Hi, My Sweet Lil Moe Wife! - Chapter 47

Chapter 47

Chapter 47

He Was Still Feeling Pretty Good About Himself

Not only did Ruan Mengmengs merciless reply shock Gu Xuan, but it made him lose face as well.

He put aside his dignity before he began criticizing. Ruan Mengmeng, I didnt remember you being this opinionated before. At least when I told you the truth, you were still willing to listen.

A gloomy expression washed over Gu Xuans handsome features.

If it was not for Old Master Ruans reliance on Ruan Mengmeng, he would not bother trying to coax the wayward and rude little girl.

Pff, the truth? Ruan Mengmeng could not help but let out a laugh, completely disregarding his feelings.

I didnt know insulting someone right when you meet them was called the truth. I mean, who are you? Why should I listen to you?

Ruan Mengmeng, youre incorrigible. We cant go on the whole day like this, Gu Xuan said with a distressed look on his face.

Ruan Jiaojiao who was still nestled in her arms finally shed a few tears. Big Sis, you werent this way before I know, its all my fault. Im in the wrong here. If I didnt get together with Big Bro Gu Xuan, you wouldnt have acted this way toward him. I feel really bad when I see you act this way

You feel really bad, is it? Alright, break up with Gu Xuan then. Ill gladly go back with you guys when the two of you break up, Ruan Mengmeng said uninterestedly.

Ruan Jiaojiao always pretended to look devastated when she was probably overjoyed beneath that mask of hers.

Ruan Jiaojiao was crying her eyes out when Ruan Mengmengs words almost made her forget she was crying.

Break up with Gu Xuan?

That wasnt how the story was supposed to go.

That stupid Ruan Mengmeng. Why does she love Gu Xuan but hate me?

If she heard that Gu Xuan was together with me, she could not help but make a fuss over the whole thing.

Why is she

Big Sis, I Ruan Jiaojiao said anxiously.

So whats it going to be? Do you agree to do it? Since you guys care so much about me and want me to go back, then break up already Ill go back when you guys do.

Ruan Mengmeng, dont you think youre taking it too far? Jiaojiao has been letting you off the hook because thats just the type of kind-hearted person she is. But if you wont stop testing her limits, Ill show you what h.e.l.lish WPA can be for you!

Suddenly, a figure leaped out from the shadows.

He could not accept the girl that he placed on a pedestal getting bullied by Ruan Mengmeng for one second longer.

You again? Ruan Mengmeng squinted with mockery in her eyes at Ye Feng who jumped out.

I remembered the same words you spoke to me this morning. Weirdly enough, Im doing just fine in WPA. I think Ill even be on time for school tomorrow.

Dont be so c.o.c.ky, Ruan Mengmeng. This morning was just a coincidence! Ye Feng said with diminis.h.i.+ng confidence.

Alright, well see if theres another pleasant surprise waiting tomorrow. Ruan Mengmeng could not be bothered with spare tires such as him.

Mengmeng- At that moment, Gu Xuan broke his silence.

His voice was dead serious and his dark prosecuting eyes stared intently at Ruan Mengmeng..

Ruan Mengmeng raised her eyebrows and looked at him.

Mengmeng I didnt think breaking off our engagement would bring such hurt to everyone. Even though you may have been a little headstrong before, you were still able to listen to reason To tell you the truth, my heart hurts seeing you this way.

Gu Xuan furrowed his eyebrows as his deep dark eyes landed on Ruan Mengmengs face. From the outside, he looked like an older brother who felt deeply guilty and responsible for his younger sisters fall.

He felt good about himself, thinking that Ruan Mengmengs revolt, rebellion, and everything she did was solely to regain his attention.

Ruan Mengmeng furrowed her eyebrows and suddenly realized how blind she was before.

How did she not realize what a narcissist Gu Xuan was before?


She almost spewed up last nights dinner.

Senior Gu, if your heart hurts, you should probably see a cardiac specialist and not stand in my way over here. Ive stated my conditions and its all on the both of you right now. So please move, Id like to go home.

Ruan Mengmeng, why are you so stubborn! Gu Xuan sharply rebuked. He could not wait to get Ruan Mengmeng back.

Where do you think youll go if you leave the Ruan Family? Theres no place in the entire S City for you if youre not the Second Miss of the Ruan Family!

Beep beep beep-

Gu Xuan finished his sentence when three honks of a car horn sounded beyond the crowd.

Cars were not allowed to stop at the entrance of WPA, especially not after school hours.

Even the expensive luxury cars followed the rules of the school which was to stop three hundred meters away from the entrance.

However, a limited edition Maybach was parked right outside the school entrance for quite some time already.