Hi, My Sweet Lil Moe Wife! - Chapter 1591: Make a stand

Chapter 1591: Make a stand

Chapter 1591: Make a stand

Translator: 549690339

The man only had the outline of his back, while the womans head was buried in the mans shoulder, so her face could not be seen.

However, from the a.n.a.lysis of hair style, height, body shape, and other aspects, the sharp-eyed netizens immediately discovered that the man who was holding the woman was young master Li junyu, who had a good figure that could become a professional male model.

And the woman who was in his arms and coquettishly nestled on his shoulder was ruan Mengmeng, who had been filming a movie at the time.

Below the photo, there were comments from the netizens.

[ this photo was taken a few months ago by the makeup artist of the swords guts crew. The makeup artist posted it on Weibo. At the time, ruan Mengmeng was not famous, and no one realized that she was in contact with young master Li, so everyone just thought that it was a normal photo of the crew.

Now that the scandal between young master Li and ruan Mengmeng has been dug out, I immediately thought of this post photo and went to the makeup artists Weibo to look for it. [ luckily, Baobao was quick. Not long after Baobao took the screenshot, the makeup artist deleted that Weibo post. ] Indeed, every woman was a natural Sherlock Holmes.

Even the smallest of clues could lead to clues.

Because of this photo, everyone immediately imagined the timeline.

Nouveau riche 333, whose ident.i.ty was personally acknowledged by first young master Li, pursued when my hair reaches my waist in the early days. Therefore, the young lady when my hair reaches my waist was his real girlfriend.

When when my hair reaches my waist was streaming online, she had good skills, was not pretentious, and had a lot of hardcore fans.

And her performance in the later stages of joining the Feng Yan battle team also made the public look at female professional players in a new light.

After all, the internet was the main battlefield for young people.

Compared to ruan Mengmeng, who only gained national popularity because of the presidents Awards but had no popular works.

As well as the granddaughter of the Zhan family, who had a mysterious ident.i.ty and had never revealed her ident.i.ty to the outside world.

Miss when my hair reaches my waist, who had never shown her face, had instead gained the sympathy of the public.

Especially when the netizens found out that in pursuit of when my hair reaches my waist, 333 had even taken the initiative to join the Guilin club and become a member of the Feng Kun team.

After helping the waist-length lady defeat her own imperial glory technology team and win the league champions.h.i.+p, he immediately imagined a million-word romance novel in his head.

The two of them must have been through the third party, ruan Mengmengs poaching, and the presidents granddaughters forceful approach to get to where they were today.

This time, the good impression that ruan Mengmeng had built up because of her heroic act was completely destroyed.

The presidents granddaughter was also affected.

A large number of supporters of li junyu and the waist-length young ladys reconciliation appeared on Weibo.

At this moment, the eighth Weibo hot topic appeared.

This was a hot topic that had just appeared this morning. It attracted the publics attention as soon as it was logged into Weibo. In just a short while, it had already reached the eighth most searched spot on Weibo.

Ruan Mengmeng followed the netizens discussion and went straight back to the top search list, finding the topic that was ranked eighth.

The eighth most searched hashtag was-#Master of the Li family makes his stand clear, shes the rightful granddaughter-in-law.

Could the head of the Li family be old master Li?

Ruan Mengmeng did not know when her relations.h.i.+p with li junyu had anything to do with the Li family, who had already severed all ties with li junyu.

If li yaoyang was the one who wanted to ask about this, she would understand.

But old master Li?

Curious, ruan Mengmeng clicked on the topic.

The shocking words popped up on the phone- old master Li personally accepted an interview with this newspaper and stated his stand to reject the actress and internet celebrity from marrying into the Li family. The Li family had announced that the only daughter-in-law they acknowledged was the granaaaugnter or tne Lnan ramuy.

[Ill update two chapters first. Ill continue writing after dinner therell be more later..]