Hi, My Sweet Lil Moe Wife! - Chapter 1979: A showdown with Zhan mo (3)

Chapter 1979: A showdown with Zhan mo (3)

Chapter 1979: A showdown with Zhan mo (3)

Translator: 549690339

Where are the remaining eavesdropping devices in your room? In the next second, Zhan Mos question extinguished the suspicion that had just risen in ruan Mengmengs heart.

No, if Zhan mo was telling the truth, he did not plant these bugs. How did he know that there were other bugs in his room?

At tnat moment, ruan Niengmengs neart was liliea witn disappointment.

She didnt even know why she was like this.

When she saw Zhan mo crush the bug, she actually believed him.

However, the truth had taught him once again.

Ruan Mengmeng did not say anything and only glanced at the sofa and the windowsill.

Zhan mo understood and immediately searched the room according to ruan Mengmengs line of sight.

Ruan Mengmeng had only specifically pointed out a few places, but war desert could accurately find the listening devices in the places she had not pointed out.

He even found two miniature cameras in the corner of the wall.

When Zhan mo took out more than ten surveillance and listening devices and crushed them one by one, his face was a hundred times colder than when he first came in.

After doing all this, Zhan mo pushed the shattered pieces onto the coffee table-

Mengmeng, as you can see, these are the proof that youre not safe here. Youve only been here for a short time, and youre already being monitored by so many things, even micro cameras. You have to be obedient and leave this place as soon as possible. Go back to S country, Yingluo!

Fortunately, the cameras were only placed on the sofa and the desk, not on the bed.

Oh, thank you for taking the initiative to find these things for me. However, Zhan Mos words had no effect on him.

The more he said, the more suspicious ruan Mengmeng became.

Zhan mo didnt give her any reason and just kept asking her to leave.

However, after he entered her room, he could find all the eavesdropping devices very quickly.

If everything really had nothing to do with Zhan mo, how did he find all these things?

If he was the mastermind behind the scenes, then how good was this mans acting?

The more she stayed in the Zhan family, the more ruan Mengmengs heart turned cold.

It wasnt Duan xiuhui or Zhan Jia er who were so bad that they were exposed. It was someone like Zhan mo, who seemed to be good to you but would betray you without hesitation at the critical moment.

For some reason, ruan Mengmeng was fed up with this kind of mutual deception.

She did not know if it was because of Zhan Jia er that Zhan mo had become so shameless and cunning.

He used to be straightforward, daring, and completely evil. At least, she wouldnt feel so ashamed of him.

Zhan mo, Im tired. Ruan Mengmeng, who was standing opposite Zhan mo, suddenly said this.

Since he wanted to lay his cards on the table, he would lay his cards on the table thoroughly.

She asked directly,tell me, what do you want? Is he trying to help Zhan Jia er get back the shares, or is he trying to take my heart away? perhaps, he wants both. After all, shes your most precious little sister. For her sake, you were able to kidnap me from your wedding and use me as a vessel for your heart. He could also pretend to be his father and look for his sister directly, using that insufferably arrogant tone to ask his sister to donate her heart.

Zhan mo, do you know? Its only at times like this that, even though I hate you, I really envy Zhan Jia er. At least, when youre with her, youre a brother who gives her all and gives her everything.

And this brother would never belong to her.

However, when ruan Mengmeng asked such a rare question that showed her

true feelings

Zhan Mos reaction was to frown coldly,Ruan Mengmeng, what are you talking about?

He called her by her full name, his cold tone even mixed with a trace of anger.

when have I ever disguised myself as my father to look for ruan s.h.i.+s.h.i.+?