Hi, My Sweet Lil Moe Wife! - Chapter 1784: Taken away by the police

Chapter 1784: Taken away by the police

Chapter 1784: Taken away by the police

Translator: 549690339

In Zhan MOs heart, when he saw this video, the thing that he was most disappointed with Zhan Jia er was not his sisters seduction with the veil on her face.

It was also not the look of her holding a man and using all her strength to dawdle.

What he was most disappointed in was Zhan Jia ers cowardice and hypocrisy.

If he wanted it, he had to do it openly, even if the means were cruel, even if he was despised by the world.

They didnt care about those people, so what if they despised them?

Ordinary people like ants could not move them at all.

This was Zhan Mos confidence and pride.

What he had done was done, and he would do anything to achieve his goal. It was the choice of the winner and the loser.

However, Jills words disappointed him.

She was actually like those despicable, weak, and despicable people who he

despised, fabricating, twisting, and not daring to admit it.

She was clearly not the victim, yet she could still come up with a full set of lies. She could even cry and cry sadly as she made up a lie about being drugged by li junyu, being seduced by him, and having s.e.x with her.

And among them, the thing that made Zhan MOs heart hurt the most was

She didnt tell him anything about Hanhan.

She had even lied to him.

Brother, big brother Yingluo, no, no Yingluo, I dont have Yingluo At this moment, Zhan Jia er was completely terrified.

When she stood there and watched the television screen clearly show everything she had done that night

All the blood in her body seemed to have frozen, and a bone-chilling coldness jumped out from the soles of her feet along with the scene playing on the TV, and ran along her spine to her heart.

She had never thought that there would be surveillance cameras installed in li junyus bedroom in the Li family home!

That was li junyus bedroom.

The room of the Li familys first young master had no privacy at all and even had surveillance cameras.

thats not right. Big brother, Qianqians video is wrong. That video has been edited. They did something to it, Qianqian. Zhan Jia er was awakened by Zhan MOs cold gaze and low voice.

She didnt have time to panic, she didnt have time to be upset, she used all her strength to think of words to defend herself.

Zhan Jia er clutched her left chest with both hands, frowning deeply as tears streamed down her face.

She stood there, helplessly trying to explain herself. She was on the verge of collapse, as if she was being tortured by the pain in her heart and was about to collapse the next second.

Seeing Zhan Jia er in this state, even though Zhan MOs heart was cold, the disappointment in his eyes was replaced by a habitual worry.

Just as he was about to walk over and support the pale-faced Zhan Jia er, who looked like she was about to faint, there was a sudden noise from outside the door.

Young master, its the police from the police Bureau. They brought an arrest warrant and we couldnt stop Hanhan.

Before Zhan Mos a.s.sistant, Qi Shao, could finish his sentence, officer Zhao, who was in charge of the case, walked in with a team of police officers.

Officer Zhao went straight to the point, suspect Zhan Jia er is suspected of fabricating facts, forging evidence, falsely accusing others, and many other charges. The case has been filed. Miss Zhan Jia er, please cooperate with the police and return to the police station to a.s.sist in the investigation. Zhan mo wanted to stop him.

Mr. Zhan, this matter has already been highly regarded by the higher- ups, officer Zhao said coldly. You should know that we cant enter the military headquarters without permission. Please cooperate with us. Otherwise, the place miss Zhan is going to will not be as simple as the police station. The roots of war desert were in the military.

If Zhan Jia er wasnt interrogated in the police station, then she could only be handed over to the militarys disciplinary Department, which was even more stringent in the interrogation and tougher conditions.

Thinking of this, Zhan Mos decision to order his men to protect Zhan Jia er wavered.

The police, on the other hand, showed no mercy as they stepped forward and took away the crying and wailing Zhan Jia er.

[update completed on 9.20. See you tomorrow night Ill continue to slap you in the face tomorrow night..]