Hi, My Sweet Lil Moe Wife! - Chapter 1955: The truth is actually like this

Chapter 1955: The truth is actually like this

Chapter 1955: The truth is actually like this

Translator: 549690339

Zhan mo did not know that Lawrence was in the stable at that time. He only knew that his sister was willful. If she really wanted to do something, no one could stop her.

Hes the person in charge of the racecourse, so he should take responsibility! However, Duan xiuhui did not buy it at all. we pay so much members.h.i.+p fees every year to train our horses at their Ranch, but they cant even protect a single important guest.

I heard that Jill was thrown off her horse by Louis. How long has Louis been at the Royal Horse stables? What kind of horse tamer did they hire? they cant even train a horse and even injured its owner?

Duan xiuhuis eyes were red with anxiety. She didnt care. If anything happened to her daughter, she would make these lowly people die with her.

enough! You Shrew, shut up! Lawrence, who was on the verge of breaking down, couldnt take it anymore when Duan xiuhui mentioned the horse trainer.

He could no longer abide by the customer is G.o.d rule of the Royal Horse ranch. He pointed at Duan xiuhui and cursed. Then, he could not help but say in a sorrowful voice, Peter is the best horse tamer in our Royal Horse farm. He has won countless awards and treats animals like his lover and children.

Yingluo is not wrong, he is excellent. The person in the wrong is me, Yingluo, Yingluo.

Lawrence couldnt help but grab his hair with his hands and sob.

Its me who didnt stop that woman. Its me who was afraid of offending the Zhan familys Qianqian. Its me, Qianqian- All of this is clearly against the rules, but that woman used her status as the so-called eldest young miss of the Zhan family to suppress me. Ive already told her that Louis isnt well trained yet and isnt suitable for riding, but she still insists on mounting it. Peter and I tried to stop her, but we couldnt.

Forget about her getting on the horse! Why did you have to grab the horses belly? why did you have to make your own decision? Peter and I have clearly told her repeatedly that Louis is not suitable for running and that she can only take slow strolls. Why didnt she listen!

Lawrences words shocked everyone. All the guests thought it was an accident, but they didnt expect it to be a tragedy that could have been avoided.

However, Duan xiuhui was not easy to deal with. Even though Lawrence looked heartbroken, she said coldly, Impossible! Youre talking nonsense-

My dear Jia er is so kind and innocent. How could she do such a thing? Moreover, she was born with a weak body. She had never ridden a horse by herself before, so how could she suddenly ask to ride a horse? Is it because you dont want to take responsibility that youre trying to frame Yu Jia er? I will not accept such an explanation!

Lawrence laughed bitterly. Im not talking nonsense. Theres the stables surveillance to prove it. From the stable to the outside of the horse track, there are surveillance cameras all along the way. Our surveillance cameras are all equipped with audio recording devices. The Zhan familys young misss threatening and tyrannical behavior in the stable was all captured by the surveillance cameras.

The horses in the stable were all expensive breeds. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, surveillance cameras were installed everywhere.

However, in order not to offend the guests, the manager of the ranch would not take out the surveillance camera to testify unless he had no other choice.

But this time, not only was the horse tracks reputation at stake, it was also related to a persons life.

If Lawrence didnt do something, his conscience would never be at peace. After hearing that Lawrence had surveillance cameras, Duan xiuhui started to believe Lawrences words.

Could it be that all of this was really caused by Zhan Jia ers request to get on

the horse?

But why did her daughter do this when she knew that she had a heart problem?

Duan xiuhui did not understand. She really did not understand..