rt that was exposed into her pants.

His well-defined hands inevitably touched the girls soft waist, her soft stomach, and the little underwear inside her pants.

The desire to eat, which had just been suppressed by the ice water, rose again.

Li junyu had almost exhausted all his rationality to suppress it.

Therefore, even the tone he used when he was talking to ruan Mengmeng became fierce.

you, youre actually scolding me, Chenchen. the young female cat was very unhappy. Although she now knew what li junyu was trying to do, she could not stand it when he was scolding her.

She gritted her teeth and started to dig up old scores.

She recalled the first time they met, this man had been fierce to her and told her to shut up.

She didnt expect that he would ask her to shut up even though they were already so intimate.

Because of that, ruan Mengmeng turned her head away the moment she put on her clothes, not wanting to talk to li junyu anymore.

She stuffed her two small hands into the pockets of her coat and walked towards the main door in a Huff.

Before 23:10 next chapter